Weeks Later

I had everything packed for Amarillo, Madeline came over the night before so we could leave from my house. The workers loaded our bags into the wagon, Madeline, Drew, and his dad rode in the carriage. I rode Thunder all the way, we stopped for breaks to rest the horses. Sir. Stapleton went to get drinks and food for us while he did that we hanged out by the carriage.

"Artemis, why don't you ever ride in the carriage with us?"

"The reason I don't Madeline is that I'm used to riding Thunder everywhere. Before I came here. And they're too claustrophobic"

"Oh, would you like to try and ride it?"

"No, but thank you though."

"He's a beautiful horse. What's his name?"


"Oh, sorry forgot about that. What type of breed is it?"

"He's a Mustang."

"No wonder he seems wild."

"He's not when you get used to him. Come you can pet him."


"Hold your hand out straight."


"See he's sniffing you. He getting to know your scent."

"Oh, ok. Can I pet him."


She petted him and smiled. We gave him treats waiting for Sir. Stapleton to come back. After a good 10 minutes, he came back.

"Sorry children, it took so long."

"Its fine, dad."

I looked at the food confused. I've never seen food like this before. All of them looked at me weird.

"What's wrong Artemis?" said Sir. Stapleton.

"What is this?"

"It is savory soup, roasted turkey with dressing, corn, fresh roles, sweet pickles, and cakes," said Madeline.

"6 courses of food?"

"Yes, us upper-class people have very high standards of courses of food," said Sir Stapleton.


We have eaten for about 20 minutes before heading to Amarillo. I missed Dakota so much, I couldn't believe I was seeing him. I read his letter along the way to see him. It made me so happy. I thought that he hopefully got my letter before I was coming. What if he moved out of town before we got there? Scenarios ran through my head what could happen. I was thinking so much about him that I didn't realize that we got to the town. We walked into the camp, many people that walked by said hi to us.

We had our servants put up the tents and put our backs in the places where we spending. Drew went to see if Dakota was around. Madeline went looking around the campsite. Sir Stapleton had business he to take care of in town. While everyone went to do their own things I made my tent how I wanted.

Dakota's POV

It was a hot summer day and I been working with my new horse Artemis all day. She's been stubborn but I'm getting around that. I try putting on the saddle on her. But she bucks it off and it lands on the ground. As I continue to put the saddle on I saw my cousin carriage roll into camp. I watch a girl jump out of the carriage that looks like my love Artemis. But why would she be in a carriage she been trying not to become one of them. I gave my horse a break from training, I walked her into her stall.

As I locked the door I heard my cousin,

"Hey Dakota."

"Hey, it's nice seeing you. I didn't think you'll be here until tomorrow."

"We got ahead of schedule school let out a day earlier than planned."

"I think I saw Artemis. Is she here?"

"No, She's still in Jamestown."

"Oh, well I got her letter saying you're engaged to her. So I thought she came to spend time with you. Do you really want to marry her?"

"No, she's a good friend but I like Madeline."

"Who the girl that came out of the carriage with you"

"That is Madeline."

"Oh, she looks like Artemis. I think this hot weather is getting me."

"I got to go help Madeline with her things."

"OK, see you later."


Artemis POV

As I got done putting my things,I sit on my bed and take a breathe. I wished I got done sooner to see if Drew found Dakota. I put on my night clothes then lay on my bed. Thinking if he's really here. I hope he got my letter before I came. I better head to bed now.


I got up early, while everyone was still sleeping. Got dress and went to check on Thunder to give him breakfast and freshwater. I decided to go see Dave. I asked around if the people there saw him. They pointed me to the stables. I walked in and see Dave tending to a horse.

"Hey, Dave."

"Artemis you're here." He came up to me and hugged me.

"How have you been."

"It's been crazy but I've been good."

"That's good."

"Hey Dave where are you?"

Artemis jumps into the hay.

"Dakota I need you to go to the merchant shop in town to pick up supplies."

"Ok. I'll be back by lunch."

He leaves and I come out of hiding. "Is it clear?"

"Yes. I have a horse that need work. Could you help me?"


"It's the mare you worked with awhile back."

"Ok, what's wrong with her?"

"She's in pain again, vet can't figure out why."

"Sure, where is she?"

"Right over here."

I walked over to her pen and saw she gotten bigger than the last time I saw her. I gave her an apple to win her trust back. She ate it and I climbed over the railing into her pen. I touched her stomach to get a feel of what is wrong with her. Everything seemed fine, she was screaming in pain when I touched her stomach. I check her in case there other things were wrong but everything was fine, Her shoes where done, clean coat, fresh food and water.

"I don't see anything wrong, maybe because her foal is about ready to come. Nothing serious, I would check to make sure things are going well."

"Ok thanks Artemis. Want to eat lunch with the others, to catch up with them?"



I was riding into town to get supplies for lunch. My horse seems to be pulling the wagon very well no problems so far. I got to the merchant shop and helped load up the wagon with food. As I loaded it, I stop and see Artemis walking on the other side of the road. I shake my head and to see she wasn't there. The heat could be getting to me again. Once everything was loaded up, I headed back to camp. I got to the cook's tent and unloaded the supplies so he could make lunch. I put my horse back into her stall.