Boundless Universe

Anzar left Fell some time to slowly brush off his excitement and regain some focus. He then started explaining the bigger world that Fell was going to interact with.

"We cultivators follow the same goal as every other life form in the universe, our main goal is to live longer, our longevity increases each time we breakthrough to the next realm, and we get one step closer to turning into a stronger life form."

"So… immortality isn't a myth?" a rare expression of innocence appeared in Fell's gaze, he already started imagining himself dressed like those immortal Daoist from those old web novels.

"It was never a myth; Earth already had some cultivators in its past history, every space civilization attains that milestone in their evolution and human were no exception to this rule." Patiently explained Anzar

Fell started trembling when he heard this truth; a deep yearning started appearing in his eye while he asked with a voice full of passion.

"So this is my goal, I will become a cultivator!"

"Last week was just to make your body attain its peak human state, now what you need to do is to step into the first realm of cultivation, your first goal as a cultivator is to accomplish Hardening, and it is done by cultivating the body." Anzar was started sharing his knowledge with Fell; a severe expression marked his face.

"Now the next step for you is to become what you call here a hardening user, hardening is the power accessible for those who attain the first realm of body refining, also called Physique Molding, the method used on Earth is by taking a drug developed from the knowledge they acquired from their entry into the Universal Pillar, the goal of that pill is to make you break the limit of the human body, not even achieving half a step into the first realm".

"I will leave you with a true pill made by Family pharmacists, the difference between them is like Heaven and Earth, make good use of it."

Hearing this, Fell's face started showing a weird hue. He was clenching his teeth so hard that they seem like they were going to break, a harsh and forced sound escaped from his lips.

"I can't accept this gift, I already owe you too much Brother Anzar!"

"Then get stronger fast and help me to repay this small debt!" the blue-haired man explained while brushing the matter about his family pill like it was nothing.

"I will!" growled Fell while trembling, the man in front of him just caused a paradigm shift in his life.

After giving the medicine, Anzar started to explain the world where they lived.

"This boundless universe is full of advanced civilization, all types of sentient lifeform that climbed the stairway of evolution and managed to reign supreme on their planet's environment."

In the beginning, although meeting a cultivator from another planet wasn't a rarity. Prolonged contact between civilization was nonexistent, It all changed the day where the Heaven Ascension Court started.

In the beginning, it was just a place where cultivators went to trade knowledge and treasure. It slowly took another path, some cultivators not having enough treasures or insights about cultivation; Finally started trading technologies and expertise from their planet, this act made the Heaven Ascension Court go down a different path.

A group of Galaxy trampling cultivators called the Forefathers started accumulating all the diverse knowledge from the vast and diverse races that were born in the universe, their only goal to make the boundless universe a prospering haven for all the different civilization.

To accomplish this humongous goal, they started building a huge library and recorded every single knowledge they acquired.

The seemingly empty universe began showing much more life, new civilizations were discovered every time a cultivator got in touch with Heaven Ascension Court.

With time the Heaven Ascension Court wasn't just a place where cultivators interacted with other but also a place where civilizations were acknowledged, this was also the case for Earth.

An intergalactic civilization was slowly birthed, and the seemingly boundless and obscure universe turned into a much livelier place where contact between planets and race is easy.

Planets were colonized and the universe where life was a rarity became a thing of the past, a new age began.

Hearing all this, Fell was lost in his thoughts. Never would he have thought that he lived in such a vast world, his reality was experiencing a paradigm shift.

A deep frown was expressing his mixed feeling, he was in the end only a frog in a well, and today he finally understood that there was much more to learn and discover.

Sighting, his eyebrow started relaxing. Fell was always good at accepting reality, and for the first time in his life, he was yearning for this reality.

Without waiting for his friend to finish thinking, Anzar announced with a serious look in his eye.

"Now I need to leave, I have matters to attend, I will leave you with some learning material, be serious with your training and you will accomplish your goals."

"So this is where our road separates Brother Anzar…" responded the young Earthling still lost in his thoughts.

"You shouldn't have that look in your eyes after this week, we will meet again if we're destined Brother Fell!"

"You're right, take care of yourself!" A sharp glimpse forming in his eyes making a stark contrast with his honest Face.

The training affected not only Fell's physique but also his thoughts, those last days passed with Anzar confirmed Fell's future path in his life. Anzar was the shining star that collided with him, entirely shifting his destiny from its original mediocrity.

"This small object is called a space container, it exists in a lot of forms and its main purpose is for storing items in it, inside you will find what you need for your cultivation." Anzar handed a Black necklace to Fell while explaining.

The necklace looked like ordinary jewelry except for its core; its core was composed of a shining azure colored crystal. Fell's heart started racing at the thought of owning something so beautiful; a deep blush appeared on his face before grabbing the treasure as fast as he could.

Anzar laughed at his Brother's act in his mind.

After accepting the object Fell noticed that in the middle of the crystal, flashes of lights were whirling and forming a perfect spin, still lost in his thoughts he asked.

"Are you leaving now?"

"Yes, I need to depart right now, I left too many matters unchecked," explained Anzar with a shrug, "Take care of yourself and focus on your cultivation."

Finishing his sentence, Anzar applied some strength on the earth with his feet and completely vanished from his Friend's sight.

Still lost in his thoughts, Fell started making his way to his house before sitting in a random spot. His new treasure still clenched hard in his hands, his small frame slowly disappearing in the darkness of the night.