Christmas Plans or Christmas Pains? - Part 8

Wednesday, continued…

When she stopped crying she said "Yi, I know it is selfish to think about only me, but knowing they have not had issues with a pregnancy, and two children when we both know that one of our babies will not survive past a couple of days."

Wiping the tears on Anna's face Hou Yi said "Anna, my love.  Do not worry about them."

Turning and looking at Hou Yi Anna responded "I should be grateful for their actions, as I would not be as happy as I am now.  You know you and our children will be my life, but the consequences of his cheating and what he did still hurt, and that is something that will not go away."

Giving her a kiss Hou Ye responded "Hurting you is something he never deserves to be forgiven for, but we have to remember we would not have what we have had and our bright future without what they did, let alone the manipulation of my father and grandfather."

"I forgot about that…"