As I got done putting my horse away, i went to go see Dave to see if he need any more help. I went to the main office tent. Dave was sitting at his desk doing paperwork. I knocked on the door and he waves for me to come in.
"Just got back from getting the supplies, cook said he'll have it done in 10 mins."
"Ok, sounds good, see if there anyone who needs help with things if not take a break."
"Sure, Dave."
I walked out of the tent, then headed to see my cousin Drew. He was by the pond skipping rocks. I walked up to him.
" Hey cousin."
"Hey Dakota, how's it going?"
"Nothing much, our cook is making lunch if you want to come."
"I think my dad's cook is doing our meal but thank though."
"Alright. Well lunch for us is about to start so I'll talk to after lunch?"
"Sure. See you later."
I walked back to lunch area, seeing everyone sitting down and talking. Dave isn't here just yet. He'll probably be here soon. All of us are eating and I see Dave walking up with a girl. I looked back and I think I know her, but I couldn't tell.
"Everyone, I have an old friend with us today."
"Hi, some of you might remember me, I'm Artemis."
I looked up in shock, Drew said she wasn't here with him. How could he not tell me! Artemis sat next to Dave and across from me. Everyone talked and ate for about an hour. Cooks and other workers came to and cleaned up the table. I saw artemis walking towards her horse, I ran after her.
She turned around. "Dakota?"
I ran up and hugged her. "I thought you were in Jamestown."
"I had Drew not tell you yet."
"Well you hide yourself really well."
"Yeah I did."
"What are you doing now?"
"Nothing. Why?"
"Let's go for a ride."
I grabbed her hand and walked over to Thunder. He hasn't change that much from the last time I saw him. I helped her up on him and jumped on behind her. We rode off the camp to an area I found a few days ago. It was an opening of a lake showing the mountain range in the back. I got off and she got off, we walked towards the water and sat next to each other.
"How have you been Artemis?"
"I been ok, I don't like my new home. I wish I could leave."
"Why can't you?"
"My Aunt won't let me, she's changing into someone I'm not. Always disgracing my parents' name. The life i had before she came."
"Not good, Im guessing."
"Nope, I should've left with you when you asked me to."
I hold her in my arms as we talk, "That offer still stands. I wasn't joking about you living with me."
"I know, after this trip I'll see what I can do to leave my Aunt house."
I kiss her cheek, "I'm not going to lose you, I'll fight anyone to have you."
As we talked about what's been crazy in her life we watch the sunset on mountain. I didn't want this end. She's been through too much to live with her mean Aunt. I got up and called over Thunder.
"Hey we need to head back to camp, it's getting dark."
We rode back to camp, just in time for dinner. Everyone went off to dinner with other people. I walked up to Dave.
"Dave, can I talk to you?"
"Sure, Dakota. What is it?"
"Is there anyway you can adopt Artemis?"
"Yes, but who ever is relative is her guardian. I can't just take her from her new home."
"The thing is she hates there. Always getting bullied, people calling her a savage."
"I'll look into it, go eat dinner with her."
I walked to my tent with dinner for the both of us. I handed it to her. She didn't look okay,I wonder why.
"Is everything ok?"
"Not really, I don't want to live with my Aunt. She wants me marry Drew but I don't want to."
"Well you can't marry him when you are engaged to someone else."
"Nothing, just eat."
We ate dinner and stayed up laughing about the funny stories of what's been going on during the rodeos shows. It gets late, and too dark for her to walk back to her tent. I changed into nightwear, behind a cover to her privacy and for me. I walked out from behind it and hug her from behind, kissing her neck.
"You need to go to bed."
"Why can't we stay up, Dakota?"
"Because I'm tired and I need sleep, so come to bed with me."
She laid in bed with me, I missed what it was like to have her in my arms. I hugged her tightly as we fell asleep.
Artemis POV
The next morning, I wake up in Dakota's bed but he wasn't there. I get change, and hear him walkabout tent. I come out from the cover to see he had breakfast in his hands. He sets it on the table and comes up and kisses me.
"I let you slept in while I got breakfast."
"When you get done eating, I'll get our horses ready."
"Where are we going?"
"You don't need to worry about it."
He kisses my lips. "Very suspicious."
We got done eating, Dakota had our horses out in front of his tent. We were getting things ready to leave until Sir Stapleton came up to us.
"Miss Prescott!"
"You weren't at lunch, dinner and breakfast this morning."
"I was catching up with friends."
"Come with me now, your Aunt said not to hang out with him."
"Uncle leave her alone."
"You aren't even a member in this family so you have no right to say anything to me. You're even lucky to see Drew when you do. I don't see you spending time with him anyway."
"I hang out with him, you're just not around to see."
"Artemis, come we're leaving this place now."
I break from him grip and jump on Thunder. "Dakota coming?"
I jump on my horse and we race out of the camp. Riding to the lake from yesterday, making sure I had the gift I got her in my pocket and i still was there. If I've lost it I'll die. We got to the lake and catch our breaths. I got off and walked to her side, and looked at her. She got of Thunder.
"Artemis can I ask you something."