What to Do? - Part 3

Sunday, continued …

Alecia took a short breath, having gotten over the hardest part and continued "Lu Jinhu now indicates that he has not issue in handing the footage to the police as in the end his view is that his father deserves what happens to him. He just hoped that his actions while delaying justice will give me the justice I deserve." Alecia paused for a few seconds "I am not totally sure as to whether what he is saying is the truth, but if it is, I can only be grateful that he is willing cooperate to get me justice."

"Alecia, do you want him to go to jail?"

"Absolutely. But for how long, I am not certain. Before the letter as I said I would have liked to see him jailed for life, but now not that long, but I do not know for how long I want him jailed. The problem for me is I know his wife is pregnant, and I worry for his child. Yang Lin is a total airhead and she lives for her social media and does not seem to care who she hurts with whatever she does."