Taking control of the Legal Team - Part 11

***Warning, material in this chapter is not suitable for readers under the age of 18***

Friday, continued …

Despite being naked with Lu Jingho in his study, and them stopping occasionally to pleasure each other Jane was able to quickly and remotely arrange the appointments she needed for Lu Jingho for her suggested course of action, while Madam Lu watched them pleasuring each other.

Having gotten Jane's consent to be his legally recognised live-in lover, he had Jane prepare the agreement, which they both Lu's and Jane signed without hesitation, with their signatures being witnessed by two staff members dragged in, who did not react to the scene. When they left, Jane and Lu Jingho quickly has s*x on his desk with Madam Lu encouraging them all the way. As she came down from her pleasure high, Jane realised the time and said "You need to get ready otherwise you will miss your appointment with the psychologist."