Chapter 19 - In Between Tails

The old hokage made his way towards the kage box and thought "That Naruto, to think he was able to remove the cage bird seal with killing the host. You would be so proud Minato; he has already surpassed you in seals".

"Everything alright Hokage-dono?" – the Raikage asked.

"Yes, that Naruto always gives me headaches" – the hokage said sighing. Now that Hinata revealed that Naruto is able to remove the cage bird seal the hyuugas will have a field day. Especially the main house since they treat the branch house like slaves. If the branch house managed to get rid of the seal they would surely rebel against the main house and since they outnumber them almost 5 to 1 it wouldn't be pretty for the main house. In the end Hinata got off well and only got thrown out of the clan instead of being sent to the branch side of the family.

"Indeed. To be that skilled with seals at such young age. He really honors the Uzumaki Clan" – the Raikage said. "He will be a major threat in the future if he continues like this. What to do?" – the Raikage mused in thought.

The Kazekage seethed is teeth and cursed the damn blond in his thought. "That brat is getting to dangerous. To think he managed to hold me long enough for the ANBU to arrive…Even more is his work with seals. He might be able to remove the curse seal and I can't allow that. I'll make sure he dies today" – Orochimaru thought.

"You didn't even see the tip of the iceberg Raikage." – the hokage said making the Raikage narrow his eyes.

"Yes I know he's the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki" – the Raikage said much to the shock of the old hokage.

"How do you know?" – the hokage asked narrowing his eyes at the Raikage and studying him.

"You forget I have the Nibi Jinchuuriki competing and my brother, the Hachibi Jinchuuriki, is their jonin sensei. They all met before the beginning of the exams" – the Raikage said chuckling. "But I wonder how much control he has over the beast" – the Raikage said eyeing the hokage.

"Who knows? I never sensed him training with its chakra so I wouldn't know." – the hokage replied.

"He's your jinchuuriki and you don't know?" – the Raikage asked in disbelief.

"Like I told you, Naruto is very secretive and special. I know he's been training himself since he was five years old" – the hokage said lightly chuckling.

"Did you know that when your father arranged the Hyuuga kidnapping Naruto was the one that killed the kidnapper and rescued the heiress" – the hokage said and chuckled even more when everyone stared at the hokage thinking he was crazy.

"You surely must be joking. How can a six year old kill a jonin? True he wasn't and elite jonin but still… a six year old that didn't even entered the academy. The only thing I can think of was the Kyuubi helping" – the Raikage said.

"I assure you I'm not joking Raikage-dono. When I arrived at the scene Naruto was holding Hinata and the kidnapper had a kunai in his chest" – the hokage explained and the Raikage seethed his teeth.

"Then the kyuubi is the only explanation." – the Raikage said crossing is arms.

"I doubt it" – the hokage said and everyone focused on him "When I arrived at the scene there wasn't any trace of the Kyuubi's chakra being used. I didn't see the battle but from what he told me Naruto tricked him with a clone and finished him when he got the opportunity" – the hokage explained.

"Looks like you have been hiding a diamond." – the Kazekage said "If he was that skilled at such young age why is he still a gennin?" – the Kazekage asked.

"You all know how Jinchuurikis are treated right?" – the hokage asked and everyone nodded. Everyone seemed to be interested in the young blond. "He chose to hide his strength. He decided to take the full academy course so he could have time to train himself and be able to protect himself and anyone he cares about" – the hokage finished explaining.

"Deception. The true shinobi way" – the Kazekage said.

"You know something Raikage?" – the hokage asked chuckling.

"What?" – Raikage asked.

"Your village tends to create some of our best couples. You kidnapped Uzumaki Kushina and she was rescued by Namikaze Minato and they later became a couple. A few years ago you kidnapped Hinata and Naruto rescued her. Now they are boyfriend and girlfriend and are living together" – the hokage said laughing.

"Are you saying you have another Yellow Flash and Red Death in the making?" - the raikage asked. The yondaime hokage was something of a rival in terms of speed to the raikage. The yondaime was the only man to ever dodge a frontal attack from the raikage while using his famous lightning armor. The yondaime's wife and Naruto's mother was Uzumaki Kushina, in truth she was Senju Kushina but no one knew, also known in the bingo book as Aka no Shi (Red Death) due her vibrant blood red hair. She was a very powerful kunoichi and extremely talented in Suiton ninjutsu and kenjutsu.

