It is Friday Again, I guess that means Court – Part 6

Friday, continued …

While everything was going on around her, Anna was closely observing Lu Jingho.  It was obvious to her that he was not happy with the court decision as he did not have the control he wanted over the case.  It was, clear however that Jane Gang was controlling his behaviour.  That was good given to would minimize disruptions to the proceedings. 

The reactions of the other members of Lu Jingho's legal team also were interesting.  It told Anna that there was a divide between team members.  That was something when she had the opportunity she would pass on to Alister.

When the case ended, Alister Anna, Hou Yi, Amanda and Yao Tan returned to the room they had previously used and discussed the case,  Anna and Amanda, who Anna was surprised had observed similar thing to her, advised him of their observations.