The idiot and the beauty part 2

It's good to get paid handsomely after finishing saving the day, unfortunately only missions and tasks given by the HGO are the ones that are paid, meaning if I do a super hero work that wasn't given to me by the organization then there is no payment, I can't stand and watch when someone is in trouble so whether I get the call from the organization or not, if I know there is trouble or a monster attack or any kind of problem occurring I always try to be the first to help which makes lots of my heroism tasks with no payment, truth is I always liked super heroes whether in comics, anime or movies, I wished for super powers just because it would be cool having them.

Goliath: "HAHAHA, oh my god, 'CASTOR CLAW' he said, HAHAHAHA…"

And him still mocking the earlier failed attack.

Anyway, when I was younger I swore to god that if I ever got super powers I would do all I can to help keep the world and the people safe, but once I got what I wished for I had to deal with different kinds of weirdos and by weirdos I don't mean just villains but also other super heroes, I don't know why but all the super heroes are either weirdos or not far from it.

Goliath: "You are one of those super heroes, kid"

"Shut up"

Goliath: "Oh look! The idiot is getting up"

"Don't shout"

Castor stood up quickly from the destroyed wall seemingly completely fine as if the earlier crash that caused a large hole in the wall, never happened.

Goliath: "He is just playing tough"

"Can you stop retorting, besides aren't you looking down on him too much?"

Goliath: "I am not underestimating him, that idiot deserved what hit him"

Goliath: "And why should I stop retorting, when you are narrating what is happening like a freelance reporter? What or whom are you talking to?"


The thief was still standing but this time his was grinning, I think he is happy how he made a super hero look like an 'idiot'.

Goliath: "Oh, ignoring me, huh?"

I might be wrong but I think he is not taking him seriously, I mean he is waiting for him to stand up and fix his appearance patiently.

Those two, I wonder who is looking down on whom, and those people they are leisurely taking pictures.

Goliath: "Not answering?"

Goliath: "Weirdo!"

"Damn it"

My head!

Goliath: "Oh finally responding?"

"What is your problem?"

Goliath: "I will give you a hint"


Goliath: "Look carefully, doesn't something seem strange right now?"

"What do you mean?"

Goliath: "Look around, you already noticed those two's behavior, what about the rest, doesn't something strike as odd?"

Certainly, he got a point, they are both taking their time, it's like they are stalling, or perhaps… are they enjoying the attention?

Goliath: "You are not too far with that deduction"


Thief: "Give up hero, as you saw you are not my match"

Castor gritted his teeth as his expression suddenly became troubled?


Goliath: "What sort of lines and retarded drama are these two playing here?"


Goliath: "You will see"

Castor clenched his fists tight that what looked like veins? appeared on his gold gloves.

Castor: "HAAA…"

Launching a barrage of fists at the still grinning thief with quick steps, Castor looked like a phantom suddenly appearing and disappearing within a second.

Truly too fast for average people, and what is even more amazing was the thief that was easily parrying his quick powerful punches.

But it is strange, I have already saw Castor in action several times before, his movements and attack pattern aren't

Goliath: "The same?"

Yeah, it's almost like he is pulling back his strength?

Goliath: "Yep, so you can notice such details now? Not bad"

Thief: "Good job! Hero! But you can't defeat me!"

Declaring so, the thief landed a strong kick on Castor's stomach, the strength carried in that kick was so powerful that the impact reverberated and even reached few nearby spectators that were sent flying along with Castor but strangely enough none of them seemed to be seriously injured?

Goliath: "Now for your answer, here she comes"

"She?" I asked surprised, but then

- I see that even a great super hero like you can't handle him! No worry for we are here to save the day!


I know that voice!

Goliath: "Of course you do"

A slender woman in a black costume appeared, high boots, black pants, white jacket, big polarized dark sunglasses, and long black hair tied into a ponytail.

The woman's figure was akin to that of a fashion model, a beauty in every sense of the word yet she always exudes the aura of seriousness, honestly, I don't know what she is trying to do but such dialogue doesn't suit her character, it sounded too forced in fact.

She is one of the agents of HGO and best known as 'Ms. Smith', she is the one who calls me when there is an assignment and she is the one I have to report to after each mission so to say, in a way she is my superior or the link between me and the organization, she also happens to be the one who provided me my electro id hero card after joining the HGO…

Goliath: "Thought you faked your real id back then and still hiding it"

"And whose idea was to hide my identity?"

Goliath: "Hey, I never said anything about hacking the system and creating an entire citizenship for a non-existent person, you even faked your appearance and fingerprints"

Goliath: "But it was a smart move since the only thing needed to acknowledge you as part of them was that electro card thing"

"Well it is all in the past now, so what is going on here?"

Ms. Smith gave orders to the other agents that appeared with her.

The agents hurried to the scene, some helping the close to the scene spectators that got attacked earlier, two went to help the Castor, while the others surrounded the thief pointing their guns at him.

The thief surrendered without any resistance and let the agents lead him away?

Ms. Smith turned to the rest of the people that stood at a safe distance with blank expressions on their faces and said

Ms. Smith: "As you can see, we at HGO are always keeping eyes everywhere, even if it is small acts as theft, we are there to help"

What is going on here?

Goliath: "Remember that call that you got yesterday that you refused?"


Come to think of it, yesterday, I had to stop a creepy cult of vampires from invading the nearby islands.

Goliath: "Crazy right?"

Yeah, vampires in such day and age? Who would believe it, I wouldn't if I didn't face them directly.

It was really tiresome that I didn't listen to the call from the HGO late that night.

Goliath: "Do you remember what it was about?"

"No, I was sleepy and didn't pay attention"

Goliath: "They called to ask you if you wanted to join in the commercials today"


Goliath: "Yep, they were shooting commercials all over the city, some heroes were called for help"

So, everything until now was?

Goliath: "An act, the woman, the thief, the close spectators and that idiot's acting, everything was surveilled by cameras"

"Wait why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Goliath: "Why not? If you interfered, all hidden cameras and cameramen were focusing on the scene and that escaping 'thief', so if you intervened everything would have ended sooner and we wouldn't have to bother watching this charade, and by the way, classes start in ten minutes"

What? Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Goliath: "It was good practice for you, although not serious enough, but it was a good chance to train analytical and deduction skills"

"Damn it!"

I shouted as I run as fast as I can…