Dragon Blood!Dragon Blood!Dragon Blood!

"By the Dao are my eyes deceiving me", Siguard said to himself. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He rubbed both his eyes to make sure that what was seeing was not an illusion.

He looked again, the 6 feet golden carp was still in Bai'er's mouth. He was too stunt that he did not know how to react.

While he stood there stunned with his mouth ajar, Bai'er walked towards him.

"Big Brother what is wrong", Bai'er asked as he was a little worried.

Hearing Bai'er's works he quickly calmed down, he took the fish from Bai'er's mouth and examined it with his soul sense.

'It's definitely a Golden carp', he concluded.

"Bai'er where did you catch this fish from", he asked Bai'er.

"From the river nearby, they are very delicious", Bai'er replied.

Siguard suddenly had the urge to kill himself by smashing his head on tofu.

'Brother do you know what you just ate, it's a Golden carp, a FUCKING GOLDEN CARP, one of the rarest and most sought-after creatures with dragon blood in them', Siguard screamed in his mind. But he showed no emotion outward.

"Are there more fishes like this", he asked, although he appeared calm on the surface he was in fact very excited.

"Yes there are, there are lots of it, the river is full of it", replied Bai'er.

'That's strange the golden carp has low fertility rate, how can there be a river of them'.

"Come lead me to that river", said Siguard as he picked up the fish gently with both hands afraid that he might drop it.

After walking for half an hour they reached a large river. The river itself was not anything extraordinary, but it did have 1000's of golden carps swimming with the flow of the river.

Seeing this amazing sight Siguard dropped the golden carp that was already in his hand with his mouth ajar. His heart was beating like crazy. His eyes became bloodshot.

"Ah.....Ha...haHAHAHHAHHA.....",Siguard laughed manicaly.

"What is wrong Big brother?", asked Bai'er, he was worried about Siguard.

Hearing Bai'er's words Siguard abruptly stopped laughing.

'I got a bit carried away in my excitement. How embarrassing to show such a face to my subordinate'.

"*Cough**Cough* Bai'er I want your help to catch as many of these fishes as possible", said Siguard.

"Ok big brother", said Bai'er.

Thus the duo began catching fish with their bare hands. Bai'er was a natural expert in this due to his bloodline memories, while Siguard sucked at it. After half an hour Bai'er had caught 10 fishes but Siguard only caught one. This was only natural as Golden carps where very slippery.

Frustrated Siguard jumped into the river but that just made the fishes swim even faster making it harder to catch them.

Just was Siguard was about to give up some of the Golden carps spontaneously died and floated upwards.

He instantly understood what had happened, when he jumped into the river the mortal filth on his body was washed away by the river. The mortal filth got stuck in the respirative system of the fishes killing them.

Siguard quickly collected the 16 dead fishes and went ashore.

"Big Brother, you're awesome how did you do that. You just jumped in and all the fishes died", asked Bai'er with sparkling eyes of excitement.

"AHHAHAH, your big brother can do may awesome things like that", said Siguard.

"But how did you do it", Bai'er continued to pester.

"You really want to know", said Siguard.

"Hum-Hum", nodded Bai'er.

"Because I am awesome", said Siguard.

'Wow, big brother is so cool', thought Bai'er.

With 27 fish they returned to the cave.

Outside the cave, Siguard began to draw strange symbols on the ground, while Bai'er watched excitedly. These were obviously inscription symbols.

After 2 hours of meticulous drawing Siguard finally finished drawing all the inscriptions needed for the extraction and purification of the dragon blood.

All the inscriptions that Siguard drew were Saint class inscriptions, even with the soul power comparable to that of a class 9 beast he was still mentally tired.

'If the black egg had not sealed my soul power than this would have been so much easier'.

'No, it is a good thing that the egg sealed my soul power away, otherwise, Tao Yang's body might have exploded when I tried to take over. It's already a miracle that his body can withstand the soul power of a class 9 beast'.

The body is like a balloon while the soul is like air, if there is too much air inside it then the balloon will burst.

'But before the extraction and purification process, I need to eat and recover my strength'.

Siguard then collected some firewood with the help of Bai'er. He made a fire pit and started a fire with some rocks.

Although it pained his heart he roasted one Golden carp on the fire and ate it, he also gave Bai'er one fish, he ate it along with some rocks.

After eating Siguard took a nap along with Bai'er until it was the evening.

He looked excitedly at the sky as the starlight started to shine down on the earth.

Bai'er was still asleep.

First, he activated the isolation barrier array.

Second, he activated the protection barrier array.

Third, he activated the noise isolation array.

Forth, he activated the Blood Extraction array.

And finally he the Astral fire array.

All the above array is powered by Siguard's soul power.

The Astral fire array began to absorb starlight and began to produce astral fire. At the center of the Astral fire array floating in mid-air was the group 25 carps that they caught.

The Blood Extraction array activated and all the blood in the 25 carps where sucked dry.

