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The adventure in a dystopian land part 9

When I was younger, I was asked "what do you wish to become when you grow up?" a simple question that probably everyone was asked a least one time in their lives, back then there was a series called the Owl, the protagonist was an anti-hero, the kind that wanted vengeance, set on a journey in a corrupt world to kill everyone related to an incident that involved his entire family, the protagonist was if anything not hero material, perhaps evil yet I liked the series, the schemes and the ruthlessness of the characters especially the protagonist, they were something I looked forward to watch, I liked the personality of the protagonist that if asked who is my role model back then I would probably say that is was him, but when dad asked me that question, I said

"I want to be a super hero!"

I didn't hesitate even for a second to answer, it was almost instantly, I remember my father showing a faint smile amused as he heard me say so, my parents are workaholics and quite serious just like a certain agent, that is why it was rare to see them show a smile or laugh, my mother in particular isn't someone who is easy to please…

Anyway, my desire to be a super hero was genuine never did I ever change my mind about becoming a super hero nor hesitate, of course I didn't care or rather I didn't know about the procedures to take in order to get or awaken super powers and then become a super hero, I simply wanted to be a super hero just because of what I saw on media.

Now that I am a super hero, well, I don't regret that wish of mine but my impression on being a super hero might have changed, the responsibility is too great, sometimes one wrong move could mean the loss of many innocent lives, one wrong decision could change the fate of at least one person, being a super hero is full of risks and tiring both physically and mentally especially in my current situation.

- "I helped an old lady cross the street then after that I walked few steps, my surroundings changed to this place… and that is all I remember"

- "I helped a cat get down the tree then a couple minutes later I woke up here"

- "I was a volunteer in a charity work before I was here"

- "I pushed a kid out of harm's way and sometime later I was here"

I listened as each person told me what they last remember, but even after listened to all of them I got no good info to work with,

"Are you sure this is all you remember? Anyone forgot to tell me anything?" I asked hopeful

Unfortunately, some shook their heads while others looked at each other before either saying that they don't remember any other detail or waving their hands in denial.

Arlene: "Is something wrong?"

I looked at Arlene who asked as she approached me, her face is full of concern.

This girl said that the last thing she remembers was going to school with a friend then she saw some kids bullying another kid so she interfered to help but then she found herself here surrounded by people who looked like zombies. But this is strange, so strange in fact I can't understand it, because ever since she started dating Julian Rhodes, they were always seen coming and going together as if trying to mock me… sigh~ what am I saying, this all because of the emotions I hold for this girl.

I look at Arlene carefully, why did she say friend? Could it be she actually came with a friend and not her boyfriend?

Sigh~ what does it even matter? This is neither the place nor the time to think about such matters, right now I need info, more clues so I can bring back these people not to mention I need to find that Sara girl and that little boy, I wonder where they ended up?






Such sounds bellowed around as what seemed like small volcanoes began to form with each boom sound, fountains of mud and dirt shooting towards the sky with each boom.

I raised my vigilance as I made sure to gather everyone behind me, while looking at the ground around of me.


A weird sound suddenly echoed, something was coming, I could not just hear it but also see it, the others might not be able to just yet as it is, they are too far away, but I can see what is coming clearly.

They were big, looked like giant iron wheels with spikes but before I worry about those, I should pay more attention to whatever was moving underground, everyone behind me were noisy and worried, but who can blame them? They probably could tell something bad was going on even if they couldn't tell what, but I can, even if it is underground, I can see it in my current state.

Arlene: 'What is going on?"

Arlene again asked while everyone else were looking at me, their expressions full of hope albeit one is glaring at me obviously still angry about how I 'treated' her earlier, if look at someone could kill that woman would have killed me several times already.


"What a grim day" I say remembering the catch phrase of the Owl series cool protagonist.

Arlene: "Pfft"

Arlene chuckled hearing me say that, the others looked confused at me, somehow this feels a bit embarrassing.

"Something the matter?" I asked trying to sound calm and unaffected by how everyone is looking at me.

Arlene: "You remind me of a friend of mine"

And as usual this girl is the first to answer, why does everyone else seems to be a bit wary of me?

"A friend of yours?" I asked completely unaffected by how the others are looking at me… who am I kidding, why are they wary of me? I am not misreading their expressions, am I?

Arlene: "Yes, the way you said that line, it is the same way my friend used to say it, it is from a series called the Owl, right? come to think of it, he used to fold his arms and say that whenever he was anxious about something just the same you are doing right now"

"Huh?" that answer surprised me, that surely was out of nowhere, who is she talking about?

"Your friend? The one you said you were with before coming here?" I asked just to confirm, perhaps, she is remembering something?

But Arlene shook her head to my question

Arlene: "No, not him, it was my other friend, he was a…"

"He was what? He died or something?" I asked, honestly, I don't care about this friend of hers but as long as I can drive everyone's attention away from thinking about the current situation then that is good.

