Spatial Treasure

That night Fell didn't sleep, in fact, he didn't even move since Anzar's departure. He spent the night thinking and processing everything he just lived, he was preparing himself to finally tackle life. He needed to carefully plan what his next steps were going to be, using all his cards to free himself from the shackles he was born with.

His train of thoughts kept flowing until he remembered something important, Anzar left him with what he called a Space Container, the fascinating object completely absorbed Fell from his brooding.

The excitement when receiving the object came back like the flood of a river. Slowly taking a firm grasp of the treasure, he started taking a good look at it.

The jewelry's handcraft was exquisite, giving Fell the impression that he had a family heirloom in his hand. Dreamy blue lights were making their way out of the unblemished crystal that was perfectly laid down in the middle of the necklace, giving the people who saw it the impression that it was a divine object.

Fell kept fiddling with the treasure, taking his time to analyze every scrap of its surface. He slowly came to find the origin of that dreamy blue light, focusing his eyesight on it he was astonished by his discovery.

There in the middle of the crystal, specks of lights were gently making a revolution. This strange principle of gravity was strangely being reproduced in the middle of the jewel, Fell was left pondering on this discovery.

He also found an inscription chiseled in the material, the carving clearly representing a drop of blood. Not even waiting to finish his investigation, Fell quickly grabbed a needle and pricked the surface of his skin. A drop of blood slowly made its way out of his bloodstream and gently fell on the crystal like dew on the tip of a leaf.

Not long after their contact, a weird reaction started happening. The normally dreamy blue light changed to a crimson-red light but the color wasn't the only change. The slow and gentle rotation started to slowly spin faster and faster attaining speed akin to lightning.

Fell was completely mesmerized by the scene, The speed of rotation and the red light coming out of the jewelry piece was getting more and more intense. He started noticing that the Space Container was getting more and more weightless until it gently started floating a few inches from his hands.

A blinding light flashed through Fell's old villa, illuminating every single piece of the ancient architecture. A few breaths later, Fell finally managed to get his eyesight back. His eyes were seen looking left and right, panic began to appear on his face.

"Where is it!!" screamed the young man in his mind, "Objects don't just disappear like that"

Panic-stricken and fearful of having lost his friends gift, he started checking his body to notice if there was some change. Noticing that nothing really changed, disappointed and bitter he face-palmed himself and felt something weird in between of his eyebrows.

There in the middle of his eyebrows, a seemingly unnoticeable unblemished pearl could be seen. The minuteness of the crystal was so little that it could be taken for a mole.

Understanding what just happened, Fell was left amazed by the nature of the object.

"Now, how do I check its content", following this thought a massive influx of information started flooding Fell's brain, making him feel like his brain was going to explode. The pain left as quickly as it came leaving Fell with a slight headache, new knowledge marvelously appearing in his head.

The new information was quickly analyzed by Fell. With just a thought from his brain, he could now know what exactly was inside the Space Container and according to the knowledge he gained. He could also take them out without any issue.

Excited to test his discovery, he quickly decided to take out a glossy black crystal from his spatial treasure. A dark and spotless crystal quickly appeared in front of him, soon followed by a string of giggling. Fell started taking out one item after the other, putting them out after carefully checking them.

He soon finished doing the full inventory of his possession. In his spatial treasure, Fell found 3 Crystal and what looked like some cultivation manual and resource. Those weird resources were oddities that Fell never got to see, strange pills and marvelous looking plants were floating in his personal space.

Putting back all the cultivation resources, he started fiddling with the three strange crystals. They all had the same squarish form and gave an otherworldly feeling to the individual having the chance to look at them.

Fell kept the spotless Black Crystal and quickly put the rest in his spatial pocket. Not finding any inscription on it, he quickly tried putting it in contact with the crystal in the middle of his eyebrows. The same flood of information quickly shut down every single thought of his followed by clear sentences that flashed in his head.





Following those sentences, Fell received a gigantic amount of knowledge. His brain similar to a small stream being flooded by torrential rains, his brain sending him intense pain signals. Gritting his teeth and bearing the pain wasn't even an option. Soon, he was rolling on the floor, howling like a mad dog and gasping for breath to ease his agony.

Hopefully for Fell, his burning spasm soon came to a stop. Eyes bloodshot and vein bulging on his usually innocent face, he gradually started gaining back his lucidity. Panic clearly engraved in his bloody eyes.

"Fortunately, Anzar already made me acquire quite the pain tolerance," thanked Fell with a dry smile on his parched lips.

This hardship reaffirmed the truth that Fell always believed in. That in this world, there was no free meal and sacrifices were always required. Quickly catching his breath, he started assessing the knowledge he just received.

He quickly came to the conclusion that Body Cultivation was the simplest, no weird diagram or complex cultivation method was found. Cultivation of the Body was by far the simplest of them all, the only downside it has was the tremendous amount of pain and resources it used. Worst is the longer you go down that road the harder it gets, consuming an astonishing amount of cultivation in the later Realms.

"Thank God I choose the black crystal!" ruminated Fell while shivering. The thought that he could have used one of the two other Crystal left him fearful of the consequence.

According to the knowledge he got, ascending the first Realm of Body Cultivation was done by taking a huge amount of Energy and use it to start molding the Body, this seemingly easy step was by far the most difficult to accomplish. Pills that could help you achieve a full breakthrough in the Physique Molding Step were rare and cost a lot of money, hopefully, Anzar took that in detail and left Fell with a plethora of Pills.

Looking inside his space pocket, he quickly found a small book that interested him. The manual's cover was made out of a strange purple leather and in middle of the cover, two words were written.

"Pill Almanac," read Fell, "this is what I need! time to study!"

Quickly flipping one page after the other, he soon came to a stop. He found it, the pill he needed was described right in the middle of a worn page of the Pill Almanac!