A boring lesson

Monsters, a word that describes ambiguous creatures that don't look like anything that we know nor do they serve any reason except pure simple destruction.

Remains of a bygone era of chaos still exist to this day, simple creatures with the only pure intention of destruction in mind and instincts from the moment they are born till the moment they die

Goliath: "Are you trying to write a poem? Concentrate on the lesson, you barely made it in time, kid"

"This lesson is boring, I already knew these things" I whispered so no can hear me in class.

Goliath: "It has only been a bit more than two years now"

"More than enough time to gain more than necessary knowledge"

Goliath: "Aren't you being arrogant, kid? With your weak human build, you can't even properly control any of the abilities from the orb"

"But my intellect has improved greatly, not to brag but, before it would take me at least two hours and a half to finish reading a book of hundred pages providing I don't lose focus or interest. But now, I can go through such a thing within a second's fraction and not only that but also anything I see or read I can easily remember, not to mention how easy it became to understand and process information"

Goliath: "True, and you abused that little power too much, in fact isn't it the only thing you actually grasped of all the improvements?"

"What do you mean? Didn't my athletic abilities become better? My body is pretty toned"

Goliath: "So you are happy with what little muscles you got?"

"What do you mean little? You do know how hard I tried to get my body toned before? eight pack abs, do you understand what that means? And I just got it simply within one night"

Goliath: "Who cares about your body and muscles? How did the conversation become about that? I am telling you your physique is proportional to how much you can control your powers, yet more than two years and the only thing you know is reading?"

"What is wrong with that? Reading is knowledge and because of that knowledge my alter ego is acknowledged as one of the greatest inventors in the history"

Goliath: "Aren't you ashamed? That knowledge isn't even yours, most of it you gained after you decoded and reverse engineered the alien technology"

"So, what? I wasn't the only one who did that, tell me how many more succeeded in getting the amount of data I got not to mention actually applying it"

Goliath: "Stop bragging!"

"Why?" What did I do this time?

Goliath: "You really can't tell?"

Goliath: "Do you know how many in the universe would kill to get that orb?"

Goliath: "Yet you don't use any of the powers and are satisfied with mere gadgets and tools you made to overshadow your inability to properly control your abilities"

"What is wrong with gadgets and tools? What is wrong with knowledge?"

Goliath: "Tell me how did you save this planet?"

"By defeating the aliens"

Goliath: "And how did you do that?"


Goliath: "Using your OTHER acquired powers"

"But the backlash was severe after I used them, I was critically injured and nearly lost all of my body functions, I was one breath away from death"

Goliath: "Don't be a drama queen, so what?"

Goliath: "Listen, after you digested the orb, your body was reshaped and remodeled down to the cellular level so you can be a better wielder of the great powers you obtained meaning you won't die that easily, yet, you are scared of some pain"

Goliath: "The orb was made with the intention that it will be possessed by a qualified individual and by that the maker didn't have a human in their mind, even I can't believe it ended up with you"

"Which leads us again to the same question, why me?"

Goliath: "As it is not the time yet I will just say that you passed the moral part of the qualifications"

"So, what you are saying that if you are a good kid the powers will choose you?"

Goliath: "Stop your sarcasm, sigh~… look I am not saying not to use your brains, but just depending on your boosted cognition alone isn't enough, even your so-called fit body and battle techniques won't be of much use in dire situations, even the suit might not help you"

Goliath: "So try harder to practice controlling your powers and less on the gadgets, alright?"

Goliath: "What was it that you earthlings say? Less thinking more punching?"

I am pretty sure that isn't it.

But I suppose in a sense the damage from that time kind of left a bit of trauma within me, I mean I am not a masochist, why would I do it if I know how it will hurt, but then again, Goliath does have a point, if I continue like this I am wasting more than 99% of my powers.

"You are right"

"After all, 'With great powers comes great responsibilities'"

Goliath: "In your case, you avoided the powers and jumped straight to the responsibilities, anyway, who said that?"

"Some fictional characters and real-life political figures, couldn't you know just by reading my thoughts?"

Goliath: "Make your mind kid, you don't like it when I do and now you tell me to do it, I am trying to give you some space here"


"A witty come back huh? Anyway, about what the commercials earlier, did the call mention the location, the participants and such details?"

Goliath: "You mean, how did I know of hidden cameramen, the surveilling cameras, the spectators and the rest? Or, what they were focusing on?"


Goliath: "No response huh? Well, let's just say that I can use some of the powers that you deliberately refuse to use, specifically they are telepathy and mind reading, interested?"

"You can do that?"

Goliath: "Of course I can, in a sense I am a part of you, more importantly, shouldn't you ask why they made such commotion?"

"Does it have anything to do with the recent disappearances?"

Goliath: "Exactly, can you explain?"

"I am not sure but, with all the rumors going around, people are blaming the super naturals, therefore their confidence in the so-called protectors and supers is falling and although a bit silly and abrupt I suppose the commercials were one of the solutions the upper echelon of the HGO thought of, I mean they are having lots of press conferences recently and…"

Teacher: "Mister Clarice, you have been blankly staring and murmuring for a while now, I hope you have been with us?"

"Damn you Goliath, why didn't you tell me?"

Goliath: "Hey, you are the one who said the lesson was boring"

Teacher: "Did you say something mister Clarice? If so, can you tell us the answer to the earlier question?"

What question?


Goliath: "Sorry wasn't paying attention either, you are on your own kid"

"What about the telepathy and mind reading that you can do? Hey… Goliath? Answer me, what is the question?"

Teacher: "Mister Clarice?"

"Eh... uhm…"