Return and Reality - Part 5

Monday, continued…

Towards the end of the day, Hou Yi was interrupted by a knock on his office door. As he looked up Assistant Wang had entered. "Sir, CEO Ru is here and wondered if he could have a few minutes of your time. "

Not really wanting to deal with King, but realising that he would not have come here unless is was something significant, Hou Yi responded "Show him in." Dealing with whatever had brought King here was better that him causing problems.

Once the door shut behind him, King moved over and sat down on the couch before saying "Toff, we need to talk, but where is your wife?"

"Out shopping. She is currently annoyed with me, and is showing her displeasure through spending, given my mother and aunt are with her, a lot of money."

"Damn, you are worse than I ever was. You enable her behaviour and letting your mother and aunt of the spending leash you had them on."