Chapter 4

After winning the game, Zihan forget about 0424 being in the voice chat and started rambling to Claire.

Claire: What's wrong? Are you still upset over NES's support?

Zihan: Yeah. I mean, they get to support UMI! The UMI! He lead NES to become world champions twice and is proficient at practically all the ADCs in the game. All because of that crappy support, NES even lost the chance to go to the MSI!

At that point, Zihan was practically screaming, and Claire knew it was useless to try to stop her. It was just like her fans said, NES was the only one who could thaw BingBing.

After her long rant, she finally returned to the statistics screen. Zihan realized that Xayah ended the game with a perfect Kill/Death/Assist (KDA) of 6/0/2 while Rakan had a KDA of 0/1/8. Thinking about how well the ADC coordinated, she decided to honor him instead of Claire. He coordinated better than her synergy with Claire even though they were a duo for over 4 years. A quick trace of suspicion passed through her brain, "Could this adc be a pro player?" but it soon disappeared when she considered that the Mid Season Invitational was starting soon, so the players would be busy training and not playing on a smurf.

While she was considering the possibility of 0424 being a pro player, an intense battle was happening in the chat.

0424: Again?

Diffusion: NONONONO she's my support. We're a duo.

0424: Zihan, I thought you wanted go back to Challenger?

Diffusion: We're just climbing back so it shouldn't be that hard. Are you implying that you're better than me?

0424: Yes.

Diffusion: AHH I'll create a 1v1. Whoever gets first blood or 100 cs first wins. Winner plays with Zihan. Is that ok with you?

0424: Yes

Wait, wait, wait! Why did they just go ahead and 1v1? What about my opinion? I'm the one playing support here! Accepting the friend request from 0424, she proceeded to text her friend.

Zihan: Why fight with 0424?

Diffusion: His arrogance pissed me off. Quickly go ask who he's gonna use so I can counter-pick!

Zihan: What happened to your morals?

Diffusion: All's fair in love and war. Quickly go ask.

Zihan: Hey, 0424 who are you gonna play?

0424: Why, are you going to tell Diffusion so she can counterpick?

Ugh...I mercilessly got exposed... Whatever, since I was already exposed let's just continue to be shameless.

Zihan: Just tell me. You've gotta demonstrate your superiority if you want me to be your support.

0424: So if I win, will you be my support?

Zihan: ....

Bro, why does it sound like you're fighting another person so I can be your support? Someone at your skill level should have plenty of supports willing to duo with you. After all, having an incompetent ADC was the nightmare of every single support.

0424: I'll be playing Xayah.

She quickly relayed the good news to Claire.

Zihan: He said he's gonna use Xayah!

Diffusion: Hahaha that's perfect. We never said that we have to use ADCs. I'm going to pick an assassin since Xayah's so squishy. Locking in Zed who is an assassin, the game went into the loading screen.