Chapter 32 - Path Set in Stone

## Suna ##

Sunagakure no Sato was bursting with activity. Their pain of losing so many shinobi to the leaf village had dulled a little bit but that wasn't why they were all cheering and celebrating. Today marked the day that the Godaime Kazekage would take his position as the leader of Suna and hopefully make better decisions than the last one.

Every single person was gathered around the Kazekage tower in the middle of Suna. The Kazekage tower was the biggest building in all of Suna and was the work place of the Kazekage, his assistant and all the other personal. On top of the tower a lone figure was seen approaching. He had long white robes with a green hat. On the hat was the Kanji for Godaime Kazekage.

The Kazekage removed his hat to show a man with two very distinctive red marks on the right side of his face, the only visible part of his head, with the rest being covered by his turban-like head gear and by a sheet hanging from it on the left side of his face. The man was Baki, the former sensei of Gaara, Temari and Kankuro, and now the new Kazekage of the Sand Village.

Baki raised his hands high into the air and signaled the population to calm down so he could begin his speech. "People of Sunagakure. I come to talk to you with a heavy heart. I know it's still fresh the wounds and pain of those who lost loved ones on a foolish attempt orchestrated by my predecessor." Baki started and most of the people lowered their heads.

"But" Baki yelled "Let's us not dwell in the past and let's look into a brighter future. As of now we are allied to Iwagakure since their Tsuchikage has agreed. We shall repay the leaf in kind" Baki said and a dark tone "But for now we shall focus on rebuilding and bringing our village back to its peak. I promise that from now on, I'll lead this village to the best of my capabilities as the Godaime Kazekage" Baki yelled and the crowd erupted in cheers.

"Go-dai-me! ...Go-dai-me!" The crowd cheered for the newly appoint leader.

## Konoha ##

Naruto and Hinata were walking home after Naruto had gobbled up almost ten bowls of ramen. To this day Hinata still wondered where the hell all of that went. It wasn't physically possible for someone to eat so much. It is known that the stomach stretches to accommodate the food but ten bowls is ridiculous. Being Naruto an expert in space-time techniques, Hinata wondered if his stomach had some seal that would store and released his ramen at a constant rate.

All kidding aside it's well known that Shinobi have a much faster metabolism that ordinary people. This is due to their work and their active chakra networks. To a normal human digestion takes about three hours while, to shinobi, it takes a mere hour. Naruto was a jinchuuriki which causes his metabolism to go into hyper drive. That was the reason Naruto could eat so much. By the time he reached his third/fourth bowl the first one he ate would already been digested and so on.

"That hit the spot" Naruto said rubbing his belly with Hinata giggling and clinging to his right arm.

"Don't you get tired of ramen?" Hinata asked shaking her head "You eat almost thirty bowls a week"

"How could you?" Naruto asked in a mock hurt "Ramen is the food of the gods" Naruto said with anime tears.

"I know, I know" Hinata replied still laughing.

"Are you making fun of me?" Naruto asked in a teasing voice.

"What if I am" Hinata replied deciding to play along.

"Then I have to punish you" Naruto and said and swooped Hinata of her feet and placed her on his shoulder holding her by her legs. Naruto secured her and proceeded to dash mad speed to their home.

"YAHHHHHHH Slowwww...DOWN" Hinata yelled but Naruto didn't hear and proceeded and deactivate his gravity seals for an extra speed boost.

"You're home" Naruto said gently placing Hinata on the ground who was still seeing stars from Naruto's bumpy ride.

## Senju Compound ##

Naruto and Hinata walked inside the compound and into the living room to find the sand siblings there. Gaara was reading, much surprise there, Temari was cleaning up her fan and Kankuro was doing something to his puppets. By the looks of it, Kankuro was either testing or assembling some new puppet since Naruto only had seen his Karasu. And the last time he saw his puppet he kinda drove a rasengan through it.

"Yo" Naruto said walking into the room and making everyone turn to him greeting him. "Man...I'm spent. All that I want now is a warm bath and a bed" Naruto said plopping into a nearby couch.

"Welcome Naruto" Gaara said looking up from his book and proceeding to flip a page.

"By the way" Kankuro started "I heard you made it to the bingo book...congrats" Kankuro said and Temari scolded him saying that having a bullseye on the back of his head isn't exactly good news.

