The idiot and the beauty part 1

I always idolized super heroes in the past whenever I heard or watched their accomplishments, but now that I became one it isn't as enjoyable as I thought, when I got my super powers, it took me awhile to understand how to use them well, at least theoretically speaking

Goliath: "what do you mean understand? If you can't actually use them then what use is it to have powers?"

"Thanks for the unnecessary reminder, as encouraging as always, Goliath" I responded sarcastically.

Goliath: "And you are as rude as always kid"

"Why do you keep reading my mind anyway? Can't I have some privacy? And seriously stop calling me a kid"

Goliath: "You are like what? Eighteen? Don't know about you humans but you are a kid by my standards"

I really want to punch him sometimes.

Goliath: "Rude!"

"My head! How many times did I tell you not to shout, do you know how painful it is?" I held my head from the sudden pain.

A voice shouting inside your head is literally an unbearable headache, especially his, it is like hammers pounding my head.

Goliath: "Stop complaining, you are exaggerating too much"

Goliath: "For your information, you are not the best host either"

"Then why did I get chosen of all the available people on this planet?"

Goliath: "Because of your unusual name"

Bastard, always evading the topic.

Goliath: "Stop asking such unnecessary things then, you will know when the time comes"

"And what time would that be?"

Goliath: "When it is the right time"


Goliath: "More importantly, shouldn't you hurry, you are going to be late for class? And You look like a weirdo talking to himself to others you know"

And whose fault is that? Always peeking at my thoughts.

Goliath: "Alright, alright, I will leave you to ponder with your 'O so great' intellect, hahaha…"

Sigh, ever since that day I had to put up with this annoying voice.

I don't even know what he is, just that he is a voice in my head that pops up from time to time to disturb me.

Anyway, back to present, a nice sunny day, people passing by, although mornings can be noisy and I always hated such time of day in the past, but now it is amazing how much I came to love such peaceful mornings, to think I used to hate waking early to go to school but then, comparing that to breaking bones and getting injured trying to stop some monsters is much better, not that I get injured that much thanks to the suit, but when I do it does hurt a lot.

I mean the suit decreases damage and doesn't completely cancel it, for example, small damage from punches or blunt weapons is decreased by a lot that it is practically annulled, on the other hand, greater types of damage like falling from a height like a ten story building or so, does leave some aching and if the impact is stronger it may leave internal injuries, and in the case of facing natural disasters or some super villains, well, I will just say that I am lucky that I am still alive.

In the past two years I had to face monsters, evils, disasters and even stop an alien invasion…

Amazing how different life is when living under protection and when being the one who protects. Media reports perils and hazard in such way that it would make those on the other side of the screen assume that it will be the end of the world but then when the heroes arrive and saves the day, everything suddenly becomes fine and then the next day life continues on as if nothing happened, everyone forgets about the deaths, the injured and whatever destruction that might have happened. The heroes will be praised thus getting more fame and fans would talk about their accomplishments for the few following days if not forever.

I wonder how it was in the beginnings of the twenty first's century, back then super heroes didn't exist and the world was yet to be deteriorated because of the third world war.

According to history, life back then wasn't much different from now, they say that aside from few technological improvements, civilization didn't develop much aside from the appearance of super heroes, perhaps if that incident almost wiping all humanity from the world didn't happen then life would have been different now…

- Get out of the way!

A stylish man shouted as he run past me, he looked to be in a hurry, good thing I have already heard the sound of his footsteps or we might have bumped into each other, in such day and age, everyone is hurrying as if there is no tomorrow, but then again in such peaceful and law abiding city like this one where crime rates are the lowest it is normal, especially considering what time of day it is, I suppose it is normal to be in hurry, now that's an exemplary man trying not to be late for his job

- Someone stops that thief!

A lady screamed from behind moments after the guy run past me, she looked tired as she was panting.

She doesn't mean that guy, right? he didn't look like thief

Goliath: "Are you a fool? Or are you trying to be one?"

"Didn't you leave?"

Goliath: "Leave? Ever since you digested the sovereignty orb, I became part of you, where am I supposed to leave? Can you leave a part of your body behind?"

Digested? Orb?

Oh, that sphere like thing

"You make it sound like I got a choice in the matter, just why me in particular?"

Goliath: "I told you, you will know at the right time"

"Whatever" I said as I cracked my fingers looking at the running figure preparing myself for the chase

Goliath: "Hey, I can sense excitement and faster heart beat… you are not planning on chasing the thief?"


Goliath: "Don't!"


"Come on, my head" I gritted my teeth so I won't scream

Such headache! It is vexing that he can hurt me and I can't.

Goliath: "You can't take risks"

What risks? As if stopping a thief would make anyone suspicious of my identity.

Goliath: "No means no, if you want to be a hero then suit up first or do it in a way that won't attract any attention"

And how am I supposed to do that? While the process of suiting up takes just a fraction of a second, finding where to change in this public place isn't exactly easy, it looks easy in movies, cartons and animes but in real life, I need to prepare in advance, there are no alleyways nearby as well, too bad there are no phone booths, that blue and red guy in old shows is really lucky.

Goliath: "Stop being ridiculous, didn't you learn anything from your experiences so far?"

I don't have full control over my powers so that's obviously a no, as for gadgets, using them would be suspicious as anyone would be able to tell the similarity as only one person uses such tools thus leading to unnecessary trouble, which leaves…

Goliath: "Yes, yes… improvise, adapt, overcome"

I look around searching for anything that can be used, but in such clean street only people's feet, cars and the cleaning disc shaped, road cleaning robots can be seen

Goliath: "Not what I meant but I suppose that would work too, anyway, you better hurry else someone else will steal your moment"

"What do you mean?"


As if answering my question, a loud voice echoed all around.

The few that were helping the woman to follow the thief lifted their heads as they recognized the person famous of such entry and not just them but all the other people who didn't care about the theft and continued their way also stopped to look at the dashing figure soaring the sky, even the thief who run away a good distance stopped to look as well.

"A noisy one has arrived"

Well defined muscles wrapped by gold spandex tight attire, with large spread golden wings on the back and a head mask similar to a hawk's, and long golden feathers playing the role of a tail, although those feathers look like a peacock's tail.

A name that mismatches with the attire.

Ladies and gentlemen, the new hero that have been active for few months now, the young rich man, 'Castor' aka 'Dean Rosewald' a show off that likes fame also nicknamed 'golden hawk'.


And an incredibly boisterous person.


The thief is staring silently from the impactful entry just like all other people present.


Castor using his golden wings descended at an incredibly high speed towards the thief, his physical strength is quite abnormal thus the so called 'CASTOR CLAW' is nothing but a high-speed aerial attack similar to how a hawk's posture while trying to catch a prey on land, but


The thief dodged at the last moment, causing the 'golden hawk' that was unable to adjust his speed to crash to the concrete wall behind the thief.

Cool entry, eye catching costume and attention-grabbing attitude if I may say, but why did he alarm him? Couldn't he just catch the thief then boast as much as he wanted?

Goliath: "HAHAHAHA, did you see that idiot? 'CASTOR CLAW!' he said, HAHAHAHA"

Well at least someone's having fun…