Golden Carp

After Siguard finished checking himself, he decided to retire for the day and get some sleep. He could have continued training but he chose not to as he had not eaten anything since today morning.

Although the Endless Body art is heaven-defying in its healing, purification, nourishing and strengthing ability, it still uses the minerals and proteins in the body. If one continuously train in it without proper food then, rather than being good for you it would just harm you.

There is a famous saying in the Immortal realm, "Too muck immortal elixir is toxic".

The same is true for the 5 elemental lightning body refining.

It is stated in the 5 elemental lightning body refining, because of the large number of small injuries it does to the body, it should be practiced only once a year. This normal as the baptism of the 5 elemental lightning is not a joke.

There was also a major flaw to the 5 elemental lightning body refining. It consumes too much vitality if it is continuously practiced.

Vitality is the energy that is necessary for life to exist. A newborn baby has abundant vitality while an old man has weak vitality. When we are wounded the body uses vitality to heal itself.

Since practicing the 5 elemental lightning body refining causes a large number of small wounds it consumes a large amount of vitality each time to heal all the wounds. This, in turn, decreases the lifespan of the person.

There is also another flaw to it. The wounds heal at a very slow rate as there are remnants of 5 elemental lightning energy in these wounds.

But that is only in the normal case. Siguard had the Endless body art which can endlessly increase the vitality of the body while also healing wounds at a terrifying rate. Even the residual 5 elemental lightning energy is turned into a healing force under the effect of the Endless body art.

Because of the endless vitality provided by the Endless body art, Siguard is theoretically ageless and immortal.

But even so, Siguard decided that he will only practice the 5 elemental lightning body refining once a day. This is as his body needs to eat, digest and assimilate food.

Siguard went one corner of the room kicked away a few rocks and stones and laid down to sleep. As he was about to sleep, event what happened yesterday came up in his mind.

'40 millennia worth of cultivation gone in just an instant', he thought.

'And I just about to assent to Godhood too'.

He was furious at Mervin's betrayal, he was frustrated at the loss of his cultivation.

'That bitch Xia Lingxin should have extracted my primordial Yang and used it ascend to Godhood, but even if she ascends to the God realm all she will be is a glorified whore. Since she practices duel(Sexual) cultivation law she would need a partner in the God realm. I am more worried about this partner of hers that she herself. Hopefully, he won't be a big shot in the God realm'.

Siguard closed his eyes and fell asleep.


At the same time in the in the Immortal Realm.

Xia Lingxin absorbed and digested the Primordial Yang of Siguard and successfully broke through to, but as she broke through to Godhood with Siguard's Primordial Yang as a catalyst her 2 dormant

God level physiques awakened.

These 2 physiques where the Heaven alluring physique and the All devouring physique.

A great phenomenon happened in the God realm. Numerous black holes started forming out of nothing signifying the awakening of the All devouring physique, birds, and animals screamed in joy signifying the awakening of the Heaven alluring physique.

God realm.

Jade Emperor palace.

The Jade Emperor, Luo Hong was cultivating in his room. He suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were full of wisdom and power.

"Xiao Chun", he called out.

A man wearing a black dress walked out of one of the shadows in the room and kneeled before Luo Hong.

"I have decided to take in the person who has awakened Heaven alluring All devouring duel physique as my concubine, spread the message".

Xiao Chun nodded and walked back into the shadow.

God realm.

Yin-Yang palace.

In a large room, on a huge bed, 6 women and 1 man where enjoying carnal pleasure. Moans and pants, shriek, and laughter echoed in the room, and the sent of incense and carnal flesh hung in the room.

Any of these 6 women were in their twenties and their beauty could bring the downfall of a country, all of them were now serving this man. All of them had achieved godhood.

The man also appeared to be in his twenties, he is the patriarch of the Yin-Yang school, Sun Chen.

Suddenly Sun Chen stopped thrusting and quickly pulled out. The girl under him gave soft mone and look at him pleadingly urging him to continue. He looked into the distant.

"Song Zan", Sun Chen called out.