"Congratulations Hinata-chan, you also made it to the bingo book" Temari happily congratulated Hinata and got confused looks from Kankuro and Naruto.

"Is she bipolar?" Naruto whispered to Kankuro who shrugged his shoulders.

"How should I know?" Kankuro replied and Naruto got deadpanned.

"She's your sister moron" Naruto simply replied.

"I avoid my sister because she tends to be a bit...aggressive with that fan" Kankuro replied shivering. Between his sister's fan and his brother's sand he really didn't know what to pick.

"Let's show them that Kunoichi are as good as man" Temari stated swinging her fan and creating a small gust of wind.

"By the way" Naruto started "How is training with Anko?" Naruto asked and everyone froze at his question.

"I don't like it...mother is afraid of her" Gaara said shaking while Kankuro wasn't fairing much better either.

"I like it" Temari in a happy voice, too happy if you ask me. "It's awesome. A couple days ago she even let us interrogate a prisoner and use all of her tools" Temari said with stars in her eyes. "She's so cool...I want to be just like her" Temari said and both Naruto and Hinata slowly nodded knowing that if that happened, it wouldn't be safe to live in the Senju Compound anymore.

"Maybe she will let me sign the snake contract" Temari suddenly said and all the males paled at the thought of Temari summoning snakes to discipline everyone.

"Poor Shika" Naruto whispered to Kankuro who chuckled.

"Hey Gaara, how is the new seal holding up" Naruto asked. He had yet to ask Gaara about his new seal since he was out for nearly two days when he applied it.

"It's very good" Gaara said "I can sleep peacefully, which I really like, besides that Shukaku is being friendlier"

"Shukaku?" Naruto asked and Gaara nodded "Friendlier?" Naruto confirmed and Gaara nodded again never looking up from his book.

"Are you high?" Naruto asked and Gaara got confused.

"No...I'm at the same altitude as you" Gaara replied and Naruto sweat dropped.

"Forget it...explain me the whole Shukaku being friendlier" Naruto asked.

"Well...according to him, all of the seals used to seal him up were defective. He was in such poor conditions that were driving him mad" Gaara explained "He said 'Do you know what is like to be stuck in cage and being unable to sleep?'" Gaara said and Naruto pondered.

"I didn't really study much of your seal only that it wasn't meant for holding bijuus" Naruto stated and Gaara nodded.

"Yes...Shukaku said that I wasn't able to sleep because he wasn't either. And he couldn't sleep because of the seal was poorly constructed and that was making him insane. It was like having an itch a never being able to scratch it" Gaara explained.

"Good" Naruto replied "One less lunatic to deal with" Naruto thought. Suddenly the door opened of the living room opened and Tsunade, Shizune, and Jiraiya walked in.

"Hey baa-chan, ero-sennin, Shizune-nee-chan" Naruto said greeting his grandmother, his sister figure and his godfather who got a tick mark on his forehead.

"Don't call me that" Jiraiya yelled crying anime tears.

"But you are a pervert and always peeking around the hot springs" Naruto simply stated.

"Actually I haven't peeked in almost a week" Jiraiya proudly said and Naruto's eyes widened.

"Blasphemy" Naruto yelled throwing holy water to Jiraiya "What brought this on?" Naruto asked.

"I'll tell you later" Jiraiya said and Naruto shrugged his shoulders. "Oh and Naruto" Jiraiya bringing his attention back to him "Me and Tsunade-hime need to talk to all of you later" Jiraiya explained and they all nodded.

They all went to the kitchen to have dinner minus Naruto who decided to take a shower while they all ate. In fact both Naruto and Hinata had already eaten back at Ichiraku's and weren't hungry so they just waited for them to finish so they could have the conversation that Jiraiya had mentioned.

## An Hour Later ##

Everyone had already eaten and they were all seated in the living room. They didn't know what Jiraiya wanted with them but the serious look on his face told everyone that this wasn't some chit chat. They were even more convinced when Naruto placed a sound and visual seal around the room.

"So what do you want to talk to us about?" Naruto asked while everyone was wondering pretty much the same thing.

