A Christmas Gift - Part 3

Tuesday, continued...

Having made her excuses with Lu Jingho, who was making the most of the last few days of freedom by spending it with his newborn granddaughters, Jane was driven to the care facility and told the driver to head home and she would eventually make her way back to the villa.

Yesterday after court had been a reality check for the Lu's, particularly Lu Jingho when the consequences of what had happened at court.  She, however, was in two minds about the sentence.

Walking inside the facility, she headed towards the rear of the main building to head to David's home.  As she exited the door, David was waiting for her.  After giving her a hug he said, "What was your excuse for coming here?"

"I told Lu Jingho that my client's family were refusing to visit him for Christmas, and I said I would come.  He still has no idea about the situation.  But I think today …"