The adventure in a dystopian land part 6

Abilities and performances, people care about such things and whole careers and lives could either prosper or be destroyed depending on how those two factors are displayed or perceived, especially if you are famous or trying to be one, and in case of those wanting to be heroes they need to mind their reputation, in fact, supers need to be the most to care about their performances and polish their abilities to prove to others that they deserve to be called supers and more so to be called heroes.

As nowadays, media and news care more about what this super did or how did that super react, and if the hero in question is one with much fame then he or she would fall the hardest should they mess up once they're in front of media or news.

Truth be said, there was once a B ranked super hero who got much fame but because he once hit the wrong target causing the death of more than a hundred people, news never left him alone, a mistake it was but even if knowing so, no one left him be, the organization responsible for sponsoring him couldn't help him, his reputation and fans decreased in just a few days, and he was labeled as the worst of heroes, the super fool, the idiot hero, etc… well those were the kind ones, as people blamed him and even cursed him and his family, not to mention the booing and random attacks he gets whenever he showed himself in public or was recognized, well eventually his life was ruined and with everyone blaming him, he committed suicide, people can be cruel, but it doesn't change the fact that it was his fault for missing the target.

Well, actually his case wasn't the only one, but still, if a super hero is exposed to have done something bad even by mistake then it can be considered the end for him and that is completely understandable, I mean, a super star like a singer or an actor might be forgiven depending on his/her popularity but when it comes to super heroes and especially those close to their fans and who cares about how people see them and even more so to those who their lives depends on their super hero career, one slip or wrong move, could mean the end of the line for them, in fact just how many heroes joined the villainy side just because their fans left them or looked down on them, it is simply sad, really sad.

Fortunately, there are no cameras or media here to share the news of me getting punched that I fell down so hard that I made a hole in the ground and a topless giant is grinning while standing at least twenty meters on the surface while looking down on me.

"Sigh, this is humiliating"

True, this is my third year since I became a super hero but so much happened and I am supposed to be a professional now, I am supposed to be an S rank for goodness' sake!

Hm? Speaking of humiliating…

I wonder what those 'idiots' have decided concerning the 'ancient cities', those cities are a danger zone and there is no telling when a monster might appear there just like what happened the night after I got my super powers, if a monster appears there and in the off chance that somehow that monster slips into the other cities where people live then that will be my chance to humiliate them for being so stubborn refusing to quarantine those cities saying they are part of the land and our history, believing in the tight security around the borders and the efforts of supers they said or that those places will be good training places for young supers, those 'brainless fools', just who are they lying to? it is clear that they are after the resources left buried, they are simply exposing the innocents to non-necessary danger!

Sigh~, what am I saying? Hope nothing happens to the citizens but I really want to humiliate those 'idiots', I am sure my chance will come and when it does, I will not show mercy.


Somehow, I think I am getting off the track here, just what is going on with me? Why did I sound so evil all of a sudden? Is it because I have been in this place for too long? Is being here affecting my mind somehow or is it something else? Perhaps, it is

Topless giant: "Hey! Get out! How long do you plan to keep staying there?! You got a minute, if you don't get out then I will smash you even further down!"

Said the topless giant while cracking his neck and glaring at me.

Well, I guess, I should take care of him before thinking about anything else.

Sigh~, I need to use more of the orb's power.

I look at the topless giant above who was counting down.

Yeah, keep counting, I will make cry soon.

Alright, concentrate me!

I close and visualize the picture of orb, trying to reach deeper into its powers, honestly, while I have no problem accessing the powers, I keep limiting the amount I am accessing unconsciously, I am literally just scratching the surface here, not even using one percent of the powers and abilities.

Against the aliens, I used about ten percent of the orb's power which brought victory but resulted in much pain to me later as my body suffered greatly, it was like my flesh was being torn apart and my muscles erupted before I lost consciousness, I don't understand exactly what happened yet, but I would rather not feel that kind of pain again so I should be good as long as I don't reach that threshold not to mention fainting in this god knows where place would be a big mistake that might result in an unforgivable trouble.

The more I concentrate the power I could feel surging within my veins, I could feel my cells filled with vitality, blood rushing in my nerves, my muscles getting invigorated and the flames around my body getting stronger, as a feeling of euphoria similar to that of a release of endorphins or maybe even greater, seriously the feeling is so great that it makes me feel that I can do anything.

Topless giant: "Hm?"

The topless giant stopped counting; he seems to have noticed the change.

Topless giant: "Good, now this should get interesting!"

He said as his mouth turned into a giant smile that was really hard to determine if it was that of joy or a form of intimidation, seriously, it is too creepy, no matter how I try to describe it.

Topless giant: "I am getting impatient, COME!"

