What to Do? - Part 1

Sunday, continued …

Hou Yi looked at his brother-in-law and could see that Adam was sincere. "Fine. What do you have in mind, Adam?"

"Let us head over to where everyone is and you can figure out what you want. But I can promise you I can tell you a few embarrassing things about your wife," Adam said, leading Hou Yi away from his wife and mother. As they moved away, Adam turned towards Anna, and with the smile on his face Anna felt a shiver go down her back.

Meanwhile, Du AnLing reached where Anna was sitting, and sat down beside her. She looked at her daughter-in-law before asking "Sweetheart, how are you?"

"Mother, feeling relaxed, despite my brother's actions. As they say revenge is a dish best served cold, and those two will pay."

All Du AnLing could do was shake her head. She had just heard those words from her husband, but like her husband she knew there was no malice in what either of them had said. "You love your family?"