Revenge is best served cold - Part 2

Sunday, continued …

Hearing that her husband wanted to target their son, Du AnLing could only smile. He was really relaxing and enjoying himself. This, for Du AnLing looked well for when their grandchild was born. Kissing her husband Du AnLing said "Just be careful," and she headed towards her daughter-in-law.

While his wife headed towards Anna, Hou Jang, quietly headed towards where the ice was, and as he picked up a piece of ice, he heard this quite little girl's voice behind him saying "Grandpa Hou, what are you going to do?"

Turning around, he realised it was Anna's niece Hannah. He carefully bent down and said "I am joining to join in the fun with your mummy and daddy and uncles and aunts and put a piece of ice down your Uncle Yi's back. Do you want to help me?"