Looking back

Super heroes, when you hear those magic words many thoughts find its way to your head, like super strength, heat vision, cool gadgets, magic, well many different kinds of super powers, but let's not forget a good suit as well, because a super hero with a crappy attire won't be popular no?

Anyway, many super heroes live around in this world, like 'photon girl', or 'the vengeance', or the new guy that's been getting popular lately 'Castor', well many, I don't think I should keep naming them one by one or this will take much time…

January 13 2120, I am in my third year of high school, today, nothing worthy of mention happened so I am contemplating.

It's been two years now since I debuted as a super hero, it all started with me finding some kind of bluish black orb that somehow got absorbed into my body the moment I picked it, I thought I was dreaming, I even went to the hospital to run some checks on myself, but nothing was found wrong with me nor my body, however, later that night, I found myself in a metallic bluish black suit that covered me from head to toe, the fiber of the suit was thin, very tight and can be stretched with a metallic texture, it felt weak and easy to tear apart however unlike its appearance it was surprisingly hard to damage, and thanks to it I survived many dangerous battles against many enemies, monsters, aliens and even other super heroes, I was surprised back then because I remember going early to bed since I needed to be early for school the next day but instead I was jumping from roof to roof and from one building to another, it was a pleasant sense of freedom, like that sport, what was it called? Parkour? Truth being said, now that I think about it, I was moving like a ninja in the dark of the night, where was I going? Nowhere in particular, I was just going through the cities killing monsters at such a high speed, to think that I debuted my hero career killing monsters, normally new heroes would start by catching thieves or purse snatchers and such… easy simple hero work for lower rank hero, all heroes start small and go big with time but in my case, my first night as a super hero I killed several high ranked monsters that even the high ranked super heroes that were present at that time found troubles dealing with them, back then I thought my self still sleeping and was just dreaming but the next day, news were talking about a mysterious savior saving people in more than a hundred city in just one night!?

Next day I was tired to the point I wanted to ditch school for that day but my parents didn't let me, at the time they thought I just wanted not to go to high school since it was my habit to make excuses in the past so that I wouldn't go to school but that day my parents smiled and said they won't believe my tricks any more… well, my mistake, it was simply just my mistake.

Later that day I found out that my strength got boosted and as well did my intelligence, I also found out that I got several other super powers that I didn't know how to use and control even now, for the past two years after registering myself in the world wide peace keeping force or the Hero Gathering Organization for short HGO, I was trying to understand and have better control on my powers, anyway the world's best organization responsible for keeping peace on the planet through dispatching super heroes to any place in which a monster or a villain might happen or appear and such is the kind of organization that I joined as a super hero another reason is because one of its branches is the closet to my city, basically any city that needs a hero's help will get it, also for some reason a super hero registered in that organization is more popular and known than any freelance super hero, well I didn't join the organization for popularity but because fighting monsters and saving the world sometimes leaves catastrophic damages, and in such cases super heroes who were trying to help end up taking the blame, in such situations the organization would interfere to help and calm the angry crowds and authorities, also according to how dangerous the situation is, they would pay accordingly, it's quite funny actually when I found about it, small cases of thievery and law disturbances, can earn you enough to buy a day's food, however, big cases like capturing a wanted super villain or stopping a high danger rated monster, or stopping an alien invasion, which was the event that made me an internationally famous super hero, the organization in such cases would pay millions if not billions sometimes, well I got quite the fortune over the past two years which I use from time to time to make better equipment and weapons for myself as a temporary alternative for not being able to control my powers yet, but I am keeping the whole hero business and all things related to it a secret from my family and all the people I know, why? Because of many reasons, maybe the most important one is that I seem to have collected many enemies in just two years and another reason being, is a warning that a voice in my head calling itself 'Goliath' keep insisting on being careful with the identity of being a super hero…

True I have a lot of fans around the world but keeping this super hero business a secret is something that have become necessary, I don't want to make mistakes that may result in unwanted bad situations, the foes I have already are enough and I don't want any kind of harm to befall those I care about so better play it safe, I am a person who hates making troubles even before I got my powers, but now that I have powers I better be even more careful, I have always been a pacifist in the past and I am trying to keep being one as much as possible well at least when I am not in my super hero form or when helping as a super hero, after all I don't know when someone might want to stab me in the back, maybe I am over thinking things or I am just being a bit paranoid but the horrors I have faced over the past two years made me realize how insignificant and worthless some people can be, that's why better be safe than sorry... After all there is a lot of psychopathic maniacs out there, and I seem to have caught some unwanted attention from one of the world's most dangerous villain or rather the world's craziest evil doctor as he refers to himself…

Truth be said, I am scared each time I step to help someone or stop evil, scared of what? Myself, I am scared of myself, I fear that my psychology and personality might become twisted, sometimes I try to find excuses to bad people and horrendous monsters who made unforgivable crimes, lately, I am able to sometimes think like psychopaths, and the villains, luckily the HGO does health and mental checkups on its heroes regularly, and till this day there seems to be no irregularity or something to worry about concerning my health and sanity, but if I am to ever fall to the wrong path then…