Chapter 23: Invasion

## Konoha Outskirts ##

About a half a mile outside of Konoha there was an ANBU team doing patrol. It was a regular mission and they seemed calm as patrol mission very rarely presented any trouble at all.

Although they seemed calm on the outside all of the ANBU personal was warned about the incoming invasion and as such they were all in high alert, they just didn't show it. Suddenly an ANBU of said team stopped and look around.

"Sense anything?" Another ANBU asked.

"No captain" the ANBU that stopped replied while replied another thing to his team leader using the ANBU sign language. "Possible shinobi group" the anbu said and the leader nodded.

The ANBU quickly and stealthily approached the encampment and say eight sand shinobi fathered in a circle. In the middle of the circle was kanji spread through it and stopping just near each of the sand shinobi's feet.

Each of the sand shinobis had a small scroll in their mouths and was going trough hand seals very slowly. From the looks of it the technique seemed awfully complicated and it seemed they must not get it wrong.

"Looks like a summoning ring" one ANBU said to their captain.

"Yes…we can't allow them to summon anything. Get in your positions" the captain ordered.

"I can't allow that" a voice suddenly said behind them. They all turned around and saw a man. He had auburn hair, dark eyes, he wore a simple black jacket and pants with mesh armor underneath. He carried a small canister strapped to his hip. It was none other than the Yondaime Kazekage himself.

Suddenly, what appeared to be sand started flowing out of his canister and quickly and swiftly it wrapped around all four ANBU crushing them to death.

"Let's get this over with" – the Kazekage commanded.

## Stadium - Crowd ##

"What's this?" Sakura asked as she watched feathers start falling from nowhere making her sleepy. "Genjutsu?" She asked right before breaking the illusion.

"Genjutsu?" Sasuke wondered as he also broke the illusion.

"We are being invaded by the Sound and Sand" Kakashi explained as he fought against a couple of Sound shinobi.

"WHAT?" Sakura yelled. "The Sand is our ally" she stated.

"They are no longer our allies. We knew about this invasion since the end of the second phase of the chunnin exams so we are prepared" Kakashi said trying to ease the worries of a fresh gennin.

"Then why didn't we know?" Sasuke asked getting pissed off by being kept in the dark.

"We had to keep it a secret so they didn't find out we knew." Kakashi said. Sakura was pretty much terrified from what was happening. She never had any real type of mission aside from the wave mission that got bumped into an A-rank so she was pretty fresh. Sakura was from a civilian family and as such she wasn't prepared from the hardships of a shinobi life and lived her life sheltered in Konoha.

Sakura was about to ask another thing when they noticed Gaara explode in Sand and showing his fully transformed bijuu. Sakura never got so scared in her life in seeing such a colossal beast right in front of her. In that moment she realized what people must have faced when the kyuubi attacked fourteen years ago.

"S-S-Sensei…G-Gaara" Sakura tried to say but her voice didn't reach her. She looked around and everyone from her graduation class as sleeping along with the civilians. Only Sakura, Hinata and apparently Sasuke managed to dispel the genjutsu. Sasuke is an arrogant kid but he isn't without skill.

"Don't worry Sakura. I said we planned for this and Naruto will take care of Gaara" Kakashi said.

"You mean that dobe knew while me, an Uchiha elite, didn't?" Sasuke asked.

"This isn't the time gennin" Kakashi said in a serious voice. "Your mission is to help evacuate the civilians to the shelters. Wake up your classmates and separate into teams. GO" Kakashi commanded and Sakura immediately jumped to her feet while Sasuke was reluctant but nodded as well.

"Hinata team up with Zabuza and Haku and start sweeping and treating those you can" Kakashi said and she nodded.

"HOLY…" Kakashi all but yelled when he look at the arena and saw a massive poof of smoke. But the surprising part was that the smoke wasn't coming from Shukaku but rather from Naruto himself.

## Kage Box ##

When Orochimaru gave the signal to start the invasion the entire kage box erupted in smoke blocking the sight of the kages and making the guards take defensive maneuvers to ensure the safety our their leader.

Every one of them jumped from the kage box and to the nearby roof. What neither of them expected was for the Kazekage's guards to suddenly become fours people each one of them taking a corner of the roof.

Each one of the guards was from the sound. All of them went through the same hand seals at the same time. They all shouted "Ninpou – Shishienjin (Ninja Art: Four Flames Formation)" and a purple barrier like the one in the arena emerged and trapped the kages inside.

Inside the barrier was the hokage, the Raikage, the Kazekage and surprisingly there was also Jiraya who managed to followed his sensei to the roof and also got trapped inside.

"What's the meaning of this?" The Raikage asked not pleased with what was happening. Each of the kages was keeping a secure distance from each other.

"I'm sorry for not warning you Raikage-dono but I didn't know which side you would take" the hokage spoke and made the Raikage glare at him.

"Explain" the Raikage almost shouted.

"Let's me make the honors Raikage" the Kazekage said before removing his clothes and revealing a smirking Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru?" the Raikage asked not believing his eyes. How could Orochimaru be posing as the Kazekage and neither he nor his guards noticing it.

"I am" Orochimaru replied with a twisted smile. "Now Sensei let the fun begin" Orochimaru said licking his lips in anticipation.

"You fool it's three against one… you stand no chance" the Raikage replied getting raised eyebrows from the hokage and Jiraya. Kumo and Konoha were never in really good terms since the Hyuuga kidnapping.

"Three?" The hokage asked hopefully.

"Yes…I will fight with you. Consider it an apology for my father's mistakes" the Raikage said before gathering his voice and shouting "KUMO, WE FIGHT FOR…KONOHA".

"HAI" Darui, C and Killer Bee yelled from outside the barrier before splitting and going to face the sound and sand head on.

"I appreciate it Raikage-dono" the hokage said. Perhaps there was hope to an alliance between the two most powerful hidden villages.

"Yes…now let's skin a snake" the Raikage said smirking. Orochimaru never expected Kumo to join Konoha. That is why, even thought the Raikage was present, Orochimaru still launched his invasion.

"Naïve" Orochimaru said before going trough hand seals. Orochimaru may be a lot of things but one thing he wasn't was stupid and as such he was prepared for such odds.

Tiger → Snake → Dog → Dragon. Orochimaru went through the hand seals and clapped his hands. "Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei" Orochimaru said and almost immediately fours coffins sprouted from the ground.

The coffins slowly opened and revealed fours shinobis seemingly dead but in reality they were just waiting for Orochimaru to activate them for the upcoming battle.

"Shiiiit" The Raikage, hokage and Jiraya all thought at the same time when they saw who was in each of the summoned coffins.

## Arena ##

Naruto watched in wonder the sheer size of Shukaku. "That's one big raccoon" Naruto said.

"Hayate" Naruto said turning to him. "Leave the arena" Naruto said and he nodded knowing full well that Naruto was responsible for taking him down and having him there could disturb Naruto's fight.

"Kurama, juice me" Naruto thought to his partner.

"OK" Kurama replied before sending chakra to Naruto. Almost instantly a semi transparent red cloak enveloped Naruto. His eyes turned blood red with a black vertical slit in the middle, his whiskers marks became more pronounced and his fangs elongated. In Naruto's back nine chakra tails were swinging wildly as if they didn't have a mind of their own.

Naruto placed his hands in a cross sign and said "Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Mass Shadow Clone Jutsu)" and in an instant nearly two thousand clones popped into existence consuming his cloak, each one of them with enough chakra to match a jonin. There were Narutos as far as the eye could see. (A/N: Lame joke)

"Spread through the village, your priority is to protect and evacuate the civilians. Provide assistance where you can." Naruto ordered.

"HAI" all of the clones chorused before jumping away from the arena leaving their creator to fight the Ichibi.

Naruto placed his hands again in a cross sign and said "Enhanced Shadow Clone" and a single clone poofed into existence. This clone was like the rest however he was reinforced making him more durable than the others and capable of taking hits before dispelling.

"Join with Hinata-chan and protect her" – he said and the clone nodded before using the hirashin to teleport himself to Hinata.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu" Naruto said and fours clones poofed into existence.

"Kurama…I'll put up a barrier. Can you take control of the bushins and hold it in place?"Naruto asked. Keeping two thousand shadow clones active, powering an S-Rank barrier and still be able to fight a bijuu required too much concentration that Naruto wasn't capable off yet.

"No problem" – Kurama replied. In an instant the fours clones sprinted to the four corners of the arena. They went through hand seals at the same time and said "Ninpou – Shishienjin (Ninja Art: Four Flames Formation)" and a purple barrier erupted trapping Shukaku and Naruto inside.

However before the whole barrier could close three sand shinobis jumped over the forming barrier and landed inside. They were Sabaku no Temari, Sabaku no Kankuro and their jonin sensei Baki.

"Damn" Naruto said as he watched the sand shinobi take place near Gaara. "This has just got a lot more dangerous. No holding back" Naruto thought before permanently keeping his EMS activated. His hand tightly gripped his fan as he became battle ready to go off against a jonin, two gennin and bijuu.