One the 6 girls stood up, her previous lewd face replaced by one full of seriousness.

"Someone has awakened Heaven alluring All devouring duel physique, I want to take her in as my disciple".

"I understand Master", said Song Zan and she walked out of the room naked leaving a small trail of mucus along the path she went.

Sun Chen smiled as he saw this, he resumed thrusting.

Mones and pants echoed in the room again.

God realm.

Tyrant Spear palace.

An old man was practicing his pear play. His spear play was sometimes fast sometimes slow but all around it had one aura it was tyrannical. He was one of the great elders of the Tyrant Spear palace, Liu Liang.

The man suddenly stopped.

'This aura this is the aura of the chosen one', he thought.

'No the aura is fading, just what is going own', he looked at the pendant on his neck.

"According to his instructions, the pendant will glow red if the chosen one is to ascent to the god realm, maybe I am going senile", said the old man to himself as he scratched his head.

He continued to practice his spear play.

Back in the immortal realm.

"AHHAHAHA...", Xia Lingxin laughed out loud, "To think that that bastard Siguard's Primordial Yang will be so effective that it would awaken my physiques".

She had become exponentially more beautiful due to the Heaven alluring physique, she was world destroying beauty before now she is a galaxy destroying beauty now.

With her 2 new powerful physiques, she successfully passed the heavenly tribulation and became a God.


Unaware of all the thing that happened in the Immortal and God realm, Siguard got up as before sun rose and did some warm-up exercises.

He awoke Bai'er up and send him to hunt some food. Although Rock- Eating bear ate rocks they also had a small diet of so fish meat so Bai'er knew how to catch fish. So Bai'er went to the river to catch fish.

Siguard was happy to hear the news of the river. Because his body excreted Mortal filth he smells like shit, he needed to take a bath quickly.

But he was not in a hurry, as he had something important to do.

He waited for the sun to rise, as the first rays of the sun hit him he started to do the Endless Body art, suddenly a Purple Qi fog appeared from the east and surrounded him, the Qi entered his body through his pores and washed his muscles, bones, organs, and marrow, similar to how World Qi did. Suddenly his pores began to excrete a large amount of Mortal filth. His strength began to rise rapidly.


70 tin.....

80 tin...

90 tin........

95 tin........

His strength finally stopped rising at 99 tin of strength.

The Purple Qi fog that surrounded him was depleted. Siguard scanned his body and found out that he had almost achieved Xantian body. Only 3% of the impurities are left.

Purple Qi is a soft and gentle form of Yang energy that is found during sunrise. Due to the contradicting nature of softness and Yang energy[1], it is theoretically impossible to use it in any form of cultivation. Basically, it was useless. But one morning Sigurd was practicing the Endless body art he accidentally found that it could actually use the Purple Qi for his cultivation. And the result of using Purple Qi was 10 times that of using World Qi. Ever since then he made it a daily ritual to cultivate using Purple Qi.

Since he was close to achieving Xantian body he did the Endless body art again and excreted the remaining 3% of impurities and achieved perfect Xantian body. But his strength did not improve.

"I have reached the law barrier of the human bodies strength without any cultivation", Siguard said to himself.

Law barriers are limiters placed by the dao to control the growth of living things. For example, without cultivation, a human can only have a strength of 99 tin after that no matter how hard you train your strength will not improve. Another example is the Rock-eating bear, they will only reach Class 3 throughout their lifetime no matter what they do they can never exceed class 3 and become a Class 4.

But what is the law barrier before the Endless body and Qi art.

"If I practice the Endless body art for a few weeks I should be able to, brake the equilibrium and step into 100 tin, after that I should officially start body tempering".

He suddenly heard a rustling sound to his side. He looked over to see Bai'er coming back, in his mouth was 6 feet long golden carp.

Looking at his the golden carp, his eyes widened, his jaw dropped.

"The golden carp, the Son of the dragon".


1) Yang represents hardness, so it is contradictory that Purple Qi is soft. This causes a Law paradox making Purple Qi unsuitable for cultivation.