"Akatsuki and this fellow...Tobi" Jiraiya said and Naruto instantly knew this had something to do with his latest mission.

"Wait" Naruto called out "If it's about Tobi we should include Kurama in this" Naruto said and everyone raised an eyebrow.

"Kurama?" Tsunade asked confused.

"Kurama is the Kyuubi's real name...he trusted me with his name and I'm doing the same with you" Naruto said and they all nodded. Naruto proceeded to make a shadow clone and having Kurama switch with him.

"I'm here. You can start pervert" Kurama said and Naruto bit back a laugh.

"Naruto, Hinata" Jiraiya said focusing on both of them "I need to know everything about him from your mouths. I know what Tsunade told me...but explain everything...even if it might seem irrelevant" Jiraiya explained and Naruto took a deep breath gathering his thoughts before beginning.

"For starters he said that he's Uchiha Madara, my grandfather, but that is false" Naruto started "When he said that, I took a reading at his chakra and it had nothing to do with mine. Of course it had similarities as we are both Uchihas but he was too different from mine" Naruto said.

"But you also a Senju, don't forget that" Gaara commented.

"I'll tell you what I told him. If you saw me with short hair and without whiskers I could pass for my father right?" Naruto asked and they all nodded "That means that my father's genes are dominant meaning that my chakra signature is more related to that of my father and, of course, grandfather than to that of my mother" Naruto explained and they all nodded.

"And he also has the Mokuton" Naruto said still no believing in what he saw. With that mokuton stunt he pulled back with Kakuzu he would believe that Tobi was using genjutsu as well.

"I wonder about that" Tsunade said rubbing her chin. "So far no one had ever awakened the Mokuton bloodline since my father and all Senju Clan members were accounted for. Unless...some member had a one night stand with someone we didn't know about" Tsunade said trying to explain just who the hell Tobi was.

"Another thing I noticed about him" Naruto said and looked straight at Tsunade "Besides him having the Mokuton is that he had Senju Chakra but it felt...irregular" Naruto said.

"What do you mean by irregular?" Tsunade asked.

"I don't know how to explain it properly. It's like that Senju chakra was different from his Uchiha one...they were 'vibrating' at different frequencies so to speak. Another way to put it's as if he had both Senju Chakra and Uchiha chakra but separately in his body and yet one single chakra signature" Naruto explained or tried for that matter. When he sensed his chakra he wasn't looking for anything in particular other than confirming if he was Madara or not.

"I see" Tsunade said digesting the information "What can you tell us about his chakra?" Tsunade asked turning to Hinata.

"Unfortunately I can't tell you anything else. My byakugan doesn't differentiate chakra signatures so all chakra looks the same to us with the exception of bijuu chakra of course" Hinata explained and Tsunade sighed.

"Baa-chan" Naruto said making her focus on her "Do you think it's possible he somehow injected Senju DNA into his body?" Naruto asked and Tsunade unfortunately nodded.

"It's possible but very risky" Tsunade said before she walked out of the leaving room and activated her space bridge to go to her office and picked up a file. "This is a file on one of our ANBU operatives, Tenzou" Tsunade said passing the file by everyone in the room.

"When he was young, Tenzou was kidnapped by Orochimaru and experimented on" Tsunade said sighing at the shocked faces of Naruto and Hinata "He was one of sixty children that Orochimaru tried to inject Senju DNA to give them the Mokuton Bloodline. Of all the sixty children, he was the only one who survived. But, even though he survived, he became capable of using the Wood Release, however a much weaker version than that of my father" Tsunade explained.

"'s possible that this Tobi has injected gramp's DNA to increase his body prowess and to use his Mokuton Bloodline?" Naruto asked and Tsunade nodded. "Then jinchuuriki have a major problem in their hands" Naruto said.

"What do you mean?" Jiraiya asked.

"Two things...he has both a sharingan and the mokuton bloodline. He will be able to subjugate every Bijuu out there" Naruto said and everyone's eyes widened as they didn't think of that. Hashirama on his prime was able to subject all of the nine bijuu, simultaneously if need be. And this Tobi also had the Sharingan increasing his potential.

"And then there is his mangekyou" Naruto said.

"You said that it had the same ability as yours right?" Tsunade asked and Naruto nodded.