"I'll have to take out Kankuro and Temari first" Naruto thought before releasing his grip on his fan and taking from his storage seals a couple of three pronged kunais.

Naruto watched as the sand shinobi jumped to head of Shukaku and yet he did nothing to remove them.

"Looks like Gaara is mostly in control" Naruto thought. He looked up to Shukaku's head and noticed Temari reading her fan and Kankuro unwrapping his bundle revealing a puppet.

"Great…a puppet user, just my luck" Naruto thought. His odds didn't look so good; he cursed himself for not training his eyes further so he could use the techniques Kurama told him.

"YOU MADE ME FEEL ALIVE UZUMAKI" Shukaku yelled but it clearly was Gaara's voice.

"Crazy bastard" Naruto thought as he launched his three pronged kunai towards the enemy, but was blocked by Baki's kunai.

Baki looked at the kunai and was interested in the design as it was different from the others. Until he remembered where he saw them, he remembered the legend that used these kunais to decimate an army.

"Are these?" - Baki wondered before he picked the kunai up with his hands and noticed the kanji in the handle.

"Wrong move" - Naruto said before flashing towards the Kunai he previously thrown. All they saw was a yellow flash before Naruto appeared behind Baki and slammed a Rasengan into his back and he went flying and crashing into the ground completely out.

Naruto ducked under a fan swing from Temari and gave her a punch to the stomach making her buckle in pain. Naruto punched Temari and jumped to the side to avoid a barrage of senbon thrown by Kankuro's puppet.

Naruto quickly picked another kunai and threw at Kankuro's real body. Kankuro fumbled between his weapons when he saw Naruto throw the same kunai he used to take out his sensei who was jonin. Kankuro did the only thing he thought and jumped away far enough from the kunais reach.

Naruto jumped from the Ichibi as sand was starting to gather around his feet trying to snare him in place. He approached Baki. He was still alive although barely. Naruto picked Baki up and quickly stored him in a stasis seal.

"What the hell was that?" Kankuro asked with fear clearly splashed in his voice. The blonde in front of them just took out their sensei like he was nothing.

"Idiot, don't you remember history from the academy?" Temari asked as she recovered from the blow Naruto delivered her.

Seeing Kankuro oblivious face Temari decided to explain. "That technique, that yellow flash is the same the Yondaime Hokage used that gave him the name of Yellow Flash. He used a technique of his creation that allowed him to teleport to the kunais he threw and used it to kill almost one thousand shinobis from Iwa in a flash. He alone won the war" Temari explained and Kankuro turned to the blonde who was busy dodging the sand.

"I see you know history very well" a voice whispered just behind Temari's ear. She turned her head slightly and was greeted by no one other than Naruto. Kankuro just had enough to blink. He was watching Naruto dodge the sand when suddenly he appeared right behind Temari.

"H-How?" Temari asked stuttering clearly afraid of Naruto. He possessed a technique that allowed the yondaime to kill an entire battalion of shinobi in an instant.

"When I punched you in the stomach I left my mark on you" Naruto simply replied before giving her a quick chop to the back of her head knocking her out. He quickly flashed to the ground with an unconscious Temari and sealed in stasis scroll as well.

"You bastard..." Kankuro growled from the top of the Ichibi before sending his puppet to attack Naruto.

"You should be grateful I didn't kill your sister" Naruto said in an emotionless voice. Kankuro simply gazed upon Naruto's blood red eyes and was starting to feel sleepy.

"KAI" Kankuro said and flared his chakra breaking Naruto's hypnotic eye.

"Fuuton - Renkuudan (Vacuum Wind Bullet)" Shukaku said before slamming his hand in his stomach and expelling a very large ball of compressed wind. The ball itself was bigger than Naruto himself. Naruto gripped his fan and, channeling chakra trough it, he swatted the bullet away making the ground shake from the pressure and power.

Naruto jumped to the side to avoid Kankuro's puppet and he noticed that the puppet's blades were filled with poison. "I need to take him out so I can focus on Gaara" Naruto thought before he dashed towards Kankuro's puppet.

Naruto used his sharingan and quickly found the chakra strings Kankuro was using to control his puppet. Naruto channeled chakra trough one of his kunais and used it to sever the strings making the puppet fall limp to the ground.

Naruto quickly appeared next to the fallen puppet and drove a Rasengan to it shattering it to pieces.

"Bastard" Kankuro said to Naruto as he lost his best weapon.

"What can you do now?" Naruto asked pissing off Kankuro and making him jump from the Ichibi's head and run straight for Naruto.

Naruto smirked when he noticed how easy it was to rattle Kankuro. Kankuro quickly arrived near Naruto and tried a horizontal slash only to Naruto duck. Naruto quickly rose up and trapped his arms disarming him of his kunai. Naruto grabbed him tightly by the arm and flinged him through the air and slamming him into the ground.

Naruto quickly placed his hand into Kankuro and placed a sleeping seal. Once Kankuro was disabled he sealed him as well inside a stasis scroll.

"Now that's done, it's only you" Naruto said eyeing Shukaku

"DIE" Shukaku yelled as he fired a few more wind bullets that in this case were more like the size of people themselves. Naruto swiftly dodged them and watched as they collided with the barrier but it didn't even waver.

"Good the barrier is holding even though it's powered by clones" - Naruto thought. Naruto analyzed Shukaku and noticed he was very slow. He hadn't moved since he was released so Naruto would take that as an advantage.

Naruto took out a single shuriken. He placed it on his pointer finger in his right hand. Naruto molded wind chakra and slowly expelled it to the shuriken. Soon enough the shuriken started spinning and around it the wind started spinning as well creating a circular saw.

"Shuriken Wind Blade" Naruto said and threw the shuriken. The shuriken went flying with impressive speed towards Shukaku who remained in place as his mobility was inexistent. The shuriken arrived near Shukaku and swiftly and without much trouble it cut right through his right arm severing it completely and making it fall to the ground.

The arm fell limply to the ground and started crumpling away until it remained nothing but sand on the ground. Although Shukaku just had his left arm severed he didn't seem to be in any type of pain.

"YOU ENTERTAIN ME UZUMAKI" Shukaku yelled and the sand above Shukaku head started moving and something could be seen popping out. Naruto narrowed his eyes to the figure emerging and saw that it was Gaara himself.

Gaara placed his hands in the tiger seal and said "Play Possum Jutsu" and promptly fell asleep, Gaara leaned forward and his body went completely limp. Just as Gaara fell asleep, Shukaku's eyes glowed yellow and stayed like that showing that it was Shukaku who was now in control.

"I'M FREE. I AM GOING TO KILL YOU AND THEN DESTROY EVERYTHING" Shukaku yelled as he was happy to be free once again. He looked down and saw Naruto staring at him. Seeing Naruto, Shukaku immediately went into action trying to crush the blonde and leave the barrier so he could have fun.

"Fuuton - Renkuudan (Vacuum Wind Bullet)" Shukaku said and started expelling compressed wind bullets towards Naruto who was forced to start evasive maneuvers. Naruto watched very carefully as they hit the barrier. He couldn't allow Shukaku to roam free through the village or he would destroy it.

"Katon: Goryuka no Jutsu (Great Dragon Fire Technique)" Naruto said and unleashed a big fire dragon towards Shukaku. Naruto swinged his fan and empowered the flames making them wider and bigger. The flames were almost the size of Shukaku himself.

Shukaku let out a roar and the flames were dispersed into nothing. Shukaku flexed his tail and tried to squash Naruto but he jumped to the side to avoid it. The tail regressed back but this time it stayed just above Shukaku's mouth.

Suddenly black and blue chakra could be seen floating in the air and gathering around Shukaku's mouth. The chakra started gathering and compressing itself in ball just outside of Shukaku's mouth.

"Is that what I think it is?" Naruto asked when he watched the ball of chakra form itself very much like Naruto used his Rasengan.

"It's a bijuudama (Bijuu Bomb) and I don't think your clone powered barrier can withstand that" Kurama said. Even though Shukaku was the weakest of the nine, a bijuu bomb is still strong.

"Let's see if this weapon truly lives to its name" Naruto said before gripping his fan tight. Shukaku stopped gathering chakra in the ball and suddenly fired it with tremendous speed.

Naruto watched the purple ball coming towards him. Naruto grabbed his fan and placed it in front of him, his right hand grabbing the hilt while his left hand grabbed the other end. The fan was acting like a shield in front of Naruto.

"Gaeshi (Reflection)" Naruto said just before the bomb hit the fan.

The bijuu bomb collided with the fan and at first nothing happened but suddenly the bomb exploded but, instead of blowing Naruto, it was completely reflected towards Shukaku. The amount of pressure being put in the fan made Naruto kneel and ground beneath crack but he was able to withstand the bomb and the force of the explosion was sent towards Shukaku.

Naruto placed the fan in his back and cleaned a bit of sweat that was dripping from the side of his face. "That went well" Naruto thought.