"I have faith in them. Every generation is supposed to surpass the previous" - the hokage wisely said.

"I've been wondering something. Hokage-dono wasn't Hyuuga Hinata supposed to be the heiress? Why did she have the cage bird seal? And why is she living with the blonde brat if she is a Hyuuga?" – the Raikage asked.

"Simple enough. Hinata's father thought she was weak and disavowed from the clan and placed the seal on her. Then she went to live with Naruto and things went on from there" – the hokage explained.

"Weak? She just defeat the so called Hyuuga prodigy" – the Kazekage said.

"What can I say? Naruto has a way to encourage people and I bet he has been training with her since she was expelled" – the hokage explained.

"I look forward to see his match against the last Uchiha" – the Raikage said.

"It will be an interesting match" – the hokage said "I wonder if he will reveal his sharingan" – the hokage thought.

"Now let's continue watching the matches. It looks like it's the second match is about to start" – the hokage said and everyone turned to the arena.

## With Crowd ##

"Fuu from Taki and Nii Yugito from Kumo please came to the arena to begin your match" - Hayate called out from the arena.

"Good luck Fuu, Yugito" - Naruto said to both of them as they made their way towards the arena.

"Who do you think will win?" - Hinata asked.

Naruto brought his right hand to his chin in a thinking pose. "I don't really know what they can do so it's hard for me to say" - Naruto started. "If they use their partners then Fuu would win if she has enough control. Otherwise can't really say because I don't know their individual skills" - Naruto explained.

"Hey Kurenai-sensei you fought with Fuu against those Oto Jonin when we went to Taki right?" - Hinata asked.

"Yes, why do you ask?" - Kurenai asked. She wasn't paying particular attention to their conversation since she was watching both jinchuurikis made their way towards the middle of the arena.

"We are trying to find out who will win since she will fight me next. What can you tell me about Fuu" - Hinata asked.

"Uhmmmm" - Kurenai thought before beginning. "Well for starters she didn't need to use her bijuu's chakra. Her taijutsu was nothing special, I'd put her around low-chunnin level. However her ninjutsu is far better, she was primarily a water user but she had a few secret and bug techniques" - Kurenai explained.

"Hey" - Naruto said and got their attention. "I remember what Kabuto said about Yugito during the first stage of the chunnin exams. He said she was good at both taijutsu and ninjutsu so I would assume around mid-chunnin level on both" - Naruto said.

"Nothing you can't handle" - Naruto said and she nodded and looked to the arena.

"You sure have a lot of faith in her" - Asuma said and he joined the conversation since his curiosity was peaked when they began to talk.

"Of course I have faith on my girlfriend" - Naruto said grinning and Asuma mumbled something about lucky blonde brats. "Did you see what she did to Neji?" - he asked almost rhetorically. Everyone saw Neji getting his ass kicked by the supposed shy former heiress of the Hyuuga Clan.

"Yes I saw, good job. It will be good to that arrogant ass" - Asuma said chuckling. "Though I never expected her to win" - he said honestly.

"Don't you faith in my teachings?" - Kurenai asked in a dangerous voice.

"Of course not Kurenai-chan" - Asuma quickly replied waving his hands trying to dismiss the situation before she casted a genjutsu on him.

"*cough*...whipped...*cough*" - Naruto discretely said and Asuma narrowed his eyes at the blonde.

"What was that Naruto-kun?" - Hinata asked in a very sweet voice.

"Nothing Hina-chan" - Naruto quickly said and Asuma slightly laughed.

"Troublesome women" - Shikamaru said.

## Arena ##

"Both contestants ready?" - Hayate asked.

"HAI" - both replied.

"HAJIME" - Hayate said and jumped out of their way. He knew they were both jinchuurikis and he didn't want to get caught in the middle of them.

"Shall we keep them out of the fight?" - Fuu asked.

Yugito thought for a while. Most of Yugito techniques rely on her using her bijuu's chakra. Not that she was weak without her cat but the fact she trained primarily in using her bijuu, if removed, it would cripple her ninjutsu. "How about we keep it to two tails max?" - Yugito asked.

"Sounds good" - Fuu replied and took a kunai and got in her stance as Yugito pulled her sword from her back.

Yugito quickly ran forward and tried a horizontal slash. Fuu quickly ducked and rolled to the side, she quickly got up and tried to kick Yugito in the chest. Yugito however managed to completely bend the top of her body backwards almost to a 90 degree angle avoiding the kick as it passed safely above her.

