Back with my Aunt Edna

We got back to my new home, Aunt Edna comes running out of the house. I jump off Thunder, she hugs me tight to her. I didn't hug her back she really didn't care about me. I don't really like her, she made me leave my home where I could of stayed there. She backs up looking at me like she was so happy to see me.

"Why did you run away? I was so worried about you."

"No you weren't, I ran away because everyone called me "the savage girl". I not going to a school that thinks of me or a town. I'm going back home where I belong or find Dakota."


"Stop calling me that! Artemis is my name and use it! My parents gave it to me for a reason."


"Let's go inside Artemis, this is your home now. You can't go back to you're old home."

"Why? Why can't I?!"

"It's destroyed by the people who killed your parents and you mustn't go back."

"Who were they?"

"I can't say. I'm protecting you."

"Yeah, right like you care about me."

I walked off to my room, slammed the door and locked it. I looked through through the books that I brought it see if I found the symbol that they wore on their arm. It was a snake wrapping up their arm. They're called snakers, I wonder if my parents owned money from them. I want looking into them as much as I could. The door unlocks and my Aunt Edna comes in.

"Artemis can we talk?"


"I sent those people to your parents."

"Why! Why you ruined my life!"

"I wanted them to return the money, I thought they stole from me. But turned out it was my one of my close friends who was doing it."

"They never told me that they were dead. I simply asked to bring the money back but they couldn't find it."

"The one and only relative I have kills my parents thinking they stole from you when they didn't. And think I would forgive you. You ruined my life, took my home from me, made me leave Dakota. I could of ran away with him at the merchant shop but I didn't. I will never forgive you. I'll go back to school but I won't make your life any easier."

"You are my niece, living in my house. I didn't have to take you in. I took you in because you remind me of Mary. I thought having you living with me would make her happy that you're safe and in a lifestyle that was for you."

"My lifestyle is in the woods hunting, fishing, and riding. Unless you let me do those things I'll be good. They are stress relievers for me."

"Fine go to bed you have school tomorrow."

"Ugh fine."

I went into my bed and fell asleep. Morning came and I got dressed wearing the feathers of my father and warrior paint on my face. I walked down stairs, my aunt talking to drew's father. He was surprised of what I looked like. Drew thought it was cool.

"You're going to let her out like that? She's disgracing your name."

"I'm not a Prescott. I'm Artemis moon Brookes. How can you say I'm disgracing a name that I don't have."

Drew got into his fancy wagon, Mr. Dickens rode with him, and I rode Thunder to school. The way I wanted to do. We rode through town many people were scared of me. I didn't hear the word savage out of their mouths. I was so happy about that. We came into the front of the school the principle not happy with me.

"Elizabeth Prescott no horses on school grounds."

"The name is Artemis Brookes, sir. My real name not a fake name."

I walked past him, leaving Thunder with Mr. Dickens. Drew and I walked to our first class the one I ran out of. The teacher was surprised that I came back. She gave us our lesson, it was easier than I thought. I was the first one done, so I had extra time to write my first letter to Dakota.

"Dear Dakota,

I have missed you so much. I was crying, well still am crying when I read it every night. I've change in a small way. I'm showing what a "savage" is. Ever since I came to Jamestown thats what I been called from the town people and students. I'm going to school, I hate it but I have to. I had a fight with my Aunt. She killed my parents, she sent a group called the snakers they have a snake tattoo going up their arm. But thats not the point. I only have to stay in school for this year then I'm going to live with you.

I will not stay somewhere I don't belong. I miss you so much and glad you'll be here in 5 months. I'll wait until that day. But I'm afraid you'll be to late, I hear my aunt talking to my newest friend father. I think they want us in a courtship, and want us to go farther to marriage. Come quick, if you have family or friends that is high standard family please live with and see you're a better choice, then my friend Drew. Love your loving Artemis."

"May I ask who that is for?"

"My lover Ma'am."

"You're 17 and where is he?"

"The letter he said he would be here in 5 months didn't give an exact town."

"Very, well." She left.

"Sorry about this but I read the letter and it's true. My father and your Aunt Edna want us to marry but really I like someone else. You're a cool girl i've met but Madeline I love."

"That's great to know, because I've already kissed Dakota before I knew I was coming here."

"Wow, really what is he like? From your letter he's the perfect for you."

"He's a cowboy lives in a traveling rodeo, he makes sure his animals and friends are ok. He's very passionate about what he does. He's is a boy you want as a best friend."

"He sounds great. Is he ever going to come visit you?"

"Yeah, in 5 months."

"Do you know where he is?"


"What's his name? I could fine out for you."

"His name is Dakota West."

"He's my cousin. You're in love with my cousin."

"This is akward."

"No not really, I know where he is. He's in Amarillo."

"I'm going to see him in 2 weeks, I can ask to bring you."

"That'll be great!"

"P.S. Maybe we'll see each other sooner than waiting 5 months. Love you, my Dakota."

School let out, Mr Dickens came with Thunder. I jumped on and Drew follow in his carriage to the my house. As we got to my house we saw Drew's dad and my Aunt talking. They walked closer to us smiling. We looked confused about that, what is wrong with them?

"Drew, Elizabeth we have something to tell you."

"It's Artemis, sir."

"Yes dad?"

"We are going to Amarillo to see your cousin. Artemis is welcome to come and Madeline so Artemis can come to have another friend."