Christmas Plans or Christmas Pains? - Part 7

Wednesday, continued …

Anna turned looking at James and Hou Yi before saying "Seriously, why am I here. I have a lot to do given my working hours have been cut."

"A few things. We have that charity event tonight …"

"Speaking of that Yi, where is the best place I can buy gifts for it. I only found out about it last night and neither Alecia nor I have done anything."

"I will get Assistant Wang to line up a personal shopper to help you at M Mall with that."


"My darling husband," came a sugary response "Do you really want the whale I will be in a maternity dress to go?"

"Stop being silly Anna, you will look fine. Plus, Phillipa and her parents are here for Christmas. They had this planned before her grandfather died and decided to still follow through with it as it will be the last chance they have."

"When did you find out?"