## With Crowd ##

Naruto whistled when he Yugito bend like that. That kind of flexibility isn't possible for humans. Even if she is a shinobi, bending at such an angle should have broken her spine.

"That's the Nibi's effect. Her hosts have an extremely high flexibility due to the fact Nibi being a cat" - Kurama explained to Naruto.

"How come I have nothing of useful from you?" - Naruto asked.

"Ungrateful brat. You have high regeneration and negative emotion sensing ability" - Kurama explained.

"That's good and all but that isn't particularly effective in combat" - Naruto replied.

"What do you mean isn't useful?... Your sensing ability coupled with your sharingan makes impossible for anyone to hide from you" - Kurama explained. For someone who is so smart he sometimes could still be a knucklehead. Maybe all that pretending during academy days affected him.

"Never thought of that" - Naruto said and Kurama sweat dropped.

## Arena ##

Fuu and Yugito exchanged punches, kicks and strikes for a few minutes. Even though the fight came tied it seemed that Yugito clearly had the advantage in taijutsu. Her flexibility made it very difficult for Fuu to hit her, even more since Yugito was using a sword.

"Kumo-Ryu Kaengiri (Cloud Style: Flame Slice)" - Yugito said slashed horizontally towards Fuu. Yugito's sword was imbued with fire and as such it created a fire ring around Fuu preventing her from leaving the area.

"Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Release: Wild Water Wave)" - Fuu said and gathered water in her mouth. She quickly gushed the water out from her mouth and quickly put out the flames.

"She's a water user. She will have advantage in ninjutsu but I seem to an edge on taijutsu" - Yugito thought as she watched Fuu performed a low level Suiton jutsu to put out the fire.

"Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Great Fireball technique)" - Yugito said and unleashed a hot fire ball towards Fuu. Fuu noticing it was a fireball and not a fire stream quickly jumped to the right dodging the fireball.

Yugito quickly appeared next to her and said "Kumo-Ryu Omotegiri (Cloud Style: Front Slice)". Yugito made a very fast horizontal slice and Fuu's head separated cleanly from her shoulders.

Yugito didn't think she would have been defeated this easily and her suspicions were true when Fuu turned into a piece of rock showing Fuu performed a Kawarimi.

"Suiton - Teppoudama (Water Bullet)" - Fuu said and shot a couple of compressed water bullets from her mouth. Yugito turned just in time to see Fuu perform the jutsu. In a show of speed Yugito used her sword and sliced through every single bullet taking no damage from it.

## Kage Box ##

"Looks like this year's gennin are talented." - the hokage commented.

"Very true. Usually elemental ninjutsu is only trained after becoming a chunnin" - the Kazekage said.

"What did you expect from jinchuurikis?" - the raikages asked rhetorically before continuing. "Even without using their bijuu's chakra they develop high chakra reserves so they tend to go for ninjutsu very early" - the raikage commented.

"True" - the hokage replied. "By the way after seeing the Hyuugas match I firmly recommend Hyuuga Hinata for chunnin. She remained calm even though her opponent was taunting her and she displayed a high level of taijutsu" - the hokage explained.

"Agreed" - both the kazekage and the raikage said.

## With the Crowd ##

"As expected Yugito as the advantage in taijutsu but they seem to tie in ninjutsu. If this continues Yugito will win" - Naruto said.

"Uhm... I have better taijutsu than Yugito and I mainly used suiton ninjutsu so if Yugito wins I have the advantage" - Hinata thought.

"Looks like they are about to take this up a notch" - Naruto said and they turned to face the arena.

## Arena ##

"Shall we bring our partners into the battle?" - Fuu asked and Yugito eagerly nodded. She was anxious to show everyone her true power.

"Bring it on" - Yugito replied.

"Let's go Nibi" - Yugito said.

"Right Kitten" - Nibi replied.

"Let's show them Chomei" - Fuu said.

"Alright" - Chomei replied pumping something into the air. Not really sure if it was a wing or an arm.

Everyone in the crowd watching in amazement as red chakra seemed to envelop both contestants. The red chakra radiated from both her stomachs and swirled around them before stopping. When it stopped both of were fully enclosed in a semi transparent red chakra cloak with two tails swirling in their back.

## With Crowd ##

"What's happening?" - Sakura asked. She had never seen someone being enveloped in a chakra. In fact she had never even heard of red chakra for that matter so what she was seeing was completely knew.

