Endless Body and Qi Art, 5 Elemental lightning Body Refining

Just as Siguard was about to run, with his strong soul he detected that there was no malice in the actions of the Rock-Eating bear.

He decided to trust his instinct and stood there without moving.

The bear jumped on Siguard pushing him down, the weight of the bear almost crushing him.

The bear opened its mouth a horrible stench was emitted from it.

Siguard though it was his end, but surprisingly the bear began licking him like a dog.

'So the seal did work', he thought.

"That's enough", said Siguard.

The Rock-eating bear stopped licking and moved away from his top.

'Although he is a bit weak he will become stronger if he hangs around me', thought Siguard.

Siguard got up and dusted himself off.

"Do you have a name", he asked.

The bear did not reply, as it did not understand Siguard's language.

Siguard used the mental connection he had with the bear to ask the question again.

"What is a name?", the bear asked back, "Can it be eaten".

Siguard thought for a while and said, "A name is what you call something".

He then pointed at rock and said, "See that, that's called rock".

"No that is food", said the Rock-eating bear.

"Yes it is food for you but not for me humans normally call it rock", replied Siguard with a smile.

"I understand", said the bear.

"Now, what are you called", he asked again.

"I have no name", said the bear in a sad tone.

Siguard though for a while.

"Is it ok if I name you", he asked.

"Of course it is ok", replied the bear with delight.

"Ok then from now own your name is Bai'er", declared Siguard.

"Hum-hum", the bear nodded with happiness.

"What is your name?", asked Bai'er.

"I am called, Tao Yang, but you call me big brother", said Siguard.

Since this is the body of Tao Yang he decided to go by that name from now onwards.

"I need to bandage my wound", said Siguard as he pointed to his arm which was still bleeding.

"Ah, who hurt you big brother", Bai'er asked.

"Its nothing I just slipped and fell", he replied calmly.

"You should get some sleep I will wake you up when the sun rises", said Siguard with a smile.

"Ok big brother", replied Bai'er and he went back into the corner of the cave and laid down and closed his eyes.

Siguard removed his shirt and tore a piece of cloth that was not soaked in blood, and bandaged his wound.

'Now to heal the wound', though Siguard a smile.

Now, this is where his Endless Body and Qi art comes in hand.

Siguard was a genius at creating cultivation arts. He created his first cultivation art at the age of 10 when he officially began training in the martial way. And throughout his life, he created 1000's of high-quality cultivation arts that a variety of people can cultivate.

The Endless Body and Qi art is the product of millennia worth of observation and research into the human body and inscriptions. It is the greatest work that Siguard had created. A definite grade cannot be put on it as it is a growth type of cultivation art. The longer you cultivate the stronger it gets. And this process goes on endlessly. Hence it is called Endless Body and Qi art.

The Endless Body and Qi art is divided into two parts, the Endless body art, and the Endless Qi art.

Siguard stood up and began to do a strange exercise. This is exercise was the Endless body Art of the Endless Body and Qi Art. Each position in this exercise represents an inscription symbol.

And what are inscription symbols, they are symbols that resonate with the laws of the dao.

As Siguard did the Endless Body arts the surround World Qi rushed into his body. It entered through is pores and rushed into the wound in his hand. The wound began to feel warm as the cells there was stimulated and rapidly began to heal, in just a few seconds it completely healed. The rest of the World Qi dispersed into his muscles and organs.

But Sigurd did not stop he continued to do the bizarre exercises. World Qi continued to rush into his body through his pores and this energy washed his muscles, organs, meridians, bone, and marrow. He felt his body becoming warm like as if he was taking a bath in a hot spring.

Black mucus which exuded a horrible stench was excreted from his pores. This called Mortal Filth. Mortal filth is accumulated in the body by eating mortal food and breathing mortal air. This felt is very difficult to remove.

There are a few ways in the mortal realm to remove mortal filth, but these involve baptizing yourself in lightning and fire etc.

A body with mortal filth is called Houtian body, while those without mortal filth is called Xantian body. The talent of those with Xantian body is higher than those with Houtian body, this is as mortal filth act as resistors to World Qi conduction. There are people born with natural Xantian body who have amazing cultivation talent.

In the immortal realm, everyone is born with Xantian body due to the lack of Mortal air and Mortal food.

After 1/2 hour he finished one round of Endless Body art. He sat down cross-legged and began to inspect the changes in his body.

The mortal filth accumulated in his body had decreased by 10% doing the Endless body arts 9 more times can give him Xantian body. His physical strength has also improved before he only had 1 tin [1] of strength but now he had 3 tin of strength. His bones had become stronger, his organ function has become smoother and stronger. His meridians have become wider and his dantian...

That was when Siguard noticed something inside his dantian.