"Now you believe what I said about the fan" Kurama said in a sarcastic voice.

"Yes let's end this" Naruto replied and watched as the smoke cleared and revealed a fully scorched Shukaku with his right arm missing as well.

Naruto concentrated and focused is chakra. Suddenly right beneath Shukaku golden chains erupted from the ground and pinned him to the ground. Shukaku was fully trapped; he had chains wrapped around his tail, mouth and the majority of his body making him unable to do a single movement.

Rat - Ox - Dog - Boar. Naruto went through the hand signs and clapped his hands together. He slammed his right hand on the ground and kanji started flowing out of it and going towards Shukaku and forming a ring around him.

"Five Point Demonic Suppression Seal" Naruto said and the kanji started glowing. Shukaku yelled in pain as his chakra was being forced back into the seal. All the shinobis stopped their fighting and looked at the arena where Shukaku was howling in pain.

"You are not going anywhere" Naruto said.

Naruto reinforced the chains as he could feel Shukaku trying to break them free and get away from the seal. Shukaku's form started to waver and the sand slowly started crumpling and flowing back into Gaara.

A few seconds later and there was nothing but a ball of sand floating in the air. The ball of sand was becoming smaller and smaller by the second when suddenly all the sand disappeared and Gaara fell to the ground completely unconscious.

Naruto approached Gaara and saw his new seal in Gaara's neck. It formed a complete circle around Gaara's main seal. Naruto looked carefully at him and noticed a few irregularities. The main seal had no suppressive seals in it and no safe hatch. At this point Gaara's seal was nothing more than an advanced storage seal.

"This is why Gaara is so unstable" Naruto thought before approaching him and also placing in a stasis scroll putting him with his team.

Naruto took a few deep breaths and dropped the barrier while shifting his eyes towards the roof where the kages battle was taking place.

## With Hinata ##

Hinata had just received orders from Kakashi and went to join forces with Zabuza so they could bring the pain to the invading forces. Hinata quickly located Zabuza and Haku and jumped towards them.

"We have orders Zabuza" Hinata said as she saw watched Zabuza behead a sound shinobi with his Kubikiribocho.

"Which are?" Zabuza asked

"We are to group up and start sweeping the streets while evacuating and providing protection to the civilians. When the civilians are evacuated we are to launch a counter attack" Hinata explained.

"Let's go then" Zabuza said as he placed his blade to his back. They were about to leave when they saw a yellow flash. They narrowed their eyes and saw Naruto just arrived near them.

"Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked surprised to see him. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I'm a reinforced clone. Boss sent me to team up with all of you and provide protection to you as well" Naruto explained and they all nodded. They all withdrew their weapons, Naruto picked a couple of three pronged kunais, Haku took out senbon and Hinata picked her daggers.

They quickly left the arena and made their way towards the middle of the village indicating the evacuation paths to the civilians. They were about to leave when a group of ten sound shinobis jumped in front of them.

Naruto quickly sensed their chakra levels and they were ordinary chunnins.

"What do we have where?" the obvious sound leader asked. "A jonin and a couple of kids" he said while the rest of the crew laughed. Obviously these sound shinobi weren't watching the chunnin exams or they would have seen just what these kids could do.

"It's time for the flash to resurface" Naruto said and got confused looks from Zabuza and Haku. He smirked and threw one of his special kunais towards the enemy. They all laughed when the kunai didn't hit anyone and simple landed harmlessly on the ground in the middle of them.

"Don't blink" Naruto said to his team and disappeared in a yellow flash. All Zabuza was able to see was a yellow flash. Naruto disappeared from view and when Zabuza saw him once again all of the sound shinobi fell to the ground dead, their throats slashed.

"That was…" Zabuza said but trailed off as he pieced together who Naruto really was. "You are the son of the Kiiroi Senkou (Yellow Flash) aren't you?" Zabuza asked but the answer seemed pretty obvious.

"Yes, my father was Namikaze Minato, Konoha's Kiiroi Senkou and the Yondaime Hokage and also Uchiha Madara's son" Naruto explained and got disbelief looks from Zabuza and Haku who had her eyes widened.

"I'm done trying to figure you out." Zabuza said laughing. "Tell me…how long can you use that technique?" Zabuza asked.

"It was a pain in the ass to create the seals. I can use it since I became gennin" Naruto explained.

"Unbelievable" Zabuza said while shaking his head in disbelief. "Let's continue" Zabuza said and they grouped together and dashed once again trough the streets.

"Hinata" Naruto said turning to her "Use your byakugan and see where we are needed. This section is cleared" Naruto explained and Hinata nodded before activating her byakugan without any seals.

She gasped to what she saw. "The academy is under siege" she said and got disbelief looks from Naruto.

"The academy?" he asked incredulously "What about the barrier?" he asked.

"There is no barrier. There sound and sand shinobi trying to force entry but Iruka-sensei and couple other chunnins are holding them off" she explained.

"Let's hurry then. I can't teleport all of you with the hirashin since I'm only a clone and we will take too long if we walk." Naruto said and got confused looks from the rest of the team. If he couldn't transport them and they couldn't walk what else were they going to do?

"This might feel a bit uncomfortable" Naruto said before activating his Kamui and sucking Zabuza, Haku and Hinata into it. He quickly disappeared as well leaving no trace of either of them.

## Academy ##

At the Academy things weren't looking pretty. Iruka and the other teachers were trying to hold off the enemy until shinobi could arrive but they wouldn't last much longer. The chunnin that was powering the barrier was tricked when a sand shinobi henged into a Konoha shinobi and infiltrated the barrier killing the one powering it.

The students were all scared. The enemy managed to collapse the tunnels leading to the bunkers and since the barrier was down the only keeping them alive was were the teachers that were battling fiercely to protect the lives of their students by preventing the enemy from entering the academy.

"Iruka this doesn't look good" one of the teachers said. He was clearly tired; he was sweating from every place and was breathing very hard. Even thought he wasn't fatally injured he was filled with small cuts and bruises from their fight.

"We can't do much. We must hold it until reinforcements arrive" Iruka said. Iruka was also running low on chakra. Even though he was quite skilled for a chunnin a couple of chunnins couldn't fend off 15 sand chunnins indefinitely.

"Just give up. You can't win" the obvious team leader said as he watched the teachers breathing heavily. They already managed to kill a couple of teachers but these two were proving rather difficult. They were managing to keep them at bay by launching long range jutsus and weapons.

"Iruka behind you" the other teacher yelled. Looks like the exhaustion was finally catching up to them as a sand chunnin managed to sneak up on Iruka. Iruka turned his head to see who was behind him when he noticed a kunai going for his throat.

Iruka resigned to his fate as he couldn't do anything more to dodge, his chakra reserves were empty and he was tired and running out of weapons. He had his eyes closed and was expecting the pain when he heard "Raikiri".

Iruka opened his eyes to see a hand enveloped in lightning piercing right through the sand shinobi's chest. The shinobi hit the ground dead, he didn't even scream. He was dead the moment Naruto pierced him.

"N-Naruto" Iruka said stuttering.

"Don't worry Iruka-sensei. We will take care of the rest" Naruto said before space seemed to bend and from his eyes popped the rest of his team Zabuza, Haku and Hinata.

"What the hell was that brat?" Zabuza asked felling a bit disorientated.

"A space time Ninjutsu similar to my hirashin. Take care of them while I gather everyone inside the academy and put up a barrier" Naruto said and the rest of his team dashed to the remaining fourteen shinobis. In less than five minutes every single one of them was dead. Between Hinata's gentle fist, Haku's senbon and Zabuza's sword no one stood a chance.

"My god..." Iruka said stuttering as he watched Hinata fight and sweep the enemy as if they were nothing more than ants. Hinata seemed to be dancing and flowing through the attacks of the enemy. Her byakugan allowed her to pin point and track each enemy. She only needed to touch the enemy once; she honored the traditional style named as the gentle fist. One simple touch and the enemy would fall to the ground dead.

Hinata had many to accomplish this, she could open the gate of death making their heart explode, she could crack the chakra core destroying the chakra network killing the enemy or if she didn't have access to such places she would use her juuken with lightning and infusing it through the enemy's network frying it and killing the enemy, she truly was a goddess of death.

"Iruka-sensei what happened to the barrier?" Naruto asked breaking Iruka of his thoughts. The barrier seals he created weren't supposed to come crashing very easily. It would require a powerful attack the destroy it.

"One sand shinobi henged into a Konoha one and infiltrated the academy. He also managed to collapse the evacuation tunnels" Iruka explained.

"I understand. It's very dangerous to evacuate so many students through the middle of the streets so I'll put another barrier up" Naruto explained and Iruka sighed in relief. It looked like his students were going to pull through.

"Zabuza hold them off while I replace the barrier" Naruto said and he nodded before his team took defensive stances watching for any hostile shinobi while Naruto was doing his work.

Naruto noticed all the seal tags in the all were destroyed and he needed to create new ones. He quickly took out a few empty tags from his storage seals and started writing seals.

