It's Friday again, I guess that means Court - Part 2

Friday, continued …

Lu Jingho turned away from watching Anna and Hou Yi, smirking as he did so.  These two needed to go down, and he wanted to make sure they knew their place.  Doing this, he was certain helped do this.

As everyone settled in court the judge quickly came into the court room and indicated "Miss Gang, Gentleman, I have had the opportunity to review the medical report that was submitted by the National Prosecutor's office, after they received it from Mr Nang.  Miss Gang, I understand that you were provided with a copy of this when you arrived this morning.  Have you had time to review it?"

"We have sir," responded Jane.  It was something that she had not discussed with Lu Jingho but knew exactly what he would say.  Wasting time today was something she did not want to do as it would result in nothing for the case.

Lu Jingho, gently pulled her arm and quietly said "What is this"