Reality of actions

Monday, continued …

Inside the room, after Jane left, Lu Jingho sat at the desk, and started to read the document Jane provided him with.  Turning to the financial obligations within the document Lu Jingho realised that he was hit financially.  While the agreement provided that Jane got nothing if she ended the agreement, there was a provision that allowed her to get ten time the amount she would have received if he reached normal life expectancy for males plus four properties if he was jailed within the first three years of the agreement.

The worst thing was he could not claim he knew nothing as each of the financial clauses were initialled and as he looked at the last clause, it clearly stated that Jane had told him to get legal advice before signing and both him and his wife acknowledged that they knew this and signed without getting such advice.  That b*tch, she played on his s*xual needs in her actions.