A Christmas Gift - Part 2

Tuesday, continued …

The next thing either of them knew was that there was a knock on the door, and they heard Butler Ge call out "Young Master, Young Madam it is 9:45am, when you told me young master to wake you."

Once they stirred from their sleep, Hou Yi called out "Thank you Butler Ge, we will be down in about forty-five minutes." With that they both got out of bed got ready and headed downstairs. As they arrived in the dining room, they were greeted by James and Alecia, with James calling out "Merry Christmas."

Anna looked between James and Hou Yi realising that these two had something planned. Pouring Anna an orange juice, Hou Yi said "I have something for you, sweetheart come with me," before turning and heading back out of the dining room towards the cinema room. Anna followed with James and Alecia behind her. As they entered the Cinema Room, Anna noticed that the television was on, and it appeared it was set out for something.