What to do? - Part 2

Sunday, continued …

Alecia paused realising that she had a lot to say and wondered was it necessary. In the end she decided that the best option was simply to say what she was considering as hopefully it will get Anna into her mindset to give her some help on her direction.

"Anna in the letter, the first thing he says is that he will not fight the charges, and that I deserve more than a simply apology from him. He said that if I want him to go to jail, that he would accept that, but he simply asked that whatever I want as a penalty be tempered with mercy. He then explains how he ended up caught in his father's actions. That story even makes me feel sorry for him."

"What!" spat out Anna. She could not believe Lu Jinhu had been as brazen as to detail that in the letter to Alecia. She did not need to know all that sordid detail.