Iruka just watched in fascination the speed and quality at which Naruto drew the seals. It obviously proved that Naruto was very skilled in fuuinjutsu. Naruto quickly finished the tags and Iruka examined them.

Each kanji was perfectly drawn, not a speck of imperfection could be seen. It almost looked like a work of art.

"Get inside" Naruto said and Iruka went to collect to the other teacher that was unconscious but not severely hurt. Once inside Naruto made a shadow clone and he made his way towards the outside of the academy. He slammed the tag on the wall and said "Four-Corner Barrier" and yellowish barrier erupted completely covering the academy grounds.

Naruto's clone sat down in lotus position and started concentrating to increase the power of the barrier.

The reinforced clone on the outside on the barrier said "Iruka-sensei you are safe now. We will continue to look through the village". Naruto turned away to join up with his team and move to another sector of the village when they saw a big explosion the rose into the skies.

## Explosion Site Minutes Earlier ##

Bee was running through the streets trying his best to help out where he could. Darui and C teamed up with Omoi and Karin and went to grab Yugito at the infirmary.

Bee quickly looked at the horizon and noticed a three headed snake breaking through the walls of Konoha and starting to wreak havoc through the village. The shinobis were throwing jutsu after jutsu but nothing seemed to work.

"Push him out of the village" one of the shinobis yelled as they threw explosive kunai towards the snake but that didn't even screech the snake as he continued on her path.

They were quickly running out of options when they heard what it seemed to be someone rapping and a lame one at that.

"You are going down fool, you fool because I'm the mighty Killer Bee" Bee rapped while running trough and jumping through the roofs and heading to face the snake.

"I'll take care of that worm" Bee said before fully transforming into his bijuu. There standing in the middle of Konoha was the Hachibi. Bee quickly wrapped the snake with his tentacles and threw at the air so she couldn't do any more destruction.

All of his eight tails quickly bent over his head ending just above his mouth. Black and Blue chakra was seen gathering around it and compressing it to form a perfect sphere.

"Bijuudama (Bijuu Bomb)" Bee said and shot the ball towards the snake that was in the air. The moment the ball collided it immediately exploded in a show of fire and smoke. Seconds later, as the smoke was starting to clear there was nothing remaining of the snake. He didn't know if she was obliterated or just went back to her real but at this point it didn't matter. Konoha was safe for now.

"Thanks for the help Bee-san" a Konoha shinobi said before picking up a injured comrade and going to the hospital.

## Konoha's Walls ##

One of Naruto's clones was running through the village clearing shinobis and helping civilians where he could. Due to him being a standard clone, even with his kamui it was risky to engage in taijutsu but he could always rely in ninjutsu and he was really good at it.

"Push them back" Naruto heard a shinobi yelling and made his way towards him to provide as much help as he could. Even if he was a clone at least he could be bait for slowing the enemy down.

He arrived at the destination and saw a group of Konoha shinobis throwing jutsu and weapons trying to delay a group of about two hundred sand shinobis leaded by the kazekage into the village.

However the group just kept throwing wind jutsus and having the Kazekage in there made sure they weren't harmed due to his gold sand dust. It wasn't looking good as the enemy kept coming. If help didn't arrive it would be a massacre.

Naruto arrived at their location and quickly surveyed the area looking for anyone he might know, he eyes landed on Anko.

"Anko what's happening?" Naruto asked. She looked around to find the annoying blonde.

"Naruto, what are you doing here?" Anko asked. "Are you the reinforcements we asked?" she asked hoping that the only reinforcements that came weren't Naruto alone.

"I wasn't sent by anyone. I'm just a clone, boss is taking care of Shukaku at the stadium" Naruto explained and Anko stared dumbly at him before scowling.

"Just my luck, a fucking clone." Anko said.

"If you explained the situation maybe I could help" Naruto said flatly trying not to cause many problems especially in the middle of an invasion.

"Very simple. The kazekage is leading two hundred shinobis into the village and we aren't able to slow them down" Anko said and stared at Naruto waiting for his miraculous answer.

"I think I have just the jutsu for this" Naruto said smirking making Anko raise an eyebrow. "But i'm just a clone so it will take a couple of minutes to prepare. Can you hold them off until them?" Naruto asked.

"I hope it's worth it" Anko said before yelling "Hold off for a couple of minutes more"

"HAI" the shinobis that were with her yelled. They were very few in number compared to an overwhelming force of two hundred trained shinobis.

Naruto sat down in lotus position and clapped his hands together as if praying. He slowly drove them apart a few inches from each other and sparks started flying between them. He continued concentrating and after a few minutes the sparks gathered in a blue sphere that was shinning.

"Ok Anko it's ready" Naruto said and Anko turned around to see the jutsu.

"That's it?...a small blue sphere" Anko said not believing her eyes. So much work just for that.

"No faith" Naruto said smirking and launched the ball into the sky. The moment the ball hit the cloud level it suddenly expanded in a bright flash of white. Everyone stopped and looked up to see what was happening.

Just as the light died down the clouds started gathering and sky was getting darker and darker by the moment. Thunders could easily be heard emanating the clouds.

"Witness my best lightning jutsu" Naruto said and everyone was focused in him. Naruto channeled lightning chakra to his hand and it started sparkling. He sent a beam into the sky and the thunders seemed to join and gather into a single massive one.

The kazekage was watching the skies very carefully and when he noticed the dragon he figure it wasn't going to be good for them.

"TAKE COVER" the kazekage yelled at his forces but it was already too late.

"Raiton - Kirin" Naruto said and his dragon roared his away towards the sand shinobi. The kazekage tried to block with his sand but it was far too slow. He didn't even have time to blink as the dragon disappeared in a flash and the ground where they stood exploded.

Everything was ripped apart, trees, stones even the earth itself was destroyed and were once stood the mighty kazekage and his two hundred shinobis was now nothing more than a one hundred meter wide crater.

Anko and the other shinobis didn't manage to see what exactly happened. All they saw was a flash of light and the ground exploding. The dust cleared and there was no one remaining alive. The ones that survived the initial explosion were simply electrocuted and left in ashes due to the power of the thunder.

"HOLY SHIT GAKI" Anko yelled shaking his shoulders and her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. The reaction of the rest of the shinobis was pretty much the same. They were all busting their asses to keep the enemy away and Naruto arrives, fires a very powerful lightning jutsu and it's all over, just like that.

"I told you to have faith" Naruto said panting. Even though the jutsu didn't take much chakra the concentration necessary to use the jutsu was very high for a simple clone. "I'm dispelling now" Naruto said and Anko nodded dumbly.

"So what now?" one of the shinobis asked.

## With the Kages ##

Edo Tensei, a forbidden technique that summons a soul from the pure world to the world of the living (impure world) in order to do the biding of the summoner. Besides moral ramifications this technique is considered forbidden because it costs a human live to anchor the soul to the world.

This technique was invented the Senju Tobirama, the Nidaime hokage although the reasons to why he did are still unknown.

The moment the fours coffins opened the shinobi inside were instantly recognized. They were all legends and powerful in their own way.

In the first coffin was a tall man with tanned skin, dark eyes and waist-length black hair typically styled in a centre-parted fringe that framed his face. His attire took the form of the standard shinobi dress of his era, consisting of dark red traditional armor (similar to that of samurai) worn over a simple black suit.

This armor was constructed from numerous metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along his body, in particular: chest, shoulders, thighs and forearms. Each collar of his shoulder guards bore the Senju symbol emblazoned on them. This man was none other than Senju Hashirama the Shodaime Hokage himself and the original Shinobi no Kami (God of Shinobi).

In the second coffin was a woman, she had long, bright-red hair and large, pupiless eyes. She wore an elaborate, high-collared kimono with the Uzushiogakure symbol on the back of the obi which was tied around her waist. Her hair was arranged in buns with hair pins in them and three clips in the front. She also wore a dark shade of red lipstick and had a violet-colored diamond mark on her forehead. She also wore tags with kanji written on them in her hair decals. She also carried a huge red scroll on her back (similar to Jiraya). She was Uzumaki Mito, Konoha's Benihime (Red Princess) and the wife of Senju Hashirama.

In the third coffin was a tall man, fair-skinned man with white, shaggy hair, dark-colored eyes and three red markings on his face, one under each of his eyes, and one on his chin. In most cases, he wore the wartime attire, armor emblazoned with the Senju symbol worn over a simple black suit, with a distinctive white fur collar. This armor was constructed from numerous blue metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along his body, in particular: chest, waist, shoulders and upper arms. This clothing was accompanied by sandals and a happuri engraved with the Konoha emblem, in the place of the more traditional forehead protector. He was Senju Tobirama, Konoha's Suirō (Water Dragon) and the Nidaime Hokage of Konoha.

In the last coffin was another woman, she had a slender, but feminine build, fair skin, blue eyes, crimson hair with strands that framed both sides of her. She was wearing the traditional black anbu pants with white tape around the ankles. Around her chest she had ANBU chest plate above simple black suit. She had gloves in each arm the covered her entire arm almost reaching her shoulders. On her back, a 28 inches long black Katana with red hilt. She was Uzumaki (former Senju) Kushina; Konoha's Aka no Shi (Red Death), wife of the Yondaime Hokage but most importantly mother of Uzumaki Naruto.

