Dawn Approaches Part Three

The minute passed in silence; the soldiers' eyes were rived on the far distance. Fogs were released near them, as their breath condensed due to the coldness and altitude where they stood.

An oppressing and dense atmosphere surrounded them. One that continued growing with the passage of time. Their bodies might be stationary, but their mind was restless—a complete contrast from the image they portrayed.

Of course, a few of them were strangely calm. Their eyes glanced at the distance without betraying any internal thought, and those people had since long come to face and accept the fact that they might die.

Through this acceptance, those individuals mind yearned for time to pass faster.

Before long, dawn made its way in the far distance. A soft, warm orange light broke through the veil of darkness, and from the altitude, it gave the impression that it was chasing away the obscurity in front of them.