Dawn Approaches Part Four

After a few sniffs, dozens of reddened eyes glared at the black-clothed figure. The black-haired man couldn't help but snort and began walking toward the titanic sized snake in front of him.

A few beasts roared and jumped toward him. But their efforts were in vain, and their bodies were swiftly turned by Soldier's Fortune into fertilizer for the soil their feet were standing on. Obviously, that would have been the case for the corpses if it wasn't for the many vicious beasts who ignored Fell and jumped on the deceased body of their peers.

"I guess they weren't called vicious for nothing", thought Fell before focusing on the task at hand. If he wanted the operation to be successful, he needed to search and execute the strongest beasts. Beasts of the level of the titanic snake could gobble a MechSuit fighter in one single bite.