"That is what is called the jinchuuriki cloak." - Naruto explained.

"What?" - Sakura asked not really understanding.

"Do you know what a bijuu is?" - Asuma asked.

"You mean like the Kyuubi?" - Sakura asked.

"Yes. There are 9 bijuu starting from the Ichibi and ending in the Kyuubi. People that have a bijuu sealed inside them are called Jinchuurikis and when they use their bijuu power that's what happens" - Asuma explained pointing towards the arena.

"Wow" - Sakura said astonished. "But..." - Sakura started and everyone turned to her. "I thought that the Yondaime killed the Kyuubi... but you can't kill a bijuu...which means that someone in our village as the Kyuubi inside of him" - Sakura said.

"You are smarter than you look" - Naruto said chuckling.

"Shut up Naruto-baka" - Sakura screeched.

"Asuma-sensei, who is our Jinchuuriki?" - Sakura asked and Naruto looked at Asuma too see if he going to reveal it to her.

"Everything about the Kyuubi is a secret. Only chunnins and above know about him" - Asuma explained and Naruto sighed in relief. He didn't want to have to explain everything to the crazy banshee. Knowing her she would probably want Naruto to release the Kyuubi and give it to Sasuke.

"Some secret" - Naruto thought not realizing he said it out loud.

"What do you mean Naruto-baka. Do you know him?" - Sakura asked but it was more a demand.

"Keep it down Sakura and yes I do know who he is" - Naruto replied.

"How can a baka like you know?" - Sakura smugly asked.

"Shove a bijuudama (tailed beast ball) up her ass right here" - Kurama said and Naruto chuckled in his mind.

"Can't do a bijuudama in here but... I can do a Rasengan" - Naruto replied.

"Why do you want me to tell you?" - Naruto asked.

"I want to know who he is so he can give it to Sasuke-kun" - Sakura said and everyone stared at her.

"Is she crazy?" - Asuma asked in thought.

"I need to talk to Kakashi to see if he sends her to a few sessions with Inoichi" - Kurenai thought. That level of obsession is going to be her downfall sometime.

"Damn, that is some dedicated fan girl" - Kurama said.

"How do you know about fan girls?" - Naruto asked curiously.

"Let's just say I was very...popular when I was a kit" - Kurama said slightly embarrassed.

"Don't tell me you were chased by females kitsunes?" - Naruto asked incredulously.

"Yeah" - Kurama replied remembering his dark days.

"Looks like every race has fan girls" - Naruto said laughing.

"It's not a IT it's a HIM" - Naruto explained.

"How would you know baka" - Sakura screeched once again. Hinata approached her and gave her a Juuken strike to her throat disabling her voice.

"You are too loud Sakura" - Hinata said and Sakura tried to curse her but no sound came from her mouth. Even though no one said anything they were all happy that Sakura was silent for once.

"That Naruto seems to know a lot about bijuus...he said that there were only five people that could open the gates and Hinata said that three of them were in the tower's arena...if Fuu is a jinchuuriki and can open the stands to reason that Naruto is the kyuubi's jinchuuriki...that would explain his treatment...troublesome blondes" - Shikamaru thought as he overheard the entire conversation.

"If you stop screaming I'll open your tenketsu" - Hinata said and Sakura nodded sadly.

"Naruto" - Sakura said calmly while looking at Hinata. She nodded and Sakura continued. "How do you know that the Kyuubi is a He?" - she asked.

"I've read a lot about them. And even though they aren't humans they aren't things. For instants, Yugito has the Nibi sealed inside of her. She's a cat. The bijuu have their own personality like every other animal out there." - Naruto explained and Sakura nodded.

"So..." - Sakura began. "Will you tell me who the jinchuuriki is?" - she asked in a very sweet voice trying to know who he is.

"Why do you want to know so badly?" - Naruto asked.

"Oh come on Naruto I want to know too" - Ino said. Everyone stared at the blonde wondering if he was going to tell them who he was. The rookies were all oblivious about the jinchuurikis identity but among all of them there were a few that knew. The jonins of course, Hinata and Shino and the sand team.

"Are you sure you want to tell them?" - Hinata asked

"Yes I do. They will find out eventually might as well tell them now and get this over with" - Naruto said and everyone turned to him.

"Fine I'll tell who he is." - Naruto said and everyone almost had star in their eyes.