The blood formed into a large orb and was purified under the Astral fire.

Siguard maintained absolute concentration. If he accidentally stimulates the dragon blood and awakens it then he is fucked.

Normally the dragon blood the golden carp is in a dormant state and can be easily manipulated and absorbed. That is the reason why golden carps are in such high demand.

And even if awakens it then as long as the dragon blood's grade does not exceed Emperor grade, with all the inscription arrays that he set up he can suppress it.

What he was worried about was the Dragon protection alliance. Founded by 3 of the 4 primordial dragons. If they found out that he killed carps and extracted dragon blood then he will be captured and tortured by dragon fire.

So if he accidentally stimulates the dragon blood and it sends a cry for help to the Dragon protection alliance then he is truly fucked.

The orb of blood continued to shrink as the impurities in it was burnt away. After 5 hours of purification, he finally got one drop of True Dragon blood that was still in its dormant state. It was dark red in color.

He couldn't understand the grade of the dragon blood until he awakened it but it was definitely true dragon blood.

Under the manipulation of his soul power, the drop of dragon blood divided into 207 smaller drops. And under his manipulation, it flew towards his body. Siguard who was already naked allowed the 207 drops to phased through his skin, muscles, and bone and fuse with his bone marrow.

After 15 minutes the fusion process was complete.

"Now comes the most dangerous step", Siguard said to himself.

This dangerous step was the awakening of the dragon blood.

Siguard began to do the Endless body art and absorbed the surrounding World Qi into his body. As the World Qi washed his body it stimulated the 207 blood drops in his 207 bone marrow.

Suddenly a dragon's roar resounded in his mind, shaking his soul and sea of consciousness.

Suddenly he felt a burning pain in from his bone marrows along.

He felt his blood burning up.

The dragon blood revolted as it understood that someone absorbing it. It began to devour Siguard's bone marrow.

Siguard was prepared for this, he quickly used his soul power to suppress the dragon blood.

But to his shock, he couldn't suppress it. That was when he noticed it.

The dragon blood was not Saint grade nor Emperor grade. It was beyond that. Even with his vast wealth of knowledge he possessed, he couldn't understand the grade of the bloodline.

The bone marrow rapidly continued to consume and replace his bone marrow.

'Nonononono, I can't die yet. I am a smart guy I can think a way out of this'.

Siguard's mind flashed through several arrays and inscriptions but few of them could help him in this situation but he did not have sufficient time or materials to make the array or inscription.

"Fuck it I will force you out then".

Siguard decided to forcefully eject the dragon blood using the Endless body art.

But just as he was about to do the Endless body art. The Black egg inside his dantain shook and released a black light. This blacklight easily suppressed the dragon blood and forcefully fused it into Siguard's marrow.

Siguard's Soul power was exhausted so he fainted.

Siguard opened his eyes to see a blood red sky. He quickly jumped up and he realized that he was no longer near the cave or the cliff. A distinct smell of blood hung in the air.

He looked at the ground he found out the soil much like the sky was also blood red.

'Where the hell am I'.

Suddenly he heard the sound of the sea. Following the sound, he reached the sea, which was also blood red in color. The strong smell of blood was coming from the blood sea.

He was about to dip his hand in the ocean to see if it was real blood or not but he decided against it as he did not know if it was acidic or not.

But from the thickness, color, and odor of the liquid, it was definitely blood.

"Just how many people do you have to have so much blood", Siguard asked aloud.

"Just one drop of my blood enough make this world", a voice resounded behind Siguard.

"WHO?", Siguard jumped and turned around ready to fight.

Behind him was a young girl who appeared to be 8 years old, she was wearing a blood red colored dress.

Even after seeing that it was a little girl Siguard remained alert.

"Ahahah", the little girl laughed in a cute voice, "You are a conscious one aren't you, I transformed into this form so as make you let your guard down".

"I would be more at ease if you showed your true form", said Siguard with a smile.

"Ahahah, not many people have the gal to say that to me, but since you asked I will show you my true form", said the girl.

The body of the girl suddenly began to distort and she transformed into a colossal blood red colored dragon.

Siguard was astonished but he kept his shock away from his face.

"Who are you?", asked Siguard in a serious tone.

"I am Lanzerat, the Primordial Dragon of Blood", said the Dragon


The grade Equpiments, pills and bloodline, from lowest to highest in descending order.

Mortal Realm.


Human(Low, mid, high, peak)

Earth(Low, mid, high, peak)

Heaven(Low, mid, high, peak)


Immortal Realm.


King(Low, mid, high, peak)

Saint(Low, mid, high, peak)

Emperor(Low, mid, high, peak)


God Realm.


Demigod(Low, mid, high, peak)

True God(Low, mid, high, peak)

God King(Low, mid, high, peak)




????????(Low, mid, high, peak)

????????(Low, mid, high, peak)

????????(Low, mid, high, peak)




Primordial(Low, mid, high, peak)