"Not only he has the Kamui but we don't even know what other powers it may have" Naruto started "I get the feeling that the Sharingan's potential is limitless" Naruto said and everyone raised an eyebrow.

"What makes you say that?" Jiraiya asked.

"I unlocked another power during our mission" Naruto explained and Jiraiya motioned him to continue "You aren't going to believe it but...this new power allows me to turn back time a couple of seconds with only the user being aware of what occurred" Naruto explained and Jiraiya's jaw dropped.

"C-Can you run that by me again?" Tsunade asked wondering if the sake she drank was a bit too much.

"I can turn back time" Naruto said.

"No" Jiraiya said shaking his head "It's not possible" Jiraiya said.

"Nothing is impossible in the shinobi world and I can prove it" Naruto said and wondered just how the hell he was going to do that.

"I want you to think of a word and memorize it" Naruto said to Jiraiya who agreed and chose his word "Now you're going to tell it to me and I'm going to turn back time to the point where you didn't tell it to me yet" Naruto explained and everyone nodded.

Jiraiya said his word to Naruto and he activated his mangekyou and focused. He still couldn't control this new technique very well. He still couldn't control the amount of time he turned back as it was a random amount of seconds. Sometimes it was five seconds, other time it was seven and the most he managed was twelve seconds. "Kuronosu (Time God)" Naruto said his mangekyou pulsed before starting to spin counter clock wise.

"Stop" Naruto yelled to Jiraiya who was about to speak the word "I already know the word and turned back time. The word you chose was:...boobs" Naruto said and Tsunade got a tick mark getting ready to bury Jiraiya into the ground.

"Is that enough proof?" Naruto asked but they were still a little dubious about it. I mean...turning back time. WTF

"I can vouch for him...Since I'm inside of him I witnessed the whole thing" Kurama said and eventually everyone caved.

"So what are we going to do about this Tobi person?" Naruto asked looking at everyone "He was the reason Kurama attacked the leaf...he's the reason my parents are dead" Naruto explained unintentionally giving off KI.

"You aren't going for revenge I hope" Jiraiya asked. He knew of many shinobi who had embraced revenge and it didn't end up well for anyone.

"I won't give into revenge" Naruto said and everyone sighed in relief "But" Naruto continued and everyone tensed "When we meet in combat, and we eventually will, I'm going to kill him" Naruto said with his sharingan spinning.

"And I'll be there." Jiraiya said "The bastard is going to pay for killing my student" Jiraiya said.

"And my daughter" Tsunade said and everyone nodded. It seemed that everyone wanted a piece of Tobi.

"Now it brings us to the main point of this conversation and the reason why I wanted Gaara and his siblings in here as well" Jiraiya started "I heard from my spies that the Akatsuki is going on a down low for three years before they start hunting for the jinchuuriki" Jiraiya explained.

"That's why I want to take Naruto and Gaara on a three year training trip" Jiraiya said and everyone was shocked.

"You want to take Naruto away for three years?" Hinata asked in a sad voice.

"Cheer up Hime" Naruto said hugging her "You forget I have two space time techniques at my disposal. I'll come see you every day" Naruto said and Hinata instantly perked up kissing him.

"I know you are strong enough to hold your own against them...but when three years are up, I want you to be able to take the whole organization on and come out the winner" Jiraiya said poofing his chest and Naruto just stared at him. Sure Naruto was strong but taking on 10 S-rank shinobi at the same time. Jiraiya was crazy...ten S-Rank shinobi are enough to take down whole countries and armies.

"You are kidding right?" Naruto asked but Jiraiya shook his head.

"Think it this way" Jiraiya started "You are an S-Rank shinobi at fourteen years old. What rank do you think you will be when you reach your prime in a couple of years?" Jiraiya rhetorically asked and Kankuro paled. Naruto had taken his sensei, him, his sister and his brother on and came out the winner, and he wasn't on his prime.

"I suppose" Naruto said "So what will we be doing during the trip?" Naruto asked wanting to know the details.

"We will be ironing out any flaws in your taijutsu, merge your rasengan with elemental affinity, get some field experience, let your body mature to unleash its full power, you will have enough time to complete any technique you are developing and you can train your eyes further" Jiraiya explained Naruto nodded. It seemed like a solid plan.

