The adventure in dystopian land part 1

Lots of troubles, lots of work for super heroes, and speaking for myself, I always try to stop crimes before they happen if possible, even small ones like robbery or theft and unethical ones like rape or blackmailing or cheating, I know I might be getting my nose where it doesn't belong stopping such things but I just can't stand it.

Goliath: "You are just being a busy body that's what you are."

"Perhaps, but it doesn't matter as long as I am doing the right thing"

Goliath: "Right thing? I think you are forcing your own justice kid, anyway, why are we here, first thing when class ended?"

"You mean the school roof?"

Goliath: "Yes?"

"After being lectured like that about paying attention during class, I felt that I needed some change of environment, standing at a high place gazing down at everything else like this always make me feel great, as if I am up high in the sky"

Goliath: "You realize you can fly right? not to mention you have those jets that you made"

"It is a complicated feeling, anyway, I feel great standing here"

Goliath: "I see, you humans have a saying that idiots like high places, right?"


Damn it always leading me to his traps.

Goliath: "Say, there were two students absent today"

I know what he means.

Authorities refuse to release such data but to certain people the information is easy to get and for me it is even easier.

"Indeed, they disappeared yesterday"

Lana and Lina, twins that aren't in the same class, two bright students and extremely popular amongst their peers. That's why many are missing them and some are getting doubtful although the given reason for their absence and stated by the school is them being hospitalized, I wonder how long such explanation will last.

Goliath: "So what are planning kid? You are going to continue searching today as well?"

"Searching with no clue is futile, yet I can't just sit doing nothing, if only there is something to lead me, something like"

Goliath: "A real life disappearance"

"Yeah, that would be helpful"

Goliath: "No I mean down beside that blue Benz, it is the fog, if you don't hurry, someone's going to disappear"

Searching down I located where the so-called fog was, the place is about half a mile away from here, from up here it looks so closely, yet it is going to take sometime to go there by normal means.

Goliath: "Quit dallying, hurry!"

"Don't shout"

Ouch! I don't think I will ever get used to such headache.

I look at my watch, it looks like any regular wrist watch, it looked quite stylish but it wasn't worth much, well at least when I first bought it.

I got the idea from novels and some old movies and even cartoons, mythical heroes of old called cultivators or people getting transported to another world or even in games, the idea based on storage bags or rings or boxes, where the protagonists possessed some incredible little vessel that can store lots of things and items many times its size and better than that it can be controlled by mere will or thought.

I liked the idea so I accepted the challenge.

It was hard, tiring and quite challenging both mentally and physically, it took a bit over a year for me to finish the whole thing.

Problems are, how to will things that are inside to get outside and in the wanted order? And of course, how to put many things inside such a small matter?

I had no idea about space magic or storage space and such back then and even now of course, true there are super heroes who use powers similar to magic, others are psychics but nothing they used was similar to what I wanted, although some had their ways to do such tricks but it wasn't what I was looking for.

Tackling the problem head on, I divided the concept into two parts, the control through will or thought part and the storage part.

Looking at it in such manner, it became easier to imagine but not to make.

For example, I can represent the will or the thought by electrical signals since that's how the brain and nerves communicate in such way, I can say that the vessel responds to the detection of certain electrical signals or impulses to know which item stored is the one required thus popping it out.

As for the storage part, well, I thought of a couple of things but the one I decided to use is the shrinking of the items to an incredibly small size such it would become like a grain of salt or smaller compared to the vessel and thus I can store lots of items.

But then comes the problem of actually making those suppositions to become real, but after a long time of thinking and experimenting with the knowledge I acquired I actually made it true.

To not make things more complicated I made it so the wrist watch would serve as the container so to say the little vessel, as for how I made the internal work, well that was

Goliath: "Kid, hate to interrupt your contemplating time but, if you won't hurry someone's going to vanish and your clue along with it"

"Right, right"

Willing my watch, I summoned a substitute dummy, a puppet or robot that is designed to look exactly like me, programmed with clear commands so it can replace me in moments where I needed to be somewhere else away, so far no one noticed anything strange and the dummies didn't show any sign of malfunctioning, so that's good I guess and I hope it continues to work correctly.

Goliath: "If you use your powers making a clone that would follow your every command would be much easier compared to the time you put into those things"

"Yeah, yeah"

Next comes the suit.

Aside from the watch, the hero suit that originated from the orb also responds to my thoughts or will so it appears and disappears as I wish.

Thus I summoned my suit, bluish black fluid like substance spread from under my skin until it engulfed my body fully from head to toe, my final form is that of a 178cm tall young man with a bluish black tight suit that showed his well defined muscles and body lines, in fact if one ignores the color, the sharp blue hued eyes and the fact that the suit doesn't have any details or design, my hero form looks a lot like a certain boy with spider powers while wearing a parasitic alien suit from old movies and comics, but if I have to say my body is more firmer and toned than some fictional comic and movie character.

Goliath: "Kid, you are doing it again, you are wasting time"

"Right, right"

Willing my watch again, I summoned a jet pack with an extreme speed that the distance was crossed in a split second even my figure in the sky would be hard nearly impossible to be discerned, only drawback is the dizziness that I am feeling.

Goliath: "Had you mastered the use of your powers, you wouldn't be in such predicament"

It is not that I don't want to use my powers, I am simply not prepared enough to use them, neither emotionally nor mentally and of course physically.

Goliath: "Wuss"

"I certainly am not"