Taking control of the Legal Team - Part 12

Friday, continued …

Alister Nang, on his arrival at Hou Enterprises for his appointment with Hou Yi was immediately shown to his office, where surprisingly he found Anna there as well. As the door was closed Anna turned to Alister seeing a look she hated seeing on other lawyer's faces, and quickly asked "Alister you look like you have some bad news. Tell us what it is?"

"CEO and Madam Hou, I will be keeping this reasonable brief as I have to meet CEO and Madam Yao later. Early this morning I received a call from another client, whose name I will not be divulging for their own protection, giving me some concerning news. I have been attempting to verify this all day without little success, save and except one part which may help make some sense of it."

Hou Yi wanting to get Anna home early today, snapped "Well what is it? Anna has not been feeling well today, and we held off leaving for this meeting."