"This isn't good" the hokage muttered under his breath and the Raikage and Jiraya couldn't help but to agree. After all, standing in front of them were fours kage levels shinobis not to mention Orochimaru himself, and the fact that being an Edo Tensei provides de shinobi with limitless chakra and immortality didn't help much.

"Where am I?" Kushina asked as she surveyed her surroundings. The last thing she remembered was saying good bye to her son.

"Edo Tensei?" Tobirama asked out loud snapping Kushina from her thoughts. "That man brought us back with my forbidden technique, ironic" Tobirama said.

"Edo Tensei" Kushina thought as she watched who she was going to fight against. It was a bulky man with blonde hair so she assumed he would a kumo-nin, Jiraya and Sarutobi Hiruzen. Hiruzen seemed older than what she remembered so it must have been some time.

"Hiruzen" Kushina called out getting his attention "How long as it been?" she asked.

"Fourteen years" he replied solemnly.

"How is Naruto doing?" she asked. She felt bad for leaving Naruto alone and leaving him with such burden but there wasn't any other choice at the time.

"Even though the civilians made his life a nightmare he still turned out and splendid shinobi, you would be proud of him" the hokage said with a small smile "He even found love" the hokage said.

"That's good. Grandmother always said that to support the hate of being a jinchuuriki I should fill myself with love right?" she asked turning towards Senju Mito who was quiet observing the read head.

"Kushina-chan?" she asked not believing her eyes. Her little girl grew so much since the last time she saw her. It was a shame she was already dead and apparently she left a son behind.

"Good to see you again grandmother" she said smiling.

"AH Take that Tobirama my line continued on while you were always brooding around" Hashirama yelled pointing towards his brother.

"Tsk" Tobirama replied crossing his arms.

Orochimaru remained quiet while they were interacting and found it very interesting that Kushina called Mito her grandmother.

"Care to explain why you called Mito your grandmother Kushina-chan?" Orochimaru asked.

"Why should I answer to you pedophile" Kushina replied. Orochimaru got pissed and forced his control on her Edo Tensei forcing her to answer all of his questions.

"My true name is Senju Kushina, I'm the daughter of Senju Tsunade and Kato Dan" she replied in a monotone. If Orochimaru was surprised he didn't show it but he always thought that Tsunade's daughter had died.

"Tsunade only had one daughter and she died" Orochimaru replied. He was getting very interest.

"My death was faked to stop the CRA from taking place. With me dead and Tsunade leaving the village we were both safe" Kushina replied and Orochimaru smirked. Naruto was the perfect vessel, the strength of the Senju body with the power of the Sharingan. "Delicious…he shall be mine" Orochimaru thought.

"It really was a bad decision on your part brother" Hashirama said to his brother regarding the CRA law that was created by the Nidaime hokage.

"It was always for the betterment of the village" Tobirama replied.

"I don't doubt that but you are too distant and cold. You are always brooding around like the Uchihas. You need a strong woman to straighten you up" Hashirama said and Tobirama remained impassive.

"Maybe you should set him up with someone Mito-chan" Hashirama said turning to his beloved wife Senju Mito. She didn't age a day she he last saw her and her beauty remained unparallel, to him at least.

"We are all dead Hashirama-kun" Mito replied with a dead pan expression.

"My bad" Hashirama replied chuckling and scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

The hokage, Raikage and Jiraya were all watching the interaction with fascination. It saddened the old hokage's heart to see his formers teachers and some of the greatest shinobi of the leaf brought back from the dead to serve under a despicable man.

"I should have killed him when I had the chance" the hokage thought with shame. All the evil Orochimaru had brought could have been stopped if he had been strong back then.

"Enough talk, kill them all" Orochimaru commanded and they all took their stances. Hashirama and Tobirama crouched and took their Taijutsu stance, Mito picked the scroll up and Kushina took out her sword.

The Konoha defenders braced themselves for what was coming.

"How do you want to do this?" the Raikage asked. Five shinobis against three hardly seemed fair to anyone.

"Five against three doesn't add up very well" Jiraya said.

"Don't count me in. I'll just watch for now" Orochimaru said smirking.

"I'll take my formers teachers, Jiraya you take Mito since she fights with seals and the Raikage will take Kushina." the hokage explained and they both nodded. "Raikage-dono don't underestimate Kushina she almost as fast as you" the hokage explained and he rose an eyebrow. He knew that Kushina was a very powerful kunoichi but fast he will have to see.

## Hokage's Battle ##

(A/N: I'll refer to Hashirama and Tobirama as hokages and the third as Hiruzen)

"Get ready Hiruzen, we can't control our bodies but we will try and help as we go" Hashirama said.

"It's a shame to see you in this condition. As Sarutobi Hiruzen, sandaime Hokage of Konohagakure I shall defeat you both" the hokage said as he removed his hokage's robes revealing the armor underneath. A full body black suit with mesh armor underneath and steel plates in the arms.

The hokages suddenly started running heading towards Hiruzen. Hashirama arrived first and tried a spin kick making Hiruzen crouch to avoid it. Hashirama continued his attacks with a few punches but Hiruzen blocked them all. Hiruzen crouched and tried to sweep his legs making Hashirama jump up and back.

As Hashirama was pushed back Tobirama jumped into the fray. Tobirama quickly arrived near Hiruzen and jumped over him. Tobirama quickly turned and threw a set of punches trying to catch Hiruzen of guard. Tobirama jumped up and tried a drop kick that Hiruzen caught. Hiruzen spinned and threw Tobirama into the air.

Even in his old age Hiruzen was still considered the most powerful man in the village and this was the proof of it. Managing to hold your own in Taijutsu against two hokages at his old age was no easy feat.

"My turn now" Hiruzen said and the hokages braced themselves for his attack. Hiruzen went through a couple of hand seals and said "Katon Karyuu Endan (Fire Dragon Bullet)" and sent a torrent of fire that engulfed the hokages.

The flames were covering completely the hokages but they remained still. A benefit of the edo tensei is as immortal body. Hiruzen, seeing that his technique wasn't having effect he poured more chakra into it turning the flames with white hot.

Tobirama seeing the spike in Hiruzen's chakra flashed trough hand seals. "Suiton - Suijinheki (Water Wall)" Tobirama said and started expelling water through his mouth that formed a wall around both hokages cancelling the fire attack.

"Suiton - Suishouha (Exploding Water Wave)" Tobirama said but instead of using his chakra to create the water like normal users he simply gathered the moist in the atmosphere and used it to power his attack. The water started swirling around him until he unleashed a massive tsunami heading towards Hiruzen.

"Doton - Doryuuheki (Earth Wall)" Hiruzen said before spitting out dirt from his mouth. The moment the dirt hit the floor hit sprouted into the air forming a wall to shield him from the impeding tsunami.

As the water calmed down Hiruzen went through another set of hand seals "Doton: Doryuudan (Earth Dragon Bullet)" and a dragon's head rose from the ground and started shooting multiple globs of earth towards the hokages.

"Katon: Karyudan no Jutsu (Fire Dragon Bomb)" Hiruzen said and combined the earth bullets with fire turning them into almost lava. The Yōton (Lava Style) bloodline allows the user to merge earth and fire chakra to create Yōton Chakra and thus use lava attacks. However anyone can combine the elements externally however the power is significantly lower.

The hokages started evasive maneuvers to evade the bullets as they were running towards Hiruzen. Hashirama quickly arrived near Hiruzen and both engaged in Taijutsu battle. As the shinobi code dictates use every advantage possible and Hashirama set to do so. He dipped his feet in water and threw it into Hiruzen's eyes blinding him momentarily.

Hashirama took advantage of his blindness and unleash a combo of punches and kicks trying to end Hiruzen permanently. They couldn't control themselves so they couldn't stop from using low blows. Tobirama jumped into the fight as well.

However Hiruzen didn't go down as easily as they thought. Using the momentum at which he received the punches and kicks, he discretely placed explosive tags on both hokages. He quickly regained his sense again and broke the Taijutsu fight by planting a feet into Hashirama's chest and sending him flying.

"KAI" Hiruzen said with his right hand in the tiger seal and both explosive tags detonated blowing up Hashirama's leg and Tobirama's arm. Now this would have been enough to kill any shinobi but the edo tensei allowed the body to regenerate. Hiruzen watched in amazement as the leg and arm that were destroyed reformed themselves as if nothing happened.

"Mokuton: Jukai Kōtan (Deep Forest Creation)" Hashirama said and trees started emerging from the ground ripping through everything. The tiles, the earth wall, nothing stopped the onslaught of the trees. Hiruzen was forced to take evasive maneuvers but in the end the trees caught him and snared him by the ankles and arms.

