Chapter 5

After both of them bought their starting items, the two sides met. Zihan was spectating the game and saw the two sides trading in the mid lane. Actually, she can barely call it trading... Xayah hit everyone single one of her skillshots while Zed missed every single skillshot. Zed was down to about 80% HP while Xayah was still at full HP.

When the minions came to lane, Xayah was easily farming cs without even missing a single one while Zed was struggling to cs while searching for an opportunity to engage. When both sides hit level 3, Xayah was at 15 cs while Zed only had 7. Claire decided to engage the moment she hit level 3. She engaged, however Xayah managed to dodge most her skillshots, and forced Zed to use a potion. Xayah pushed Zed into turret and in a few minutes, got to level 6. Unlocking Xayah's ultimate skill, 0424 activated Deadly Plumage granting Xayah extra Attack Damage and Attack speed. He followed up with Q,ignite and a few auto attacks.

Seeing that Xayah was tanking the turret, Claire noticed that 2 more turret shots would kill Xayah after she finished executing her combo. Claire controlled Zed to do a bit more damage so that one last turret shot would kill her. However, right before the turret shot could hit Xayah, 0424 used Featherstorm, Xayah's ultimate and granted her a short period of invincibility. Following this, 0424 flashed out of turret range and called back all his feathers, killing Zed.

0424: I win right?

Diffusion: udhfbdkd9eydgfbfjdieh I can guarantee that you won't be able to play with Zihan today though.

Zihan: Why?

Diffusion: Math test TMR... don't tell me you forgot?

Zihan: AHH I TOTALLY FORGOT!!! 0424 I'm so sorry, I gotta go study :(

Diffusion: Tmr same time.

"A player has disconnected."

Zihan: I'm gonna go log off and say bye to my viewers. Help me with my math review later OK?

Diffusion: Sure, just Wechat me if you have any questions, but I doubt you'll understand my explanations anyways.

After saying goodbye to her viewers, Zihan pulled out a brand new math textbook, and glared with a murderous aura like it had caused her to drop to bronze.