The adventure in a dystopian land part 7

Super heroes, in the eyes of their fans, they are strong, powerful, perfect, handsome, pretty, smart, defenders of justice, protectors of the innocents, etc…

Basically, a super hero is more than a role model for fans, now why am I saying this? Simple.

In the distance I can see the people from earlier recovering their health, their eyes are looking this way, I doubt that they can tell exactly what is going on but worry and fear is clear on their faces, for me in my current state their expressions are clear to me even from so far away, well, it is not that far away, it should be a little bit more than a hundred meters.

Anyway, their expressions are telling me to hurry this up and take them out of this place, can't blame them, many of them are still in shock and are asking Arlene about what is going on apparently, compared to them she looks much healthy and who can blame them with those pale faces and bodies struggling to stand, I know I shouldn't say this but I can't help thinking that they look a bit funny, all of them are older and bigger body wise compared to her, yet they are struggling like babies that are learning to walk, hehe…

Am I a bad person for thinking that?

But still, those expressions and stares that they are looking at me with, they want to go out of here and some are, clearly blaming this girl as it seems, but I can't just up and beat her.

Body build wise, she is small and slender enough to be mistaken for a middle schooler assuming she is not, her hair reaches her waist, her face is expressionless although if I had to describe it, she is cute especially her eyes, clothes wise however, she wears white tight shorts and a piece of cloth around her humble chest, no matter how I look at her, compared to that giant from before, she looks innocent albeit a bit cold from her expression but still cute.

I mean for all I know this girl could be an innocent bystander who got dragged into this mess like those zombies from before except in her case she wasn't turned to be like them.


"What in the world am I saying and talking about?"

"Staying here is clearly affecting my mind somehow"

I can't help but think so, I mean why am I thinking such things while preparing for a fight, something is wrong with me.

"I need to get out of here soon"

White haired girl: "You have been mumbling about something, you alright?"

Again, it is hard to understand her intentions, is she being sarcastic or something? but more importantly, even my opponent is saying so, something really must be wrong with me right now.

"Say, are you a villain?"

Wait, did I actually just ask that?

White haired girl: "Yes, I am"

She tilts her head, people might see her as cute, a cute expressionless girl with slender build, yeah, this girl will be very popular if she became an idol or something.

The more I look at her the more I feel like she isn't cut to be a villain.



I punched my face, the pain should be enough to make me back to reality, hope I didn't injure my face or skull.

The white-haired girl raised her brows seeing me do so.

Perhaps, surprised or startled? Anyway, I guess that is the closest thing to an expression I will get from her, maybe.

*Rumble! *

The surroundings are shaking, it is like the whole world is trembling.

- Kyaaa!

- Aaaaaa!

- Mommy!

Screams of terror are resonating with the rumble, Arlene and those guys are afraid, wait, did that beardy old man scream 'mommy!'?

I mean nothing is wrong with that but I really can't help but chuckle.


I need to get them out of here as soon as possible but.

Looking at the white-haired girl, her eyes are gleaming with a silver light and her hair is floating.

"She is a psychic?!"

I didn't expect that.

White haired girl: "You defeated prototype one, so I won't be easy"

She said with a calm tone and no change in expression, and who or what is prototype one? the giant from earlier maybe?

*Rumble! *

White haired girl: "Take this"

Big chunks of rocks, mud and whatever is in the ground is levitating in the air, of different sizes but the smallest is as big as a soccer ball, each surrounded by a silver light aura?

*Whoosh *

Like projectiles, the chunks of earth were shot creating tails of silver light behind, like a rain shower of big hard bullets that would probably smash the skulls of ordinary people, honestly if they weren't attacking me, I wouldn't mind sit somewhere and watch them fall down, they are quite pretty those silver arcs of light.

White haired girl: "You won't escape this"

The white-haired girl said so as she raised her arm pointing her fingers at me.

Unfortunately, my reaction speed and speed right now are nothing to laugh at, so I easily dodged them and quickly arrived in front of her and grabbed the hand that she pointed at me and activated my 'Siphoon' ability, I have no intention of prolonging this fight any longer.

White haired girl: "Impossible"

The girl raised her eye brows as her expression turned incredulous.

Forget what I said earlier, now this is a good reaction, who said she was expressionless?

White haired girl: "But how? How could you possibly move?"

What sort of question is that? Did she think I would block the attacks or something? I mean we are pretty far from Arlene and the others and we are fighting away from them, so why would I not dodge?

Perhaps, she wanted to ask, why did I dodge instead of blocking? But yet that isn't a reason enough to that look of denial on her face.

"What are you talking about?" I asked to confirm

White haired girl: "My Gravitokinesis, why isn't it working on you? You should be restrained, unable to move, your body should feel heavy, how can you move so fast? No, why can you move in the first place?"

The white-haired girl asked still in denial, quite talkative so suddenly huh? But, wait Gravitokinesis?

I look at my body, certainly there is a faint or rather remains of a faint silver aura on me.

She probably tried to lock me in mid-air unable to move and make me take the full bombardment of that earlier attack she made with the giant earth bullets like things from earlier.

"You are a ruthless little girl, aren't you?"

I mean not even giving me a heads-up, not even giving me the chance to defend and wanted to hit me with a rain shower of projectiles, truly a scary little girl.

"Well, unfortunately for you, psychic attacks have no effect on me" but of course, as not only am I in my suit but also in my 'super powers mode', such thing as psychic powers gets negated if they come in contact with me which is a good thing considering my current situation.

The white-haired girl looked displeased by what she heard as she pouted, nevertheless, she raised the other hand towards she me as she said

White haired girl: "Let go"

But then her eyes widened as she looked at her hand shocked but then as if she just realized something, she asked

White haired girl: "What did you do to me?"

Looks like she finally realized

"I took away your psychic abilities" Well, at least temporarily as I didn't take the source which should be some organ in her brain, she is simply exhausted and as long as I am in direct contact with her, she can't use nor activate any of her abilities, don't know how much time she needs to 'charge up' her powers again so I can't let go of her hand yet, better play it safe


White haired girl: "Wha…"

Before she could say something as she probably was about to say something, I hit the back of her head to make her lose consciousness, which is the safest thing to do right now, unless, she is one of those characters who goes berserk once unconscious, like those in anime, mangas and such, well, I never actually met someone who becomes berserk once unconscious in real life but I shouldn't disregard the possibility.

If I remove the responsible organ from her head, that should rid her of her abilities, problem is, her brain seems much more complicated than what I know, perhaps, I should just crush her head and finish this whole ordeal.


What am I thinking?

I must remove the thought from my head.

Something really is wrong with me, must be something in this place making me being murderous.

Not to mention, there are witnesses not so far away, perhaps they can't tell which is which from around a hundred meters away or so but they should definitely be able to see if I kill her, that would leave a bad stain on my reputation.

"Aarrgh! Wrong, wrong, I shouldn't be thinking about murder in the first place"

I knock on my forehead with my free hand several time, perhaps the pain can make me think right and clearly again.

I really don't understand why I am thinking like this so suddenly, this place must be affecting me somehow.

Anyway, first things first, I should regroup with Arlene and the others before anything else happens.

Thus, I held the unconscious white-haired girl under my left arm and flew towards the others.

I have a feeling that things are going to became a lot more trouble really soon, I need to get them out of here some way or another.