Hiruzen forced himself to move under his confinement and bit his thumb drawing blood. He stretched and placed his hands near a branch of a tree.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)" Hiruzen said and smoke erupted from where he placed his hand. As the smoke cleared it showed a figure, his body and tail was covered by white fur which protrudes from his sleeves and pants. He has long white hair that reached into his back and long sideburns and a goatee. He wears a black suit with mesh armor underneath, over which he wears a sleeveless, kimono shirt with white, fur trimmings and markings reminiscent of tiger stripes on it which is held closed by a sash. He was Enma the Monkey King and Boss summon of the monkey clan.

"Orochimaru…I warned you" Enma said watching Hiruzen trapped in the trees.

"Let's end him now. Transform into the adamantine staff" Hiruzen said.

"HAI" Enma said and jumped into a branch and said "Henge: Kongoonyoi (Transformation: Adamantine Staff)". Enma was engulfed in smoke and when it cleared Enma was no longer a monkey but a staff.

The staff quickly crushed the trees and freed Hiruzen from his prison before resting in his hands as he took a defensive stance.

## Jiraya vs. Senju Mito ##

Jiraya gulped as he watched Mito remove the scroll from her back. After all Mito was an Uzumaki and their sealing techniques weren't to be underestimated in the least. Uzumaki Mito did defeat the kyuubi when Madara attacked at the valley of the end and sealed him inside of her without dying.

Senju Mito was one of the few combat sealers. As long she had chakra her possibilities in battle were endless and since Jiraya was a seal master himself he knew very well the foe he was up against.

"I wonder if I should use Sage mode" Jiraya considered in thought.

Jiraya decided that he shouldn't allow Mito to do anything and rushed her engaging in taijutsu. Mito seeing Jiraya running towards her quickly placed the scroll on her back and took a defensive stance.

Jiraya arrived near her and threw a set of punches that she easily blocked. Jiraya tried to sweep her legs making her jump. While in the air Jiraya tried to punch her but she grabbed his arm and supporting herself she spinned mid air and delivered a spin kick to Jiraya.

Jiraya stumbled back but quickly regained his position. He nursed his neck before going towards her once again. He quickly arrived near and threw a right hook, her attention was focused on his right arm opening her defenses for Jiraya's left hand to slip through and hit her sending her flying to the ground.

She got up as if nothing had happened and they both rushed each other once again. The moment they arrived near each other Mito jumped over him, she placed her right hand on Jiraya's back applying a seal and jumping away from him.

Jiraya didn't know what happened and as such discarded this skirmish as unimportant until he saw Mito place her right hand in tiger sign. "Fuuinjutsu - Electric Seal Activate" Mito said and the seal on Jiraya's back glowed and started sending electric shocks through Jiraya's body making him buckle in pain until he exploded in a poof of smoke.

"I figured the moment you touched me you applied some seal" Jiraya said rising from the ground.

"Ninpou: Kebari Senbon (Hair Needles)" Jiraya said and his hair extended before starting to fire hundreds of hair needles towards Mito who remained in place.

Mito spread her hands from each other. From her sleeves emerged two tags, one for each hand. "Barrier Technique: Shock Absorption Seal" and a golden barrier appeared in front of her easily blocking all of the senbons. The moment they hit the barrier, it didn't even waver or buckle from the pressure.

Jiraya seeing his attacks was useless stopped launching senbon and decided to try another approach."Katon: Dai Endan (Giant Fire Blast)" Jiraya said before flashing through hand seals and sending a wall of fire towards Mito who remained impassive to any attack Jiraya threw.

Mito took out sealing tags however these seemed slightly different. "Barrier Technique: Chakra Absorption Seal" Mito said and what seemed to be a black hole erupted between her arms and engulfed the fire attacks leaving no trace of it.

"She can absorb chakra as well...damn" Jiraya muttered out loud. Mito really was a fearsome opponent. She managed to block a physical and chakra powered attacks with nothing more than ink and paper.

Mito quickly opened her big scroll and turned it towards Jiraya who raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Bakuryūgeki (Dragon Bomb)" Mito said before a seal from the scroll started glowing. Suddenly from the seal a massive torrent of fire shaped in the form of a dragon's head erupted and headed towards Jiraya scorching everything on its path.

"Doton - Doryuuheki (Earth Wall)" Jiraya said and wall of earth rose from the ground to shield Jiraya from the incoming flames. That fire attack had a very large reach and Jiraya wouldn't be able to dodge in time. The flames connected with the wall but it was strong enough to withstand the pressure.

"Can't believe i'm getting my ass kicked by someone who isn't even using ninjutsu" Jiraya thought shaking his head in shame.

"Doton - Yomi Numa (Underworld Swamp)" Jiraya said as the ground beneath Mito suddenly liquefied making her fall into the swamp and burying half of her body. The earth quickly hardened trapping her. Jiraya suddenly appeared above her and yelled "Rasengan" as he drove a blue chakra sphere right through Mito's chest destroying everything around it, even the ground.

Since Mito had her arms trapped in the swamp she couldn't block or dodge the attack. Jiraya jumped back and was watching the cloud of dust starting to settle. He narrowed his eyes as he watched Mito's chest starting to reform. A few seconds later and it was as if nothing had ever happened.

Jiraya was so focused in watching Mito reform that he didn't noticed three of Mito's kage bushins suddenly surround him making a triangle around him. They all pulled a tag that seemed to float in the air.

"Sealing Trap: Chakra Draining Seal" all of the three clones shouted in union and tri angular, red colored barrier erupted trapping Jiraya inside and starting to drain his chakra.

"She's stealing my chakra... and fast" Jiraya thought as he was starting to feel the chakra drainage. If he kept inside he would be out of chakra in mere minutes.

Jiraya started forming a rasengan but noticed that it was being absorbed as well. He needed to create a larger rasengan and use it quickly so Mito didn't have time to absorb it.

"Oodama Rasengan (Giant Rasengan)" Jiraya said before making a Rasengan twice as big as the normal. He quickly slammed the Rasengan on the ground and the ground exploded upwards breaking the barrier and the clones as well. Jiraya cleaned a bit of sweat and jumped back to gain some distance from Mito.

## Raikage vs. Kushina ##

"Who are you?" Kushina asked.

"Why do you want to know?" the Raikage asked generously surprised from that question.

"Even though I hold no love for Kumo I wish to know the name of my opponent" Kushina explained.

"I'm A, yondaime Raikage" the Raikage said and Kushina nodded.

"Shall we begin?" Kushina said before gripping her sword and making the Raikage smirk. Perhaps this wouldn't such a bad fight after all.

They both dashed towards each other. The Raikage had yet to activate his lightning armor as he wanted to get a feel for Kushina's power so he kept at elite jonins speeds.

"Erubō (Elbow)" The Raikage said as he reached near Kushina, he flexed his elbow to hit her. Kushina swiftly ducked under him and brought the hilt of her sword upwards slamming it against the Raikage's chin and planting a kick to his chest sending him flying.

"Dragon Dive" Kushina said before flexing her blade and pointing her towards the Raikage. Kushina charged her body with charka before exploding towards the Raikage at very high speeds but the Raikage wasn't the fastest man alive for nothing and managed to deflect it, although barely.

Raikage seeing Kushina so up close charged at her and said "Rariatto (Lariat)" and tried to slam his right arm into Kushina's neck destroying hit. Kushina simple bent her body backwards and allowed the arm to pass above her without touching her.

The moment the Raikage's arm had safely passed above Kushina she quickly rose up once again. She jumped into the air and using the Raikage's arm as leverage she snared his head between her legs. She tilted down, placing her hands on the ground for leverage once again and slammed the Raikage into the ground hard and jumped back to gain some distance.

"Enough of this child's play" the Raikage said before his chakra spiked and his body was enveloped in a blue cloak that was sparkling with electricity everywhere. This was the Raikage's most powerful technique, the Raiton no Yoroi (Lightning Armor). A technique that, by channeling lightning chakra through the synapses and the external body, it improves the user's reaction time, overall speed and defenses.

Kushina seeing her opponent using the fabled raiton no Yoroi knew she needed something that allowed her to keep up with what will be his new speed. Her husband managed to avoid A's fastest strike by using his hirashin but she didn't have that at her disposal.

Kushina began focusing and channeling wind chakra through her external body. "Futon no Yoroi (Wind Armor)" Kushina said. By surrounding her body with wind chakra she can cut down the wind resistance increasing her overall speed. However this technique doesn't protect her from anything like the Raikage's.

The Raikage disappeared in a blink of an eye and appeared just above Kushina. "Girochin Doroppu (Guillotine Drop)" the Raikage said and tried to perform a drop kick on Kushina. However Kushina, due to her wind armor, managed to jump away and avoid the kick that shattered the ground.

"Wind Slash Kushina said and she reappeared in an instant where the Raikage destroyed the ground. Channeling wind chakra through her blade she performed a horizontal swing and the Raikage just had enough time to tilt his head as the blade passed right above his head cutting a few strands of hair.