"First I'll say that he's our classmate from the academy" - Naruto said and everyone was shocked. Naruto chuckled and continued. "My name is Uzumaki Naruto, jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Yoko" - he said and a immediate silence followed his proclamation.

"Yeah right. The dead last has the most powerful bijuu sealed inside of him" - Kiba said and everyone snapped from their stupor and laughed.

"You want me to show you my version 1 cloak?" - Naruto asked and they all stopped laughing.

"Are you serious?" - Kiba asked.

Naruto summoned the kyuubi's chakra and immediately went to his version cloak with two tails as well. His eyes were blood red with black vertical slit, his whiskers were more pronounced and his fangs grew bigger. Around his body the same semi transparent blood red chakra cloak with two tails swirling behind him.

"Deadly" - Naruto replied but his voice was deeper than his usual due to the kyuubi's chakra. "Believe me now?" - he asked and they all nodded slightly scared of his knew voice and appearance.

"Now that you know what are you going to do?" - he asked.

"Nothing" - Kiba said.

"You don't think i'm a monster?" - Naruto asked. Naruto didn't really care what they thought. As long he had the people that cared for him he was happy.

"Of course not. I know the difference between kunai and the scroll" - Kiba said.

"Thanks, maybe you should tell that to the villagers" - Naruto said sighing as he focused on the fight that was going on the arena.

## Arena ##

The arena was almost totally destroyed from the battle between two jinchuurikis. The arena was filled with water and yet the earth was scorched from Yugito's flames. Both of them were showing symptoms of fatigue. Even though they had plenty of chakra they didn't the stamina to keep up.

"Katon: Ao Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Great Blue Fireball technique)" - Yugito called out a sent a huge blue fireball towards Fuu. The fireball was empowered by the Nib's chakra giving a blue color and almost triple the power.

"Suiton - Daibakufu no Jutsu (Waterfall Vortex)" - Fuu called out and water from the ground rose in front of her and formed a vortex of sorts. The water immediately blasted from the vortex and clashed with the fireball. The clash produced a big steam cloud that covered most of the arena.

Yugito took this opportunity and channeled Nibi's chakra to her nails increasing the length and resistance of them. As the steam cloud dispersed she quickly dashed towards Fuu. Fuu didn't expect Yugito to come at her so soon and wasn't prepared for her slash with her fingernails.

Fuu received the full brunt force of the slash from both hands to her chest and right leg. She jumped back and clutched her chest. Her mesh armor managed to absorb most of the damage but it still managed to cut her pretty deeply.

Fuu focused Chomei's chakra in her chest area and the wound immediately started to heal, a few seconds later there wasn't evidence of anything had even happened.

Fuu used Chomei's chakra and focused to her back. From her back emerged two wings and Fuu started to lift off from the ground and flew in the air a few meters above the ground.

Fuu continued to dodge multiple fireballs sent Yugito as she prepared her bugs to attack. Yugito quickly run up the wall in the arena in all fours, much like a cat. Yugito propelled herself from the wall and tackled Fuu while in the air.

Yugito pinned Fuu's legs and arms so she couldn't escape and stood above her as they plummeted towards the earth. Yugito focused chakra to her legs and just as they were about to crash, Yugito jumped up sending Fuu to the ground even harder.


The arena ground shook from the impact and cloud of dust emerged. Yugito's cloak vanished and she was breathing a bit heavily, nothing that a bit of rest wouldn't solve. The dust started to clear to show Fuu completely knocked out.

Hayate approached Fuu and noticing she was unconscious called the medics. "Winner by knockout: Nii Yugito" - Hayate said and the crowd erupted in cheers. After all the civilians can only watch gennin's fight otherwise they wouldn't be able to keep up with the battle and a battle like this is rare.

## Kage Box ##

"That's my girl" - raikage said proud that Yugito had won. Yugito was a orphan since her parents died when the Hachibi was accidentally unleashed so the Raikage took her in and raised her like his own daughter.

"They both fought very well and both seem to have good control over their power. I'd recommend both for chunnin" - Kazekage said.

"Indeed" - the hokage agreed with both kages.

## With Crowd ##

"Congrats Yugito" - Naruto said giving her a thumbs up.

"Thank you. It was a hard fight" - Yugito replied. "I sensed the Kyuubi's chakra from down there. What were you doing?" - she asked.

