This is a disaster


Lu Jingho awoke and realised that Jane had left him alone in the bed.  Ever since the last court date, she had been totally restless.  She had been working so hard to address the situation caused not only by that brat of a son of his statement and handing over the footage.  How in the world did he raise such a stupid son to not only betray him but hand over the best piece of blackmail to bring down Hou Enterprises?

After getting ready he walked down and headed to the study.  It was a day that they had to deal her senior partner.  That was not a pleasant day, but it was a necessary thing.  Thank goodness he had everything under his control.

As he walked in, he could see Jane hard at work with her laptop open and documents spread over the desk, totally immersed in her work.  As she had not realised, he had entered the room, he moved over behind her and slipped his hands into her dress and started caressing and pinching her breasts.