The Raikage quickly recovered and jumped away. As he landed he noticed a few drops of blood fall to the ground. He placed his hand on his head and he looked at it, he noticed a bit of blood.

"Even with my lightning armor she managed to cut me" the Raikage thought. It was bad luck in the end; the only thing that can beat lightning is wind.

The Raikage was looking carefully at Kushina before she poofed in smoke. He looked around just in time to see Kushina appearing next to him trying a horizontal slash across his chest. The Raikage using his lightning reflexes caught the blade with his bare hands and slammed a kick into Kushina's chest and she was sent tumbling to the ground.

The Raikage had enough of this, he had to end the battle fast so he could go and help the other's battles. He focused and brought his lightning armor to full power making it sparkle even more and his hair become spikier.

Kushina was looking at him when he suddenly disappeared. She didn't even have time to blink as the Raikage repapered right next to her. He grabbed her by the waist and said "Raigā Bomu (Liger Bomb)" and slammed her into the ground, completely tearing her apart and blowing up the ground into smithereens.

The Raikage jumped and smirked in victory until he noticed that Kushina's body was reforming. A few seconds later she was standing in front of her as if nothing had happened.

"Damn that edo tensei" the Raikage thought as he was considering what he could use to end this despicable technique.

Kushina walked forward and placed her hand on the ground touching the Raikage's blood from one of his injuries that Kushina managed to inflict. Kushina spread the blood through her hands and flash through hand seals before slamming both hands on the ground.

"Fuuinjutsu: Gravity Well" Kushina said and kanji erupted from her hands and spread through the area where they were fighting. In less than two seconds the whole area was covered.

The Raikage rose and eyebrow in confusion but when he saw Kushina activated the seal he almost fell to the ground. The gravity in that area was increased almost five times. "She's trying to slow me down…smart" the Raikage thought.

"Infinite Blade" Kushina shouted before she disappeared from view. Suddenly the Raikage's skins bursted in blood revealing shallow cuts covering all of his body.

The Raikage buckled in pain but this sort of wounds wouldn't slow him down. "Raitoningu Sutorēto (Lightning Straight)" the Raikage said before dashing strait forward towards Kushina with his fist cocked. The only person to ever this attack was Kushina's husband, Namikaze Minato but due to the gravity filed the Raikage was slower and Kushina easily dodged it jumping to the side.

"Enough of this" the Raikage roared before jumping high into the air and saying "Drop Kick" and slammed his feet into the ground vaporizing all the tiles around the impact and completely disrupting the seal matrix making Kushina drop the gravity field.

They were about to jump at it once again when all of them heard a piercing scream from the middle of the arena. All of them stopped their battles and regrouped, shifting their attention to the arena floor where Shukaku was yelling in pain as he having his chakra suppressed.

"This chakra…it's Shukaku" Tobirama said as he was one of the most talented sensor to ever live.

"No doubt" Hashirama replied.

"Looks like Naruto came through" Jiraya said and the old hokage nodded.

"What do you mean 'Naruto came through'?" Kushina asked in a very sweet voice making all the males gulp and take a step back. "Did you put my sochi (son) against a bijuu?" she asked sweetly grasping her sword.

"N-Now now Kushina, he was the one that chose to face the Ichibi" the hokage tried to reason with her. "Besides, from the looks of it, it looks like he won" the hokage said. Jiraya didn't say anything, he still remembered the beating he took when he tried to spy on her and Minato. Not even Orochimaru himself said anything as he still remembered all the broken bones he had when he said that Kushina looked fat.

"He's approaching" Tobirama said and they all noticed a figured arrived near the roof. Naruto jumped up and phased right through the barrier as if it wasn't even there.

"How the hell did that punk passed through the barrier" Tayuya yelled.

"How should I know" Sakon replied.

"Hey old man, need a hand?" Naruto asked before he analyzed the situation. He looked around and saw what Orochimaru had done but his eyes were fixed on the red haired woman.

"Kaa-san (Mother)" Naruto said in a low voice but everyone heard him.

"Naruto-kun" Kushina said and ran towards her son but Orochimaru forced his control over her making her stop on her tracks, tears running from her eyes.

"You dare summon MY family, you are going to pay Orochimaru" Naruto said and flared his sharingan making it slowly shift into his mangekyo. His eternal, displayed for the first to the world without any genjutsu hiding it.

Orochimaru was shocked when he noticed the shift in Naruto's eyes and he felt something he hasn't felt in a long time…fear.

"Is that?" Hashirama asked pointing towards the fan in Naruto's back.

"It's my grandfather's fan, Hashirama-jiji" Naruto said smirking and Hashirama's and Tobirama's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Madara had a son?" Hashirama said not believing his hears. He didn't see that one coming.

"Yes, you did a wonderful job killing him at the valley of the end" Naruto said.

"WHAT?" Hashirama yelled "He survived?" Hashirama asked and Naruto nodded.

"Ironic don't you think?" Naruto asked and Hashirama got confused. "To think the descendants of you two would fall in love" Naruto said.

Hashirama and Tobirama chuckled at the irony before they focused their attention on the blonde and noticed his eyes.

"A mangekyo?" Tobirama asked and sensed his chakra levels making his eyes widen. "His chakra levels are through the roof…they are on par with lower class bijuus. How in the world…" Tobirama said but Hashirama interrupted him.

"I sense the Kyuubi's chakra in him, it looks like he's the new jinchuuriki" Hashirama said and Tobirama nodded as it made sense. "It's good to see that my legacy lives on" Hashirama said.

"Naruto, don't go in blindly, they can't be defeated by ordinary means" the hokage said.

"I know how the edo tensei works jiji" Naruto said and Kushina smiled at the affectionate name he had for the third. At least he wasn't alone.

"How do you know it? It's a forbidden technique" the hokage asked suspiciously.

"Remember when I found Orochimaru's abandoned laboratory?" Naruto asked and the hokage nodded. "In there I found blood samples as well Orochimaru's notebook on the edo tensei" Naruto said.

"The reason I know how it works very well is because I can use it as well" Naruto said and everyone's eyes widened at the statement.

"Naruto" the hokage asked with a hard voice "I hope you didn't use".

"I would never sacrifice someone else's life to bring back anyone. Even if it was family" Naruto said and the hokage sighed in relief.

"There are three ways to defeat an edo tensei." Naruto said getting their attention. "One, we can the seal the soul away thus disabling the edo tensei permanently. Two, we can vaporize the body completely thus stopping it from reforming or third, since I know the seals we can force the summoned to end the edo tensei himself." Naruto explained and they frowned. Either way it was going to be difficult.

"Ero-sennin" Naruto said.

"Stop calling me that" Jiraya and the rest sweat dropped. How could they do this in the middle of a fight? Kushina just laughed as she had called him the same when she was alive.

"I can't use any genjutsu strong enough to force them to release the edo tensei so do you know any sealing technique besides the Shiki Fuujin?" Naruto asked.

"Yes but it will take time to prepare" Jiraya said and Naruto nodded.

"We will hold them until them" Naruto said and everyone rose and eyebrow at the statement.

"Don't worry Kaa-san I'm freeing you from Orochimaru's grasp. Now…shall we dance?" Naruto asked smirking and grasping the fan on his back. He always wanted to face against powerful opponents and it didn't get any more powerful than the hokages.

(FLASHBACK – Valley of End)

Hashirama and Madara were facing each other getting ready to start their duel.

"I'll say it one last time Madara, forget this path" Hashirama said as he looked at his long date 'friend'.

"There is no turning back Hashirama. Now…shall we dance?"


Hashirama chuckled at the similarities between Naruto and Madara. It looked like Madara's blood was running strong through his veins, more strongly than Hashirama's own blood.

"Old man give me fire" Naruto said to the hokage and he nodded.

"Katon Karyuu Endan (Fire Dragon Bullet)" the hokage said expelling a torrent of white hot fire towards Orochimaru.

"Katon: Goryuka no Jutsu (Great Dragon Fire Technique)" Naruto said before he also started to expel his own stream of fire. He quickly picked his fan and swinged empowering the flames with wind.

An inferno was unleashed towards Orochimaru but they all remained in place. Tobirama clapped his hands together and water started rotating around all of them before exploding towards the incoming flames.

A huge cloud of steam erupted blinding everyone except Naruto who, due to his sharingan, managed to see the chakra of everyone. Taking advantage of the cloud of steam Naruto quickly threw towards them the last ten kunais he had with the hirashin seal.

The cloud dispersed and everyone remained in the same not moving an inch. Suddenly Hashirama started going through hand seals and said "Mokuton: Wood Spikes". Suddenly a tree sprouted from the ground and started sending wooden spikes towards Naruto and company.

Naruto channeled chakra to his gunbai and said "Gunbai Barrier Technique". A semi circular purple barrier appeared mid air intersecting all of the wooden spikes making them fall to the ground.

They were all distracted on defending that they didn't notice Kushina blur right through them heading towards Jiraya.

"Jiraya behind you" the hokage yelled as Kushina appeared next to Jiraya trying to cleave his head off.