"For you Gaara...I can teach you a proper taijutsu style along with elemental affinities and how to properly control Shukaku. The sand I'll leave it to you since it's your bloodline" Jiraiya explained and Gaara nodded in appreciation.

"If you will train for three years...then so will I" Hinata said.

"Yosh" Tsunade yelled "When I'm finished with you, you will be giving a run for their money to anyone in the village" Tsuande said laughing evilly making Hinata pale. Medical training was supposed to be indoors and calm...right?

"I'm definitely asking Anko for the summoning contract" Temari said and even Jiraiya paled. He didn't want another pretty thing like Temari to turn into a Anko. She was one crazy bitch.

"May Kami have mercy on her husband's soul" Jiraiya thought.

Somewhere in the Nara compound a certain pineapple haired teen sneezed. "Troublesome" He said before yawning and going back to sleep.

"This is all I wanted to say to you" Jiraiya said and everyone left to their rooms.

## Middle of Night - Senju Compound - Naruto & Hinata's Room ##

It was around midnight in the Senju Compound and everything was quiet since everyone was sleeping.

"AHHHHHHHH" a scream echoed through the whole compound making Naruto jump from his bed. He looked around with his sharingan spinning checking his surroundings for any enemy.

"H-HARDER" Naruto heard and thought what exactly was the meaning of that "F-FASTER" He heard and blushed. He now had a pretty good idea of what was going on and who was having fun. Naruto turned around to go to bed when he saw Hinata with her byakugan active and a small bit of blood on her nose. Naruto waved her hand in front of Hinata but nothing happened.

"Is she a pervert?" Naruto thought amused. She had burned every Icha Icha she could find...but maybe she was just a closet perv.

"A fine choice in mate" Kurama said before going back to sleep.

"MOOORE" Tsunade yelled once again.

"This is going to be a long night" Naruto muttered before he pulled the passed out Hinata to the bed and tried to sleep.

## Shizune's Room ##

Shizune woke up rather harshly much like Naruto. She jumped off the bed focusing her eyes on any potentials enemies and with senbon in both hands. When she heard the exact nature of the screams she proceeded to blush and pull a couple of ear plugs so she could sleep peacefully.

## Gaara's Room ##

Gaara was laying perfectly still in bed. It was kinda disturbing the position in which he was slipping. Gaara was laying on his back with his hands folded over his chest perfectly still.

"Who dares disturb my sleep?" Gaara asked as he opened both his eyes simultaneously but remained in the same position. He heard the noises and simply made a cocoon of sand around him and went back to sleep.

## Kankuro's Room ##

Kankuro woke up with the screams and immediately proceed to break up in a fit of giggles flying into a nearby wall and passing out with a massive nose bleed. He was one of the few who wasn't going to have any troubles sleeping tonight.

## Temari's Room ##

Temari heard the screams but she didn't wake up. "eheh...snakes" Temari muttered in her sleep shifting her position when she heard the scream and proceeded to sleep it off.

## Next Morning - Kitchen ##

Shizune, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Hinata and Naruto were all gathered in the kitchen. Everyone seemed mostly fine with the exception that Hinata was now supporting a pretty decent blush and Naruto had eyes of someone who didn't sleep. They heard a noise and turned around to see Tsunade and Jiraiya approaching.

Tsunade was smiling and had the traditional afterglow of having sex. And if you consider the fact that she didn't have any in almost twenty years, I would be surprised that Jiraiya could even walk at this point. Now we see Jiraiya with the biggest shit eating grin Naruto had ever seen.

"Now I understand why he didn't peek in over a week" Naruto thought looking at Jiraiya who was sitting down at the table. Naruto walked towards him placing a blank paper in front of him and started drawing kanji.

"You know what that is?" Naruto asked.

"It's a silence seal" Jiraiya replied confused and Naruto smiled.

"THEN LEARN HOW TO USE IT" Naruto snapped loud enough for everyone to understand what he meant. Maybe his lack of sleep had affected him a bit. Tsunade was blushing and looking away while drinking her coffee. Kankuro had already passed out again. Temari's was oblivious while Gaara was emotionless.

"I-I-I" Jiraiya started but Naruto interrupted him.

