The adventure in a dystopian land part 8

Fear, a word that everyone is familiar with or at least a lot of people are, be it fearing a bully, fearing the future, fearing death, fearing the unknown, etc…

To me I am afraid in lots of cases and situations, but most situations were those concerning my super hero activities, during which I experienced different and varied intensities of fear so to speak, I fear my opponents, especially if they are monsters, many of them got hideous figures that gave me nightmares, and some villains are even much worse than monsters, I am not being biased but it is just what is left of my human side, figuratively speaking of course, as I mean the me before becoming a super, as I got used to many things by now and I seem to have become a lot more confident and sure about myself thus I fear losing my reason, I fear hurting others, a hero that can't protect is pathetic, not to mention I don't plan on choosing the anti-hero kind of life, which is really hard right now given my whereabouts, situation and whatever is causing my emotions to be restless which is strange, I keep feeling this weird sensation urging me to harm and kill, which is really bad, especially since I am surrounded by people which I am supposed to rescue

Arlene: "You alright?"

I turn my head to look at the girl who looked concerned about my well-being, too bad that look is directed towards the super hero me, she must be at least distressed being here as is everyone else, I suppose they are not panicking because of me, not trying to be conceited, but I think my contributions as a hero so far did earn me some trust amongst many people which is the reason why Arlene is showing such care, ridiculous as it is but I can't help it but feel jealous, ha ha, I am jealous of myself, sigh~

"Yes, I am alright, just a little bit lost in thought" I say as I tried to sound calm and collected

Arlene: "Do you…"

- You! You are a super hero right? why are you wasting time? get us out of here!

A blonde woman suddenly interrupted as she stood right in front of me glaring at me.

She looks as if she is in her middle thirties, quite a healthy-looking woman for her age that one would think that she was in her twenties, wearing an open back tight blue dress and long boots, not much makeup as her face and figure are very attractive but lots of jewelry on her fingers, around her neck and even on arms...

She simply shined like a diamond amongst all the other people around, well perhaps she was in some party or event or something before coming here.

Either way, human nature is definitely an amazing thing, she looks fine and healthy despite how she was moments ago, or is it because of fear she is shouting at me and looks as if she is about to attack me?

Blonde woman: "Come on! What are you waiting for?"

- Ma'am I think you should…

Blonde woman: "Don't touch me!!"

A youth tried to talk to the blonde woman but she yelled at him, the poor guy didn't even touch her, his look is a mixture of fear and confusion.

- Hey, you can't just talk to my son like that!

An old brunette lady said as she stepped in between me and the blonde woman

Blonde woman: "Stay away from me!"

Youth: "Mother please…"

Old brunette: "Calm down sweetie let mom handle this"

The old brunette said as she looked warmly at the youth, this latter's face turned beat red as he looked stunned by his mother's words.

He should be a few years older than me if I am not wrong, that line must be embarrassing to him in front of so many people.

The old brunette glared at the blonde woman and looked about to pounce at her at any moment, I swear I could see sparks flying from her eyes.

The other people in the vicinity were murmuring about what to do and how they ended up here and how they want to go back etc. some were about to come ask me, of course I could tell because of my enhanced abilities currently and mainly my hearing, but they were beaten to it by the blonde woman, and somehow her shouting and her arrogant attitude made them hesitate, although now, they are looking at what was taking place while chuckling, I thought they were going to panic at some point earlier, but now, all that worry was overshadowed, somehow the mood changed with these two women who seems about to start a catfight.

Blonde woman: "Old hag, you better watch your words, else you will regret it, do you know who you are talking to?"

The blonde woman folded her arms as she stomped with her high heel, puffing her chest gaining even more haughtiness and before the old brunette lady could answer, the blonde woman looked at me

Blonde woman: "You know who I am, right? so tell them"

Aristocrats, a word referring to those related or descendants of royal bloodline, although that is speaking of the word historically, before the World War three, because after the fall of the sentient robots, many changes were brought to human life.

After the first supers won the war, the world was in turmoil as many things needed to be done or rather needed to be organized, the war affected all of humanity, it wasn't that easy to just go back to how things were before the war, especially with so much destruction done and deaths, not to mention the ones born during the war era and after it, they didn't have a clew what life was like before the war thus many literally didn't know what to do and with the supers around, many weren't at ease yet, for them it was like getting rid of one enemy only to be in fear of the rise of a more powerful one.

However, what rose up wasn't what everyone feared, well, in a sense.

After the first supers no other supers made, were as good as the first ones, the new supers made even the ones of this age, all weren't at the level to match up with the first supers.