The topless giant roared

"Oh, you won't be disappointed" I said as I summoned that my new accessed power.

Raising my hands in the air a bit and lightly hitting the ground, the impact from that little gesture was enough to propel me in the air at a great speed which I used to direct a punch at the giant


Topless giant: "Too slow! Eat this!"

The giant countered my punch by one of his.

*Crack *

Topless giant: "IMPOSSIBLE!"

The topless giant bellowed as he held his fist, some fingers were broken.

"Thanks for the wait" I said, honestly, I feel so good right now.

My strength and speed have increased exponentially that I feel like there is nothing that could stop me.

Topless giant: "Grr!"

The topless giant glared up at me in anger, that is right it is my turn to look down on you now!

But what can I say, a fight between supers is something that is hard to predict, one moment one having the upper hand and then the tide of the fight could entirely turn over by a single move, we are dealing with super powers here.

Topless giant: "Damn it! I am the strongest THERE IS!"

Saying so the topless giant, jumped up heading towards me, both of his fists clenched?

Seriously, super healing?

Topless giant: "You are going down! DIE!"

The topless giant was fast, too fast that he looked much faster than a speeding bullet!

Those fists look like they are two times the size of a child!

"Seriously, that is ridiculous"

Topless giant: "DIE!"

I was reading myself for a fist or rather fists attack and didn't expect him going for a bearhug, honestly, I am dropping my guard too much.

Topless giant: "DIE NOW!!"

The topless giant tightened his hug with his giant arms that were harder than steel, but nevertheless

"Perhaps, if you used that move earlier, it would have been a problem for me"

Topless giant: "HUH?"

I grinned at his confused reaction, naturally, he couldn't see me because of my suit on my face his hidden.

I grabbed his arms and used my fingers to press on his muscles

Topless giant: "Ku.."

The topless giant revealed a pained expression

"You might be strong, but not anymore, forgive me for what I about to do, but I have no intention of dragging on this fight any longer" I said as I grabbed his giant arms and this time tightened on them till, I felt his flesh becoming mush

*Crack! *

Topless giant: "Graaah!!"

The giant let a loud scream as the bones of his arms broke in my grips, I took the chance to free myself and join both hands together up into a fist and with a great strength I downed it of his head

*Crack! *

Another cracking sound could be heard as his eyes became white and he foamed, that strike was strong enough to break his cranium, but judging from his expression he didn't die, which is good as it wasn't not my intention to kill him, but that much damage won't be enough to keep him down because of his super healing ability, this much damage would be healed in no time.

Killing someone with a healing factor as good as that giant may or may not be a problem to other supers but it would definitely take some efforts for those who could, but for me killing him would be a piece of cake, and I can think of several different ways to do so and effortlessly at that if I use my laser vision from earlier for example, I could disintegrate each and every cell and atom in his body till fast enough before his healing could repair the damages thus leaving nothing of him.

I can't help it but grin thinking of that

"Wait… what in the world am I thinking"

I shook my head.

Why did I suddenly started thinking about killing, what is happening to me?

Looking at the falling giant, his injuries are starting to heal.

My only safe option for now is to cause sufficient damage to slow down the time that would be for taken his recovery.


I flew down catching up to the falling giant, launching a barrage of fists at him, each ripping his skin and flesh and puncturing his bones.

When he was covered in blood, I grabbed his head to make sure that it would be the first thing that would land once hitting the ground, which might sound cruel, but this guy is powerful and needs drastic measures to keep him down, had my gadgets been functional, all this beating wouldn't have been necessary.

*BOOM! *

Finally hitting the ground, the giant crashed head first, and now he looks like an upside-down plant, head in ground and the body above it, now that I look at him, there is a big number 1 on his back, I wonder why?

"Oh right! what about them?"

I remembered Arlene and the others, and turned took look around.

Looking from here, albeit the distance is far, but they seem fine, Arlene looks shocked as for the others they don't look fully conscious yet.

"I better join them, just in case"

Barely finishing saying so, a shadow appeared behind me.

"Is it n ambush?" I quickly reacted and jumped away.

The person who appeared was a dark-skinned young girl with long white hair, she didn't attack me and rather went to the upside-down giant to check on him.

She frowned a bit then looked at me asking

White haired girl: "You didn't kill him?"

Her tone was strange, and I couldn't differentiate whether she was asking because of surprise or disappointment.

White haired girl: "Okay, my turn now"

She said as she made a gesture with her small hand as if she waving at the unconscious giant.

To my surprise, the giant disappeared as if he was just teleported somewhere.

White haired girl: "Shall we start?"

She said and again I could not tell if she was stating the begging of a fight or just actually asking, but one thing is for sure, I like her big clear silver eyes…