A Christmas Gift - Part 1


Hou Yi was woken up with a loud bang in their suite and turned on a bedside light noticing that it was only 5:30am, and that the light was on in their walk-in robe. He quickly got up and walked to the robe, and saw Anna surrounded by a box and immediately asked "Are you OK. What has happened?"

Anna just laughed. It was Christmas Day and she wanted to make the most of it, being the first Christmas with Hou Yi, and their only Christmas without a child.

"Yi, I am just getting ready for our Christmas celebrations. We have to enjoy the day."

Hou Yi simply groaned realising that James was right. This was going to be one painful day, with Anna in full Christmas mode and hence his warning from James not to let her call them before 10am.

"Anna, sweetheart come back to bed. We still have most of the day, and you forget that Christmas tends not to be as important here for everyone as it is in Australia…"