Chapter 3

Loading onto the Summoner's Rift, everyone rushed to buy their starting items. Wanting to give their bot lane an early advantage, Claire decided to invade. Pinging her team, she managed to convince all 5 players on her team to join her. Invading the enemy jungle was risky, but it gave their team the chance to grab an early advantage.

Zihan quickly leveled her W- a skill that knocks up her enemies. When they walked towards the location of the enemy red buff, they saw the enemy jungler and bot lane duo running away. She quickly flashed forward and used W, triggering the Grand Entrance skill, successfully knocking up the bot lane Janna.

Janna flashed away as soon as she was not airborne, but considering how squishy Janna is, Xayah flashed after her and easily picked up first blood. Remembering the statistics, Zihan's team now has a 59.4% chance of winning the game.

Xayah recalled and managed to get back to lane without missing any of the minions. Continuing to farm the minions, 0424 instructed Zihan who was currently hiding in a bush.

0424: Level up your E instead of Q. We're going to engage.

Rakan's E was a shield where Rakan dashed to the allied champion and then placed a shield on them. This skill has a larger range when Rakan is shielding Xayah, which gives them a large advantage when they want to engage or disengage using Rakan.

Seeing how 0424 was already 5 CS ahead of the enemy botlane at level 3, Zihan obediently leveled up her E and waited for her ADC to ping her to engage. Just when 0424 got pushed into their turret by the other duo, she received a ping from Xayah. Rakan quickly ran up and shielded Xayah, smoothly transitioned into a W, and knocked up both the enemies. The ADC flashed away; however, Janna was still without her flash and Xayah pocketed another kill.

With the support dead, they easily pushed their lane out and recalled. The game had barely started, but Xayah had already purchased a B.F sword, giving her an additional 40 attack damage. With their huge item advantage, they engaged once more. Even though they didn't get any kills, they forced the heal out of the enemy ADC and the other side had to recall, missing a whole wave of minions. Missing minions meant that they would be missing out on both gold and exp. During that time, they leisurely killed the Infernal Dragon granting them extra Attack Damage (AD) and Ability Power (AP).

Unfortunately, their mid lane was losing lane as the enemy jungler continously camped the lane. 0424 instructed Zihan to get more vision near mid and after pushing out the wave yet again, they roamed towards the mid lane. Their allied mid laner was now pushed to his turret as he desperately attempted to wave clear, while the enemy mid laner and jungler were chipping away at his turret. Rakan and Xayah hid in a bush behind the enemies. Placing down a red ward, they found out that the place wasn't warded and Rakan flashed in and engaged with an R+W.

Rakan's R charmed enemies for a second and then W knocked them up. Using that one second buffer time, Xayah activated her ultimate skill and threw out 5 feathers in a line in front of her. When Xayah called back her feathers, she successfully rooted both the enemy mid laner and jungler. The enemies barely had any time to react and both the enemies were killed, with the double kill going to their mid laner. With both the enemy jungler and mid laner dead, they quickly burst down the turret in the mid lane. Their allied mid laner now had a decent gold lead with a double kill and first turret gold. This increased the pressure on the enemy team as both their mid lane and bot lane were losing.

Returning back to bot lane, they were welcomed by a teleport from the enemy top laner. Xayah decisively burns her flash and Rakan uses his E to get to safety with Xayah, but the danger is not yet over, as the other side is losing and they need to win a teamfight to get back into the game. As a result, the enemy tries to force a fight by turret-diving Rakan and Xayah. Janna places a shield on the top laner who he flashes to stuns Xayah. Rakan shields Xayah and then knocks up the enemy top laner under their turret. Janna uses her ultimate, however after all those turret shots and a few feathers from Xayah , the enemy jungler quickly goes down. The enemy ADC sees both Rakan and Xayah with low hp and uses his ultimate skill on Xayah. With his E on cooldown, Rakan has no choice but to quickly flash in front of Xayah. He saves her, but Rakan dies in the process.

During this time, their team rushes to the Baron Pit so they could take advantage of the enemy top-laners death. With 3 members present, they start up the Rift Herald and start bursting it down. The enemy jungler is forced to go into the Baron Pit to try to steal the kill, but they quickly Crowd Control (CC) the enemy jungler and finish off the Rift Herald.

With both bot lanes rotating to the top lane, 0424's Xayah still has the item advantage over the other team. They slowly but surely chip away at the turret. Roaming around, Rakan notices that the whole enemy team is missing, except the bot-lane. Suspecting that they may be collapsing on her and 0424, she tells 0424 to start channeling his recall. Using W to cross the wall, Rakan uses E on Xayah and manages to recall with her just in time. Looking on the minimap, they can see all 5 enemy champions appearing at the top lane. Luckily, they were playing Rakan and Xayah. Otherwise they would not be able to recall together and Zihan would most probably die.

With Rakan and Xayah gone, the enemy team is forced to compromise. Killing the turret, they wanted to proceed to the next turret, but seeing both their bot lane turret and second mid lane turret getting destroyed, they decided to defend. Forcing them to go back to base to defend the inhibitor turret, Zihan and 0424 take advantage of how far away the enemy team is, and kill the Cloud Drake, granting their team a movement speed buff.

Slowly, their lead starts snowballing and in a desperate attempt to force a teamfight, the enemy team starts up Baron Nashor. However, Zihan's team decides to end the game as opposed to fight over Baron. After all, you can't use the Baron Buff if you've already lost the game. With all 5 members rushing down the mid-lane, they destroyed the inhibitor, as the enemy team is forced to disengage from Baron and recall to defend their base. By the time they finally return to their base, their Nexus is already exposed and both the Nexus Turrets were just destroyed. Trying to stop their team from finishing the game, the enemy side starts throwing all their available CC at them, but are unable to stop them from destroying the Nexus, whichs ends the game. Victory!