"Just showing my friends my cloak" - Naruto said like it was nothing. "It will take a while for them to get used to me being a jinchuuriki but I think they will warm up to me" - he said as he looked at the smiling faces of his friends and surprisingly enough Sakura too.

"You told them you are a jinchuuriki?" - she asked not believing her hears.

"Of course. I told them during your match as I explained them your two tail cloak" - Naruto explained. "Why do you ask?" - he asked.

"Because you know very well how we are treated and for you to publically flaunt that you're a jinchuuriki is rather strange" - Yugito said.

"Bee does the same. But I have people that care about me knowing what I am, their opinion is the only thing that matters to me. The others I just shrugged them off and if they try anything they end up in the hospital with broken bones" - Naruto said and Yugito dumbly nodded.

"Nara Shikamaru and Sabaku no Temari please make your towards the arena" - Hayate called out.


"That lazy ass" - Ino said face palming.

"What did you expect from Shikamaru" - Naruto said.

"I guess" - Ino replied.

"Because it would be to troublesome to explain" - Naruto said grinning and a few snickered.

"If Sasuke doesn't arrive he's going to be disqualified" - Naruto said. "I thought I took care Kakashi's bad habits" - Naruto said out loud.

## Kage Box ##

"That was...anti-climatic" - the hokage said and he watched Shikamaru give up.

"Yes but he displayed a very good tactical mind. As expected from a Nara" - the raikage thought.

"..." - the kazekage remained silent.

"Do you agree that he should be a chunnin?" - the hokage asked and they both nodded.

"The chunnin are leaders and he displayed very good planning and remained calm even thought he probably knew he wouldn't win" - the raikage said.

"Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke please make you way towards the arena" - Hayate called out.

"Looks like the Uchiha is no show, what a shame" - the raikage said.

"Yes looks like he will be disqualified" - the hokage said and getting ready to get up and disqualify him when the kazekage interrupted him.

"Please wait Hokage-dono. I wish to see the Uchiha fight that Uzumaki Naruto, let's continue with the rest of the matches until he arrives" - the kazekage said.

"You do realize that if he isn't capable of respecting appointments then he isn't chunnin material" - the hokage said.

"If I understand correctly Hatake Kakashi as the knack for arriving hours late to any appointment and he's an elite jonin" - the kazekage smugly said.

The hokage knew that the kazekage had a point and there was nothing he could do to argue. "As you whish...but if he isn't here when is his time then he WILL be disqualified" - the hokage said.

"Of course" - the kazekage replied. The hokage turned to his bodyguard and he went to Hayate and explained the situation.

"As Uchiha Sasuke has yet to show up we will proceed with the matches" - Hayate said. "Sabaku no Gaara and Sabaku no Kankuro please proceed to the arena" - Hayate called out.

"Proctor, I forfeit" - Kankuro yelled from the balconies.

"OK...Winner by forfeit: Sabaku no Gaara"- Hayate said.

"Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke please make your way to the arena" - Hayate called out.

"That was some time the Uchiha gained" - the raikage said chuckling. Then in the arena the wind started gathering and leafs started spinning. Everyone watched the scene unfold. A few seconds later Uchiha Sasuke appeared with Hatake Kakashi via leaf shunshin.

"I hope we aren't late" - Kakashi said while sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

"You arrived just in time" - Hayate said. "Name?" - he asked.

"Sasuke...Uchiha Sasuke" - Sasuke replied in his almighty tone.

Naruto was leaving the balcony towards the arena when Sakura called out. "Naruto" - she called getting his attention "Please don't hurt him too much" - she said.

Naruto never in a million years expected her to say something like that to him. "Don't worry I won't use the kyuubi if that's what you are saying. I prefer using my own power" - he replied but the worry face she had didn't change.

"I won't kill him relax" - he said and she let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

## Arena ##

"I was getting the impression you wouldn't come Sasuke" - Naruto said while approaching the three in the arena.

"Why wouldn't I come? I'm only fighting you" - Sasuke said.

"I see your attitude hasn't changed" - Naruto replied and turned towards Kakashi. "I hope you didn't tell him about my bloodline" - Naruto said and Sasuke scowled.

"Don't worry the only thing I told him is that he knows your bloodline as well he knows his own" - Kakashi said.

"Ahhh...The word play" - Naruto said chuckling and got a confused face from Sasuke. "You'll know soon enough" - he said and Kakashi left the arena.

"Uzumaki Naruto vs. Uchiha Sasuke ready?" - Hayate called out and both nodded.