Arlene: "No! he is alive, it is just that we are not as used to be"

"Not how you used to be?"

Arlene: "We had a dispute, and we are no longer friends I suppose"

"What sort of dispute, if I may ask"

Arlene didn't answer, she swept her hair behind her ear as she looked at me quizzically for a moment as if surprised by my question, well, I suppose I am asking something too personal here.

"Ah… apologies, I suppose I shouldn't have asked that" for a moment there I forgot myself, I am a in my super hero form right now, a savior I may be but I am still a stranger not to mention even if I wasn't in this suit I didn't talk with her for more than two years now.

Arlene: "No, it is alright, it is not that much important of a story"

Arlene shifted her gaze for a moment, her expression was that of someone reminiscing about something, although I might be wrong, maybe she is not sure whether to tell me or not.

Arlene: "Well, we were together visiting an acquaintance, but we were ambushed by harassers, they told him to leave as they separated us and surrounded me… I didn't expect him to save me but I thought he would at least try to… but he run-away"

Somehow that sounds familiar except for that part about running away, if I remember correctly, the both of us were on our way to visit an absent classmate, well, to be precise she had to visit him as it is one of her responsibilities as a good class representative and a member of the student council back then, I was just tagging along until as she said we got ambushed, I didn't run away, instead I got bruised and injured all over as I tried to help her, for some reason I thought it was the best chance to act like a super hero, unfortunately, I didn't get the orb yet back then, and I was injured all over but at least I kept the harassers at bay well in a sense, as they were busy beating me up till help arrived, I recall she was worried and went with me to the hospital…

I wonder whom she is talking about then?

Arlene: "He was weak, I suppose I expected too much from him, strange thing, few days later he invited me and confessed, I thought he would at least apologize but he didn't"

- "Leaving a young lady and running away, what a coward"

- "He was alone against many, while it wasn't a good thing to do but blaming him is wrong"

- "Friends like him are worthless"

I can the people behind me mumbling and commenting, sigh~

This girl, just who is she talking about? It couldn't be our incident, could it?

Details and story don't match, she can't be talking about us, right?

Amy: "Don't be like that sort of person, son, that guy was trash"

And there is that woman again, sigh~, somehow the mood changed but for some reason I feel wronged and irritated.

White haired girl: "Hnngh"

This one is waking up? Or is she dreaming?

Nevertheless, I need to ask this, why is everyone wary of me?

As if I can ask that in this situation, I need to hurry up and get them back home, perhaps they will trust me better then.

"HEY! SUPREME ONE! ISN'T IT ABOUT TIME YOU FACE ME? I KNOW YOU ARE LISTENING FROM SOMEWHERE, ANSWER ME!" I started calling that iron masked man, this thing lasted long enough as is, it is about time for a cool battle where the super hero face off again the super villain and then rescue everyone.

But no answer, sigh~


Iron masked man: ["You still got trials arriving, prove yourself worthy"]

This time the answer came, in his voice but like echoes from everywhere around.


The peoples chatter behind me, Arlene and her story which made me feel displeased and whatever is in this world affecting me, I feel irritated, angry even, I need to vent these emotions.

"FINE! HAVE IT YOUR WAY!" I shouted so before I raised my free arm high and tightened my fist as hard as I can.

I looked down at the ground, my eyes on whatever is moving down below.


I punched the ground with all the strength I could muster currently, well, I say punch, but it is more like harnessing my strength as energy in my fist and releasing it through the ground to hit the target.


A moment later, pillars of dark blue light were shot from the ground successively forming a circle, and from within that circle an explosion erupted that looked trapped within the pillars of light but that wasn't the end as from within the flames a giant mechanical serpent like creature emerged, the people behind me screamed seeing it, it was gigantic, with an iron head and crimson big red eyes, the creature roared before it broke to pieces, my attack was a success.

Now only the yet to come targets are what remains.

I smile, behind my mask, I am not going to let that iron masked man enjoy his plans whatever they are.

He refuses to come then I will show him how I will eradicate his forces easily.

There is still a long distance before they reach here, but I can see them just fine.

Again, I raise my arm but this time towards the horizon, with an open hand, dark blue light shines within my palm, Haha I love this attack.


A torrent of dark blue energy was shot from my hand towards the far distance, like a huge wave towards the incoming enemies.


The targets all were hit at the same time, causing a deafening explosion in the distance that the sound traveled all the way here as a giant black mushroom like smoke could be seen in the distance.

Now that should show that 'Supreme one' not to underestimate me.

Iron masked man: ["Very well, since you want to end this so fast, then we shall do as you want"]

As the voice that echoed again finished, the ground started to rise or rather, it was the space around that seemed to be distorting giving the illusion that the ground was moving till just few moments later the scenery around changed

Iron masked man: "Welcome, super hero to my headquarters"

He was sitting on what seemed like a high throne looking down on everyone