It's Friday again, I guess that means Court - Part 5

Friday, continued …

The judge looked at all the lawyers and realised that each of them knew he was going to strike a balance that none of they would be completely happy with.  Continuing he said "At present I only have a report on Madam Hou as to the impacts of these proceedings on her.  That is because of her situation, which places her in a different position to most other victims.  But the other victims will be impacted not only by the constant return of these matters to court but the press coverage.  The extent of that is something I cannot gauge as I have no direct evidence on that before me."

"On the other hand, there is the report noting the continued deteriorating of Mr Lu's mental health.  The court system cannot risk, in a case such as this the situation becoming so bad that the cases are delayed so long into the future because his mental health becomes so bad."