Return and Reality - Part 4

Monday, continued…

Hou Yi could see that Anna was extremely angry. He took a deep breath and quietly said "Calm down Anna. They also sent me the email they sent you. I am taking it at face value in that they are being over cautious, as you are my wife, not just any other employee."

"Well, la-di-da. You know I need to work and keep busy, and you are letting…" yelled Anna

"Anna, just because you are my wife, do not think that allows you to get away with anything. As I told you this morning, I will not bend company policy for you. The agreement we struck with ANX means that you are still technically a lawyer employed by them but working in Hou Enterprises means that you are governed by our employment policies. Those I will not make an exception for you to."

"Yi, this is stupid. It is making me crazy."