"Everyone back to work now, please. Elizabeth how could did you learn to ride like that?"
"In the woods when I went hunting for food and furs to sell."
"You were hunting?"
"Yes father, couldn't always go hunting when he worked in town. So he taught me on his free time then I went out with friends that helped me bring in food and furs that we could sell."
"Well, there will be no need for that wild activity. You need to get ready for your new day of school."
"I never went to school, all I know is read and write."
"Then how did you learn?"
"My mother taught me. She wanted me to know some education in case I went to school."
"Well at least your not a lost hope come on, let's get you ready."
I put away Thunder and walked back up to the house with my Aunt. She had me try on dresses which were very uncomfortable. I was so used to wearing pants like a guy. I didn't know how to put on girl clothes. With every pair my Aunt pulled out of me, I couldn't ever wear it. Then she finally gave up and let me wear what I always do. If I wanted to keep wearing my clothes I had to go hunting but I didn't know the animals here so that would have to be put on hold. I walked out down the stairs and out the doors to see a weird wagon.
I was hoping to ride Thunder to my new school as I did back at home. We rode through town, the building was so different from home. I climbed out of the fancy wagon to the top to get a better viewed. Many people were beginning to recognize me as the "savage girl". We finally pulled in front of the school. Kids were walking into the school, looking at me weird. My Aunt Edna came out and looked at me, not so happy.
"Elizabeth come down now."
"Yes, Aunt Edna."
I climbed down of the fancy wagon. Hearing people saying "There's the savage girl, my parents told me about." It was beginning to hurt that people only knew me by that name. My Aunt started to walk into the school, so I started to follow her. Many kids passed us to their classrooms. As we walked a familiar voice called out my name.
"Elizabeth. Hey Elizabeth."
I turned to see it was Drew. "Hi, Drew."
"I didn't know you were coming to school."
"Yeah, my Aunt brought me."
"If you're looking for Principle Edwards, he's in his office. I'll show you."
We walked to the Principle office. He greeted us in his office.
"Miss Prescott, Elizabeth doesn't abide by the dress code for girls."
"I know, she just came yesterday and we are getting her used to it."
"Ok, Drew."
"Yes, sir?"
"Elizabeth will be in all your classes."
"Ok, sir."
We walked to our first class. The teacher was still not in class yet. I sat next to Drew since he was the only one I knew in my new school. The teacher came and put the agenda on the blackboard. Many kids sat away from Drew and me. The teacher banged her ruler on the desk.
"Everyone sit normally put the chairs back correctly. We have a new kid, could that new kid come down and introduce itself."
I walked down to the front of the room. The teacher looking at me weird like the other kids.
"Hi, I'm Artemis."
"Your file says Elizabeth, not Artemis.
"Artemis is my real name. My Aunt Edna changed it to Elizabeth. I'm 17. I used to live in Whitetail Creek, south of Jamestown."
"Why are you here?"
"My parents died on Sunday night and my Aunt came to take me in."
"What do you do at your old home."
"Well I rode my horse Thunder, I have him at my Aunt's stable. I always went fishing and hunting."
"So you killed animals?"
"Yes, for food, clothes, and to sell for money during the winter."
"No wonder people call you a savage."
By hearing it 20 times today, I ran out of the classroom and the school. I ran the direction I know, out of the city. To the woods and stopped. I walked to where I came up to a lake and a cave. I made a fire to keep warm. Night fell upon me, I remember all the events of today and when my parents died. How I left Dakota, I haven't even written to him. I laid down and fell asleep. In the middle of the night, I woke up to voices calling my name. Well fake name. I hide behind a boulder in the cave. People came in closer to where I was hiding.
"Artemis I know you're here, come out."
"Mr. Dickens?"
"Why did you run away? Is it the kids?"
"It's everything, My Aunt thinks I'll turn into a Victorian girl in a second. I can't I hunt, fish, ride wild and free."
"Well, when you ran away. I got this letter from a Dakota West."
"Can I have it?"
"Sure." He handles it to me.
"I'll start the fire again."
I open the letter,
"My beautiful Artemis.
Once you left I started this letter. Not one day that passes that I don't stop thinking about you. I wonder if you change, I hope you didn't but if you did I still love you. I got a new horse because my old one got hurt and needed to be put down. She has your spirit, looks like Thunder in a way but she has white marks on her though. I named her Artemis after you, so I would have something to remember you. I'm nowhere in Jamestown but in 5 months I'll be there soon. I know your life must be hard but keep this letter with you. So you can make it through the rough days. I miss you so much, I spend nights with no sleep thinking about you. Dave misses you because we have another horse that needs your help.
But really I think I need you more than the horse does. Dave is concern about my sleep is really, so he gave me a whole month off to visit you when we come into Jamestown. I can't wait for that, because I won't let you that easy like the first time. I have been doing schooling while on the road since I want to impress your Aunt this time and not get yelled at by her when we kissed. I hope you're doing okay with your new life. Write to me please, I wait every day for your first letter. Love your Dakota."
I was crying when I finished the letter. I missed him so much. Mr. Dickens came back with wood.
"I need to go home."
"I knew that letter would change your mind, come child. Thunder is here."
I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Jumped up and rode back to the house as fast as I could.