The Mysterious Black Egg, Rock-eating Bear

As Tao Yang fell down the cliff, he remembered the words of his other friend, Lin Jin.

He always said that Kang Xiang was a snake and warned him not to get too close to him but he did not listen.

He regretted.

He regretted being friends with Kang Xiang.

He regretted not working harder.

He regretted not being able to help his parents in the village.

He regretted being born.

Those were his last thoughts as he crashed into the ground.

He looked at the sky as he bled from his head. He then looked at the edge of the cliff to see Kang Xiang mocking him. There was not a shred of regret or sadness in his eyes.

The light in Tao Yang's eyes faded away as he died and his soul entered the cycle of samsara.

As the warmth of his body started to fade away, a black egg suddenly appeared above his body. This black egg entered Tao Yang's dantain and released a black light healing all of Tao Yang's injuries.

It then released Siguard's soul, it fused with Tao Yang's body perfectly.

The black egg then created a barrier around Siguard's new body, protecting him from all the wild animals.

6 hours later.

Siguard opened his eyes to see the night sky, 'it is still as beautiful as ever', he thought.

As he enjoyed the night sky it suddenly dawned on him.

'I'm dead', he thought, 'is this the afterlife, no I was killed by God Slaying bone, which can cause the soul to dissipate so not even afterlife is possible for me'.

'Yet here I am, breathing'.

Suddenly he felt an intense headache, he clenched his head and greeted his teeth and endured it the pain.

As the pain faded away, a wave of clarity hit him.

"Tao Yang, so this body originally belonged to Tao Yang, a poor soul who was also betrayed and killed by his best friend. But the question is why am I in his body?".

He scanned with his soul sense his body for any injuries, to his surprise it had none.

"To be unharmed after falling from such a height is the son of a dragon".

"No there is blood on his clothes and on the ground, so this means he had been injured first and healed later".

"No that does not matter now I need to find a safe shelter before it gets really dark".

With that thought in his mind, he got up as he did so the invisible barrier protecting him dissipated without him noticing it.

He squinted his eyes to make out what was around him, he saw the cliff and there was a cave on it.

"My luck finally took a turn for the better", he thought as he walked towards, suddenly a got whiff of a smell.

'This smell', he pondered for a bit, 'Rock eating Bear'.

If it where the previous Siguard he could just look at the Rock eating Bear and that would have killed it, but now he was in the body of Tao Yang who did not even have the cultivation of body tempering if he were to encounter the Rock eating bear now he would most definitely die.

Rock-eating bear was a Class 3 beast on reaching adulthood and the strongest beast in the Sin Fire Forest was only a class 4, so its safe to say that the Rock-eating Bear is one of the strongest beasts in the forest.

Siguard carefully and slowly backed out of the cave and was preparing to run when remembered something.

"Winter is coming".

"So the bear must be in hibernation".

"If I use this opportunity and use a blood slave seal inscription on it then I could get loyal Class 3 beast that can protect me in the forest".

To create a blood slave seal one needed 3 things, first a lot of blood, second to have soul strength stronger than the one you are enslaving, third an in-depth knowledge of inscription.

If Sigurd was anything then he would be an expert in inscription making. If in the Immortal realm he is to say that he is second in the art of making inscription than no one would claim first.

Although most of his soul power is sealed by the Black Egg, he still had 0.001% of his previous soul power, which was equivalent to a class 9 beast.

Thinking for a bit Siguard decided to enslave the Rock-eating bear.

He carefully tiptoed into the cave and deep inside the Rock-eating bear was in hibernation just like he predicted. Releasing sigh of relief he carefully walked in not making any noise.

He picked up a sharp rock and cut his vain and using his soul strength he manipulated it to float upwards. The blood that floated upwards formed into an orb of blood.

From this orb, he formed 4 very thin threads of blood. With these threads, he began to draw 4 symbols simultaneously.

One symbol was a tiger.

One was a bird.

One was a turtle with a snake for the tail.

The last was a dragon.

These 4 represented the 4 cardinal divine beasts. These symbols were very lifelike and had absorbed the essence of the 4 divine beasts.

Suddenly the 4 symbols roared and tried to escape from Siguard's control, they had gained the essence of the 4 divine beasts and gained a life of there own.

But Sigurd was prepared for this he used his soul strength to suppress them. The 4 symbols then turned obedient and whimpered like spoiled children.

Using the rest of the blood he connected the 4 divine beasts to each other by making blood chains. And at the center of these chains was a mysterious red symbol. This red symbol was the blood slave seal.

"Go", he said as he pushed the symbol toward the sleeping bear, the 4 divine symbols understood and his command and ran toward the head of the bear. The 5 symbols submerged into the bears head and entered its sea of consciousness.

Inside the sea of consciousness of the bear.

Siguard through the 5 symbols saw a sea of fog, this fog is called fog of memories.

At the center of the sea was a small ball of light, that is the soul of the bear.

He willed the 5 symbols to move towards the soul.

Because the bear is in hibernation the soul too was in hibernation, so there was no resistant as the symbol fused with soul. If the bear was awake then there is 100% chance it would resist and the symbol would have a hard time fusing with the soul.

"Success", said Siguard.

"Thank you Forefather Dracula for creating the Blood slave seal".

"Now awaken my companion", said Siguard


Rock-eating Bear's perspective.

I was dreaming of breaking through to class 5 and becoming the overlord of the forest, every day I would eat precious metals and rocks and grow stronger. And surrounding me was a harem of female bear.

Suddenly my dream changed into another one. In this new dream, I saw my self as a child being taken care of by a boy. The boy and I grew up together and we went through several life and death battles together. We lived together, we fought together, we bathed together, ate together, and finally, the dream ended with us died together. Through this dream, I swore to protect this boy no matter what. Strangely I had the urge to follow every command of this.

That is when I heard a voice say, "Now awaken my companion".

This voice. It is his voice, he is still alive.

The Rock-eating bear opened his eyes and rushed at Sigaurd to express his affection.


Siguard's perspective.

"OH SHIT THE SEAL FAILED", he thought as he saw the bear rushing at him.