Someone else's revenge


Anna awoke wrapped in the arms of her husband.  For her in that moment life was perfect, she had a husband who loved her and who she loved back, and they were expecting their first children.  Having spent the short time away as a break with Hou Yi was what she needed, given everything that had happened in the last few weeks.  She had forgotten what taking thing easy with her husband was like.

As she moved to head into the bathroom, Hou Yi's mobile started to ring, and he quickly picked it up, saying "What?"

Watching the emotions on his face, she wondered what the news that shocked him to the core was.  He quickly ended the call, and turned to Anna saying "You would not believe what has happened?"

"Something to someone we care for?"

"Absolutely not, but it will be pleasing to know."

"You have me intrigued.  What is it?"

"Jane Gang…"

"What happened?"