"I just want some peace of mind...especially at night" Naruto said and Jiraiya nodded weakly.

"Good" Naruto replied "Now let's talk terms" Naruto said and Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "If you hurt her...I will place on my Tsukuyomi and force you to read the Icha Icha Gai's Flames of Youth Limited Edition" Naruto said and Jiraiya paled and quickly nodded.

## Later that Day ##

Sasuke was sitting high up in a tree in the middle of Konoha. He was contemplating on his choices and all the training he had done went down the drain. He didn't understand why he wasn't strong enough. He trained everyday to the brink of exhaustion and yet he was utterly defeated and humiliated by his enemy Kakuzu. And above all, Naruto was able to defeat him.

Sasuke didn't understand what made Naruto so special. He even decided to follow Naruto's advice and got closer to his team. Well, as far as he could without breaking up his training schedule or endangering his quest for avenging his fallen clan. Naruto said that true power came from protecting people and yet Sasuke remained weak, powerless at the face of stronger enemies. Kakuzu said that Itachi belonged to the Akatsuki Organization and, if he was a member as well and Naruto defeated him so easily, then Sasuke would stand no chance against his brother. Sasuke would need an ace up his sleeve.

"What do you want?" Sasuke asked as he felt four presences nearby watching him from afar, but not far enough for Sasuke not to notice them. Four figures dropped in front of him staring at him impassively. "I won't ask again" Sasuke said in a dangerous voice with his sharingan glowing.

"I don't know what Orochimaru-sama wants with this loser" one of the figures said. He had dark grey hair with long bangs that covered his right eye. He wore a green shade of lipstick, and had dark markings around their eyes giving them an androgynous appearance. He also wore brown tunics with long black, black skin-tight shorts, and purple ropes tied around their waists. He was Sakon, one of the Sound Four, the elite bodyguards of Orochimaru.

"We aren't here to ask questions shithead" another replied. She had red hair and wore a black hat with bandaged sides. She wore a tan tunic, much like the other members of Sound Four, with black shorts and standard black shinobi sandals. She was Tayuya another member of the Sound Four.

"Let's get this over with" another member said. He was a large and imposing young man, towering over the rest of his team-mates. He had orange eyes, and three tufts of orange hair on his head: a Mohawk of sorts that ran down the middle and two similar styled tufts of hair at the side. He wore a sleeveless tunic with the symbol of the Sound Four on the hem, along with black, arm-warmers, a pair of black, ¾ length pants that stopped just below his knees. Along with this, he wore sandals with leg warmers, covered by bandages, a purple robe belt around his waist, and a necklace that comprised of circular pieces separate long, metallic pieces. He was Jirobo one of the Sound Four.

"Orochimaru-sama has a proposal to you" the last member of the Sound Four said. He was a dark-skinned shinobi with black, shaggy hair, and black eyes. Uniquely, he also had six arms and wore a black, sleeveless top and shorts, over which he wore a tunic that bore the symbol of the Sound Four, and a purple rope-belt around his waist. He also wore the forehead protector of his village along with arm warmers, shinobi sandals and bandages around his legs. He was Kidomaru the last member of his team. He, along with Tayuya, Jirobo and Sakon, were the Sound Four, elite bodyguards of Orochimaru.

"Let's hear it" Sasuke said not once looking away from the enemy. Sasuke may be a lot of things but he wasn't a fool.

"If you come to him, he will give you all the power you will ever need" Tayuya said and Sasuke stayed silent. Konoha was doing him nothing regarding his vengeance on his brother. In fact, since Naruto public stated he was a sharingan user Sasuke's leverage dropped significantly.

"What makes Orochimaru that powerful...he got his ass handed to him by Naruto and he's fourteen like me" Sasuke questioned.

"It's your choice" Kidomaru started "You can stay here and keep playing ninja with your friends" Kidomaru said showing one of his hands "Or" Kidomaru said showing the other hand "You come with us and Orochimaru-sama will give you all the power you will ever need" Kidomaru finished.

"There is nothing to think about" Sasuke said getting up and dusting himself off. "When do we leave?" Sasuke asked and Tayuya smirked. At least this loser knew what was good for him.