Therefore, aside from me and the first supers, no other are S ranked.

Anyway, as the world was still trying to find its way back into peacefulness, and because of how many organizations were made as time went by, peoples fear and view of supers started to change however, other sorts of problems soon arose, as organizations were fighting over supremacy, of course HGO was the most evident name amongst all those organizations back then and even now, but that didn't mean that others would just bow their heads to it, after all if people could easily agree there wouldn't be a war in the first place…

Perhaps taking advantage of such situation back then, select people decided to take on the challenge in a sense and form till this day what is known as the 'World council'.

Said 'World council' took many responsibilities upon itself to make the humans prosper again, thus they made cities, restrictions, laws, etc…

It was one of the major forces that built the human world of today, but one of the problems that came after such consortium came into existence were the attitudes of its members, after the 'World council' came into existence by few years, its members took the title of 'Aristocrats' and they en-joyed several benefits and privileges, such as they got their own city where they live and only few of them didn't live there, lots of the descendants and some of the first generations supers that are still alive, all live there, not to mention the high teck advancements, technological and scientifical progress that city enjoys, for some reason, many of those said aristocrats do believe that they are superior to the other people, especially their newborns, as each generation is brought up to be even more arrogant and haughty than the previous one.

If I am not mistaken, the blonde woman isn't a member of 'World council' but she is a descendant of one of the founders, not to mention her husband is a tycoon, he invited me once to this event celebrating his kid's birthday and it was there that I met her, well, to be exact the one invited was my fake persona 'Ottle Clark' which is a somewhat of a word play on my real name, I created that persona as the identity of this super hero form of mine…

*Sigh~ *

I look at the brunette woman.

I never did something like this before, I need to sound confident and I hope I don't screw this.

"First let me say, that I am very happy that everyone here is alright" I said and looked at everyone present then looked back at the brunette who was staring at me with a somehow confused look.

I need to be careful as I might be scaring her in this situation.

"As it is the first time we meet, I am the S ranked super hero Incarnate, and I assure you that no harm will reach you nor your son and of course not anyone else here" I tried to smile when I said this and look gentle and reliable as I forgot that I am wearing my hero suit that also covers my head and face.

"I assure you and everyone here that I will get you back home safe and sound, so please calm your-selves" I took a glance at the expressions that everyone made, I was worried whether I said the right thing or not in this situation, but all I saw were the confused faces that they made.

Even the blonde woman is raising a brow and she is looking impatient. Did I say something wrong?

As if feeling my gaze, the blonde woman showed a sarcastic smile as she said

Blonde woman: "Yes, yes, of course you will take us back, else you wouldn't be worthy of your rank and reputation, would you Mr Ottle?"

But then she changed her expression and looked a bit threatening as she pointed her finger at the brunette woman

Blonde woman: "But I didn't ask you to introduce yourself, I am telling you to show this thing her place!"

*Sigh~ *

"Very well, ma'am, my I know your name?" I asked the brunette woman who raised her guard the moment she heard me.

Brunette woman: "Amy… Lee"

The brunette woman answered hesitating, I can see her son giving me a strange look as if he is about to jump in.

*Sigh~ *

Am I really this scary, or do I seem despicable to them?

To think of all the things I did as a super hero, this is kind of painful.

"Well then, ma'am, this is madame 'Cynthia Bordeaux'" I said as I introduced the blonde woman.

Then I looked at the blonde woman who looked expectant.

"Madame Bordeaux, this is madame 'Amy Lee'" I said introducing the brunette woman.

Cynthia: "What!"

Mrs Cynthia shouted at that moment staring daggers at me, meanwhile, Mrs Amy looked perplexed for a moment then showed a triumphant expression as she looked at Mrs Cynthia and walked away from her, I suppose she was satisfied by that reaction and didn't want to pursue the matter any longer, which is good.

Cynthia: "You! What do you think you are doing? What was that?! Do you understand what you did?!"

"Ma'am, I introduced you as you wanted, I am a super hero first and foremost, there is no difference to me between you two, the only way I would look at you differently, is if you are a villain or a monster, and I don't think that a person of your caliber would like to be called either of those now, would you?" I tried to appear just a bit intimidating as I said that.

Cynthia: "You! How dare you!"

She shouted but didn't say anything else nor did anything but glare at me.

Well, people like her care about their reputations the most and they wouldn't like anyone to besmirch it in anyway, as such my words and attitude might be humiliating to her which probably got me some ire from her, but I should worry about that later.

"Well then, everyone, I would like to hear the last thing you remember before being here" I said as I looked at the somewhat surprised expressions of the people around.