Enter John Corbin

My name is John, 'John Corbin' a detective for hire and if necessary, a hired gun, right now I am following a serious case of kidnap, well others call it disappearances some like to call it spirited away but I don't believe in such things.

Let's go back in time a bit and see how everything began.

It all started two months ago.

The first victim was a teenage girl, nothing note worthy about her nor her family and relatives and entourage, she was just like all others her age a teenager doing teenagers stuff, but the moment when the kidnap happened she was trying to help an old woman cross the street at that moment it was broad day light, a fog suddenly appeared within which, ghosts like figures appeared and when they vanished along with the fog, the girl was also gone.

Second victim was a young man in his early twenties, nothing notable about him as well nor his relatives and friends except for the fact that he was doctor, his kidnap was similar as it happened in broad daylight with fog and ghosts like figures but in his case, he was helping a child that fell and scraped his knee.

Third kidnap was a middle-aged woman and her friend, time at night when they defended a boy that was bullied, same setting with fog and ghosts like figures.

Fourth to tenth shared more or less the same situation as the second and first victims albeit differed in age and time.

As for the rest of the two hundred kidnapped people, they were more or less around the same thing about helping someone or being kind to them, hm… come to think of it all of the cases shared the setting of helping another or something like that, it can't be the reason for the kidnappings, right?

No no no, this can't be right, what sort of reason is that?

There must some other reason, a clue of some sort, true they all more or less were helping others when they were kidnapped but that can't be the reason why.

Looking at the list of kidnapped people and their personal life information, in front of me I can't find a single common shared trait between them.


A call? Mr. JR?

MR. JR is a good client of mine, although he insists on me calling him by his initials despite us knowing each other for a while now, either way he is a good client that always keep his promise…

John: Mr. JR I am already doing my best here.

John: Yes yes, but the clues…

John: I can't do that… no, but…

John: Sure, alright, I can try, I mean I was already planning to do that.

John: Yes, okay, farewell

Sigh! What a troublesome fellow, I wonder why he seemed hurrying.

But considering his position and job, I suppose I can't blame him, they are getting lots of blame lately.


I guess I should visit the scenes of crime and recheck everything personally, of course I may not be able to visit all locations one by one, well at least not anytime soon since it means travelling around the world, but I should begin by the local and nearby places, I might figure something from twenty-two scenes.

Folding the list in my hand I left my residence towards the nearest scene; the place is three hours away by foot from where I live.

I like living healthily especially because of my age therefore I plan to go there by foot.

In this age, many individuals and organizations keep supervising the streets and the citizens but I don't like trusting others, and my evidences are the crimes like the ongoing kidnappings.

That's why I keep a 'power disruptor discharger' on my person, a good weapon against those supers, that will disable them temporarily, illegal it may be but if no one knows then it isn't.

As for dealing with regular thugs and such then my fighting skills and my electrical truncheons that I keep within the sleeves of my coat are more than enough.

A careful person like me doesn't forget his residence of course that's why my land is trapped and surrounded by thick high wall and barbed wires, a good electrical shock will teach those trespassers a lesson, Hehe…

Walking the streets, I keep my guard up, can't trust anyone, must be always vigilant, one never knows when some psycho might suddenly pull a gun or dagger at him.

Walking the streets, I keep people's faces inside my head, one of them might be the next victim for all I know, I must be careful not to miss any detail or moment.

Amongst the people I see a kid running behind his pet dog that got away, the pet crossed the road and the kid followed behind not paying attention to the passing by cars.


The kid finally caught his pet but not before being in front of a running bus.

Damn an accident is going to be inevitable if the kid doesn't move.

The kid appears to be in a state of shock.

I hate cliché drama like this.

I found myself running to save the kid but…

John: "Where is… this?"

The second I thought I saved the kid and moved away from harm's way I found myself standing in an open grass field with no one else around?