"Don't you need to take anything?" Sakon asked and Sasuke pondered before nodding. "Then meets us at the edge of the north gate in one hour. Don't be later or we will leave without you" Sakon said and all of the Sound Four disappeared in a blur leaving Sasuke to go home and pack.

## 30 Minutes Later - Middle of Konoha ##

It was dark in Konoha as the sun was already gone. The only light available was of that provided by the moon or the nearby public lamps. Sasuke was walking calmly and quietly trying not rise any type of suspicions. He knew that, if Konoha knew he left, they would hunt him down with the threat of the Sharingan ending up in another village.

Sasuke looked ahead and saw Sakura looking at him. "What are you doing here in the middle of the night, Sakura?" Sasuke asked stopping in front of her.

"You are leaving the village aren't you?" Sakura asked but Sasuke didn't answer and just started walking again passing by her without wasting a glance.

"Go home Sakura...go to sleep" Sasuke said and kept on walking while Sakura remained there in place. Silent tears started to fall from her face.

"Is that all you have to say" Sakura asked shedding silent tears not once raising her voice "After all the good times we had together as a team...and with me" Sakura said shaking "You are just going to walk away" Sakura said.

"I told that you don't understand" Sasuke said stopping but not turning to face her "You don't know what it's like to lose your whole family and the person responsible being your brother. You don't know the pain I felt...the pain I feel" Sasuke said.

"I'm an avenger and I won't stop until I have killed my brother. I can't be delayed by some silly crush" Sasuke said coldly. "The only thing I need is power...and I won't get that here" Sasuke explained.

"So you are just leaving everything behind?" Sakura rhetorically asked. "We had good times" Sakura started.


Team 7 with their sensei had just got back from one mission. They were all eating at the barbeque restaurant. Between Kiba's loud and annoying voice and Sakura's giggling everyone was enjoying themselves, even the brooding Uchiha managed a couple of smirks.



It was another training day for team 7 with their scarecrow of a sensei. They were all practicing taijutsu katas.

"Move your right arm slightly apart" Sasuke said towards Sakura who quickly nodded blushing. Back in the trees Kakashi chuckled to himself...his team was doing just fine.



Team 7 had just engaged in a couple of bandits and Sasuke had saved Sakura. The enemy was about to kill her when Sasuke body blocked the strike, taking him the hit in a less critical area.

"Why?" Sakura asked sobbing.

"I don't body moved on its own" Sasuke explained removing the kunai from his shoulder.

"Thank you" Sakura said and gently kissed his cheek.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Sasuke yelled rubbing his cheek.

"Oh shut liked it" Sakura chirped while Sasuke scoffed but managed a small smile.

"*cough* whipped *cough*" Kiba stated making Sasuke glare at him.



It was another simple mission that would last a couple of days. It was night and the weather was warm so everyone in the team decided to sleep out in the open. Sasuke had yet to fall asleep and was watching the starry sky deep in thought. Sasuke was so deep in thought he didn't notice a certain pink haired girl roll over in her sleep. Sasuke tried to move but found it difficult. He looked down to see Sakura cuddling with him, she had intertwined her legs with his and was sleeping peacefully on his chest.

"Troublesome" Sasuke muttered to himself while slightly blushing but did nothing to separate her from him.


"Like I thought" Sasuke started "I am nothing like any of you. I won't stop at nothing in my quest" Sasuke coldly said before disappearing in a blur and reappearing right behind Sakura.

"Sakura...I'm sorry" Sasuke said as he picked up a kunai and quickly slit her throat. Sakura tried to say something but only a bloodied gurgle was heard. Sakura fell to her knees and dropped to the ground, lifeless. Sasuke was still standing in the same place frozen.

Sasuke felt something watery in his face. He swiped his cheek with his hands and notice that they were tears, he was crying. Sasuke's chakra spiked and his sharingan flared to life, it had two tomoes. A big chunk of chakra was funneled towards his eyes and Sasuke's sharingan started spinning. It quickly became a three tomoed sharingan but continued to spin and started to shift its form.

His eyes stopped spinning and the whole pattern was different. His eyes were black in the background with three blood red intersecting ellipses. Sasuke's eyes had changed into the all powerful mangekyou sharingan.

"Now that I have eyes like you" Sasuke started "I'll hunt you down...Onii-san (older brother)"