Chapter 2

Rakan and Xayah were known as the lover's duo. They were the also the duo with the best synergy as their abilities were improved when they were with their significant other. In professional games, both sides would try to ensure that the other does not get both Rakan and Xayah.

Making up a random excuse, Zihan typed it in the chat, hoping that 0424 might switch roles with Claire. It wasn't really a lie either, since she did main Rakan.

Zihan: Oops I locked in Rakan out of habit, but Rakan is really weak without Xayah.

Seeing through her ploy, Claire quickly followed up in the chat.

Diffusion: I checked ur match history 0424, u never played Xayah before. If u don't mind trading, I can play ADC.

0424: No need.

No need? No need for what? My LP is at stake here! ∑(O_O;) Zihan was starting to feel regret for her impulsive decision. She wanted to get back to Challenger ASAP and every last LP counted, not to mention a whole game's worth! Seeing that 0424 had equipped the Sweetheart Xayah skin, she also used her Sweetheart Rakan skin. After all, she did have all the Rakan skins since she usually played Rakan.

She hastily sent a discord invite to 0424 while trying to convince Claire to dodge the queue in the discord channel. 0424 accepted the invitation and after everyone else chose their champions, they set their summoner spells and runes, and the game proceeded to the loading screen.

Zihan: Hi, it's me Zihan and the other person in our group chat is Diffusion. 0424, are you sure that you can play Xayah?

Claire: Yeah, we checked your match history and you don't have a single match with Xayah. At least try to play safely ok? If worst comes to worst, just hug your turret.

0424: I'm using a smurf. Just obey all my orders.

It was obvious that 0424 used a voice changer. Wouldn't that slow down his ping? And obey all his orders? Who does he think he is? Umi? Wait, no that isn't the main point here!!

Zihan: My LP is at risk! No one buys skins for their smurf, but you have the Sweetheart Xayah skin. You might be a casual player, but I'm trying to get back to Challenger.

Claire: If worst comes to worst, I'll just camp bot. Let's not get tilted before the game starts.

And just when she completed that sentence, the game finished loading.

Welcome to Summoner's Rift.