Family Dinner - Part 1


As they had arranged with Amanda and Yao Tan, Anna and Hou YI arrived at their apartment just on 6pm. Anna was excited to see James and Alecia for the first time since their return, as she had missed her baby brother. Yes ,she loved all her siblings, but James was always the one that she was the closest to, and having him here with her, while being a cultural shock for him, would be great.

Walking into the apartment they were shown into lounge where James and Alecia where sitting, oblivious to anyone else. Hou Yi cleared his throat to disturb them, and as they jumped apart Alecia called out "Uncle Yi" and the same time James said "Sister".

Hou Yi and Anna sat down, on a couch across from James and Alecia, before Anna asked, "Where is everyone?"

"Dad has not arrived home yet, and Mum arrived about five minutes before you, so she is changing. Junior, Ton and Sally are in the boys suite finishing off some study," came Alecia's response.