The raikage powered his Raiton no Yoroi and dashed at the top of his speed towards Kushina. He wasn't going to arrive in time when they all saw a yellow flash appearing next to Jiraya and slamming a Rasengan into Kushina.

"Ero-sennin quick seal her while she is reforming" Naruto yelled out making Jiraya hurry and place one of his finished tags on Kushina's body.

"You did well Naruto-kun...i'm sorry we left you all alone but we loved you very much...i'm proud of you" Kushina said as her edo tensei was starting to crack indicating her soul was about to be released.

"T-Thank you Kaa-san" Naruto said sobbing. He usually never let his emotional guard to anyone other than his more trusted people but this one was an exception. Kushina was starting to fade away before Naruto approached her and whispered something to her ears only bringing a smile to her face before fading away completely.

"You are going down Orochimaru" Naruto said glaring at the snake.

"That was..." the Raikage started saying before everything fell into place. "You are Minato's brat aren't you?" the Raikage asked rhetorically.

"Yes I am and by the way Minato was Madara's son" Naruto said and the first two hokages widened their eyes. Who would have thought that Madara's son would have become hokage.

"Enough of this, kill them" Orochimaru ordered and they all dashed towards the leaf defenders.

"Jiraya how are the tags coming along? Hurry up will you" the hokage asked.

"Give me a break. This aren't easy to make" Jiraya stated.

"Here they come" the raikage said before taking a defensive stance. "Let's end this" the raikage said trying to boost the moral.

Naruto dashed towards Hashirama and engaged in taijutsu. Naruto had dropped the weights a long time ago if he wanted to keep up with kages. "So this the power of a kage...I need to step up my training" Naruto said as he was being pushed back by Hashirama's raw power.

Hashirama threw a right hook that connected with Naruto and left him slightly dazed. Naruto's kamui activated just time to see Orochimaru's extended neck phasing right through him.

"What the hell you pedophile...are you trying to give me a hickey?" Naruto smugly asked trying to piss him off.

"You shouldn't rattle him up" the hokage said chuckling at his surrogate grandson.

"I have another ready" Jiraya stated and Naruto nodded.

Naruto channeled as much chakra as he could into his body and sent a kick towards Orochimaru and sent him flying. Naruto using his kamui phased right through Hashirama and jumped back.

Naruto crouched and concentrated, golden chains emerged from the ground and snared Hashirama into the ground. The chains twisted around his ankles snaring him to that spot.

"Raikage" Naruto yelled out before the raikage abandoned his fight with Tobirama and charging at full speed he said "Lariat". The Raikage dashed towards Hashirama, who was pinned, at full speed slamming his arm into him destroying his chest completely.

Jiraya quickly appeared next to them and placed the sealing tag in Hashirama breaking him free.

"The village is in good hands, I hope we meet again Naruto...although not too soon" Hashirama said smiling as his soul was released. The village is in good hands, he could sense that Naruto had a pure heart and that the will of fire burned brightly in him.

"That's two down" Naruto said panting. Even though Kurama could refill his chakra's reserves at any time and he had good stamina, this invasion was taking its toll on his body. He already had two matches, one against a bijuu, he made two thousand clones and now he's here fighting against kages.

"You now old man" Naruto said towards the hokage panting "if I don't make chunnin after all this i'm gonna burn all of your icha icha books" Naruto stated and the hokage palled.

"Easy there" the hokage said waving his hands.

During all of this Orochimaru was greeting his teeth, everything was going so well until the brat appeared and then his edo tenseis started falling like flies. Now they were in an advantage as it was four against three. And the worst part of it, is that he can't afford to kill the brat.

Orochimaru decided that enough was enough and spat a sword out of his mouth. It was the Kusanagi Sword that is said to be indestructible, then again so is Naruto's fan.

Suddenly Naruto stiffened and brought his head down in shame. The hokage seemed confused and asked what happened.

"The kazekage is dead" Naruto said and Orochimaru eyes widened. The kazekage was suppose to invade the village with a small army and take it surprise.

"What happened?" the hokage asked.

"He was leading two hundred shinobis towards us so I launched my Kirin jutsu and killed them all" Naruto said in a low voice. He had just killed over two hundred people with a single jutsu. Even though he was defending his village, those shinobis were just following orders from their leader and Orochimaru himself.

The hokages eyes widened as well everyone's else. To be able to kill so many shinobis with a single jutsu. It reminded him of his father the yellow flash who used his hirashin jutsu to decimate almost one thousand shinobis during the third great war.

"To place such guilt on such a young man" the hokage thought. War never brought benefits to anyone and this little invasion was proof of that.

"That must be one hell of a jutsu" the raikage commented slightly interest in it. The ability to instantly take out so many shinobis easily ranks the jutsu as S-rank.

"The next tag is ready" Jiraya stated and they got ready once again.

"I won't allow this anymore. Mito use anything, use your strongest seal, I don't care just finish them" Orochimaru ordered and Mito obeyed.

Mito instantly started going through hand seals at very high speed indicating that it was going be one big sequence, and big sequences usually aren't good.

Jiraya was watching carefully the seal sequence when his eyes widened in realization. "You can't allow her to finish that seal. STOP HER NOW" Jiraya yelled but it was too late.

"Sealing Trap: Obliteration" Mito said and instantly kanji erupted from her hand and covered the entire roof where Jiraya and others were. The kanji suddenly starting flowing through the air trapping Jiraya and the other in a sphere.

"Activate" Mito said and the kanji sphere glowed before exploding with such a force that the entire building shook but the explosion and flames didn't leave the sphere and remained there for a few seconds.

The flames died down and kanji faded dispersing the sphere. Orochimaru smirked when the smoke cleared as he saw nothing inside the sphere. He couldn't even sense them anymore so that could only mean that he won.

"In the end Konoha shall perish as well" Orochimaru said laughing and the edo tensei looked down in shame.

"Don't get cocky boy" the raikage said and they all reappeared in the roof top via Naruto's kamui. Naruto by this time was sitting on the ground taking long breaths.

"How did you survive?" Orochimaru asked getting pissed. No matter what he did they always managed to escape.

"You have Naruto to thank for." the hokage said looking at him. "He transported us all to his pocket dimension just before the explosion happened" the hokage said chuckling and Orochimaru scowled.

"You really are one of the kind Naruto-kun" Orochimaru said chuckling. "Such a perfect vessel" he said.

"I don't swing that way" Naruto said chuckling.

"I have both tags ready let's end this for good" Jiraya said before everyone agreed. This battle had gone on long enough and Naruto was almost completely exhausted.

"I'll make my final move" Naruto said before he disappeared in a flash. He reappeared right behind Tobirama and slammed a Rasengan in his back sending him flying towards the hokage who caught him and immobilized him allowing Jiraya to seal him.

"You did well Saru" Tobirama said before disappearing.

"Thank you sensei" the hokage replied.

"You are next" Naruto whispered into Mito's ear as he flashed behind her as well.

"Rasengan" Naruto said and slammed it against Mito destroying her body completely. Jiraya quickly approached her and placed the tag on her releasing her as well.

"Now it's only Orochimaru" the hokage said.

"Konoha may have survived today but it shall fall" Orochimaru said as he getting ready to leave.

"You are not going anywhere" Naruto said as he flashed next to him and grabbed him by the arm. The moment Naruto caught Orochimaru kanji started flowing out of Naruto's arm.

Orochimaru seeing this immediately performed a kawarimi with a log but the kanji did managed to cover his entire right arm.

"This is the end" Naruto said before placing his right hand in the tiger seal. "Activate" Naruto said and almost instantly the kanji glowed and what seemed to be worst pain Orochimaru ever felt, this one was even worse.

Orochimaru screamed in pain until the seal started to fade off and disappeared from his arm.

"What (pant) did you do (pant) brat?" Orochimaru asked. His arm felt normal however it was a bit numb from the pain.

"I destroyed the chakra network on your arm. You can no longer mold chakra with that arm. You lose" Naruto said smirking.

"This won't be the end. Drop the barrier we are leaving" Orochimaru ordered and immediately the sound four dropped the barrier and ran towards their master. They grabbed him and tried to jump away.

"You aren't going anywhere" Naruto said before he summoned his golden chains and tried to capture them but one of the sounds four launched what seemed to a spider's web giving them enough time to shunshin away.

"Dammit, they got away" Naruto said punching the ground.

"Don't worry Naruto-kun we will get him eventually" the hokage said.

All of them were taking deep breaths as they overlooked Konoha. It seemed that the village didn't take much damage and the hokage was glad for it.

Naruto suddenly clutched his head in pain. "Old man, the invasion is over and my clones are dispelling so...I'll be fainting now. See you tomorrow" Naruto said as his eyes rolled behind his head and he fell to the ground only to have the hokage grabbing him.

"Rest now Naruto. You did much more that I could ever hope for" the hokage said as he picked Naruto and secured him in his back.

"That's some kid" the raikage said.

"Yes he is" Jiraya said proud of the shinobi his godson became.