"This is...that egg I got from the tome of the Lord of 5 elements".

"What is it doing here? I thought it was with my old body, did it get transported with my soul or did it transport my soul".

Siguard observed the egg again he was quickly stunned. There was something written on it. The last time he observed it there was nothing on it.

The title was 5 Elemental lightning Body Refining. Created by Lord of 5 elements.

'GOLD, I HAVE STRUCK GOLD', Sigurd shouted in his mind, he had the urge to jump up and dance but he resisted. Before his death, the Lord of 5 elements used to be one of the strongest in the God Realm. A cultivation art made by him is definitely going to be powerful.

He read through the cultivation arts he was shocked the more he read the more shocked he became.

'Genius, this is pure Genius, to think of turning elemental energy into lighting and using it to temper the body'.

Siguard was very excited because this was also a growth type of cultivation art.

But unlike Endless Body and Qi art which takes accumulation and time, the 5 elemental lightning body refining uses Elemental souls to grow.

Elemental souls are rare forms of life found in places with a dense concentration of a particular element under specific conditions. They can weaken but almost impossible to kill.

With the help of 5 Elemental Lightning Body refining, it is possible to absorb them and make them your subordinates while also increasing the grade of the 5 Elemental Lighting Body refining.

Siguard calmed down, he got up and stripped naked. The reason he did this was that when one cultivates the 5 Elemental Lighting Body refining once body produces lightning and this lightning will destroy your clothes, this was his only pair of clothes it is already covered in blood he did not want to destroy it.

He sat down and whispered the mantra and made the hand seals specified in 5 Elemental Lighting Body refining.

Elemental energy is all around us and much like World Qi but they cannot be used for cultivation by normal methods.

This Elemental energy rushed into Siguard's body and entered into his pores, inside his body this elemental energy was converted into lightning-like energy. Fire was converted Fire lighting which has both the property of fire and lightning. Water was converted Water lighting which has both the property of water and lightning. Metal was converted Metal-lighting which has both the property of metal and lightning. Earth was converted into Earth-lighting which has both the property of Earth and lighting. And finally, wood was converted into Wood-lightning, which both the properties of wood and lighting.

He first allowed the Earth-lightning to rampage his body, it circulated through his entire body damaging the body in the process. He felt his body getting heavier along with the numbness caused by the lightning.

Then he allowed the Metal-lightning to refine his body, since earth supports metal, the Earth-lighting was devoured by the Metal-lightning making it stronger. He felt like he was swimming in an ocean of needles.

Next, he allowed the Water-lightning to flow through his body, just like before since metal supports water the Metal-lightning was devoured by the Water-lightning making it stronger than both Meta-lightning and Earth-lightning. He very cold, so cold that he felt that his blood and marrow would freeze over.

Then he allowed the Wood-lightning to refine his body since water supports wood the water-lightning was devoured by wood-lightning. He felt endless vitality in his body, in fact, he had too much vitality that his body was about to explode.

Finally, he allowed the Fire-lightning to refine his body, just like before since wood supports fire the Wood-lightning was devoured by the Fire-lightning making it exponentially stronger. He felt like he was dropped into a pool of magma. The Fire-lightning was fully absorbed into the body.

Siguard opened his eyes, a murders a gleam flashed in it but it quickly disappeared.

This whole process took 5 hours complete.

He scanned his body with his soul sense, more than 30% of the mortal filth inside had been destroyed by the rampaging elemental lightning. Now only 53% of the mortal filth is left. He also noticed that his body was greatly damaged.

His muscles had small tears here and there. His bones had microfractures on them. Even his organs had small wounds on them. If these small wounds if they were one or two were not an issue but the massive quantity of wounds was a problem.

He tried to get up but he felt immense pain as he tried to move. But with his strong will, he got and began to do the Endless body art.

The surrounding world qi rushed into his body through his pores and washed his bones, muscles, organs, and marrow. All his wounds started to heal at a terrifying rate. After doing the Endless body art twice his whole body was fully healed.

He scanned his body and was shocked by what he discovered, his strength has spiked up 50 tin.

The base level of strength that is needed to start body tempering is 5 tin but now he had 10 times that strength. It is said that more strength that one has before body tempering better the foundation of that person.

Siguard took a sharp stone the same stone that he used to cut his vine earlier and tried to cut his skin again but this time the stone just crumbled under the pressure that he exerted. There was only a white mark at the point where he tried to cut.

'Not only my strength but my defensive ability also increased', he thought.

It was not just his skin and muscles that got stronger but also his bones, organs even nails and hair got stronger.

Siguard smiled an evil smile as he clenched his fist.

"Mervin, Xia Lingxin don't die before I get to kill you".


1) Tin- a unit of measurement of weight in the Rising dragon world. 1 tin is 500 kg.