"Artemis, can I ask you something?"
"Sure what is it?"
He kneeled down, I wasn't sure why he was kneeling. He moved his hands to his left pocket. I was still confused about what was happening. He pulled out a black velvet box and opened it right in front of me.
"Artemis, will you marry me."
I stood there, in shock. Dakota wanting to marry me. I couldn't comprehend of what was going on.
"Dakota. Yes!"
I hugged him, then he kissed me. He takes my hand and puts the ring on my finger. He lifts up my head to meet his eyes. Leans in to me kiss me slowly. He pulls my waist to him, places his hands on my hips. Moves to my neck, back up to my lips. He looks back at me again. While we stood there in silence, we heard people coming.
Sir Stapleton jumped off his horse.
"Hold their horses, you have caused me enough trouble on this trip."
"Uncle! Leave her alone."
"Why. she's not yours."
"Yes she is."
"No she isn't show me."
He takes my hand and shows him the ring. He got more angry than before, Sir Stapleton take my hand and ripped off the ring off of me. And thrown the ring somewhere. He grabs me and throws me over his horse and jumps on.
"You will never see her. She is marrying Drew and that's final!"
Thunder was freaking out, trying to get me but Sir Stapleton's workers kept holding him back. Dakota trying fighting to get me back. The workers kept him from doing just that. He kicked his horse to run out of sight, back to the camp. While he took me, Dakota stood there shock.
Dakota POV
After Sir Stapleton I went looking for the ring. It took a good while but Thunder found it wedged between rocks. I reached for it and put it back in the box. Got on my horse and raced back to Artemis, I was losing her not again. If I have to do anything to get her back. I rode to the camp to see her in the carriage and workers packing everything up. I saw Dave, and rode over there to him.
"We got a problem."
"What is it?"
"It's Artemis. Come follow me i'll show you."
I showed him what was going on. Dave what's happy with what was happening.
"Get the sheriff, I'll deal with this."
I ride out to town to get the Sheriff as fast as I could go. Dave walked up to Artemis's campsite.
"May I ask what is going on?"
"Nothing is wrong, sir."
"Really I see Artemis tied up, that's child abusement."
"No the kids are playing a game."
"Your on my ground and I will not let this happen."
Dave walked over to the carriage and untied Artemis. Helped her out, he order his workers to get all my thing out of my tent and took it to Dakota's. We head horses coming, it was Dakota and the sheriff.
"I don't like when there is trouble in my town now what's going on?"
"He was child abusing this girl."
"Is that so Sir?"
"Sir Stapleton. And I was not"
"Yes he was sir, I was with my newly fiance at the lake, having a great time. Then he comes forcesly takes me from Dakota saying i had to marry Drew. Then throws me over his horse and ties me up then throws me into the carriage."
"Sir you know I can arrest you right now."
"Sheriff I was not. There are lying!"
"I can show you the marks on me."
"You're safe young girl, Sir Stapleton I'm here to arrest you of child abuse."
"You can't arrest me, I'm Sir Stapleton!"
"Tell it to the judge."
The sheriff take Sir Stapleton away. I saw Dakota and runs up to him. He hugs me tightly and puts my ring back on again. He looks at me.
"I told you I won't lose you again."
"I had no doubt that you were going to come get me."
"Whos going to take us back to Jamestown?" said Drew
"We will, boy."
"Why would my dad hurt Artemis?"
"Because she's my fiance."
"Wait? What?"
"He's going to be my husband."
"What about your aunt?"
"I don't care about what she is going to say."
"Who's going to take us home?"
"Dave and I will take you home. Artemis is going to stay with us."
"You aren't staying?"
"No, my Aunt is mean. And i don't belong there, I rather be here."
"She will try to make you stay."
"Not if Dave and Dakota go to court."
"Artemis that is going to be a long fight, your Aunt is a powerful person."
"Who cares, I don't want to live here anymore."
"Alright we should go have lunch, and forget that this happen."
Everyone walks to their tents, I walk to Thunder jump on him and ride off the camp. We walk through the woods, coming up to the lake and mountain range. We continue walking coming up to the small village we past coming into the town. I motion him to walk down the lake some more, as we were walking I couldn't stop thinking about my life before the screwed up life i have right now. My parents were still alive, I was free and not becoming a civil lady that my Aunt wants me to be. I got off of thunder and sat on the sand. He nudges me, I pet him as a bit.
"What do you think boy? Should we go home?"
He walks circles around me then lays behind me wrapping his neck to put his head on my lap.
"You're not much of a help"
He neighs in response.
"Wish life would go back to normal. Granate I'm glad I have Dakota, but not sure about anything anymore. I love him but am I ready for anything?"
Thunder rubs his head on me.
"Come on boy, lets head back."
I stand up and see Dakota riding up to us.
"Wonder where you went. Is everything ok?"
"Ya, just had to get my head cleared."
"It's more than that, I know you."
"Let's head back to camp, I'm getting hungry."
"I brought food with me, tell me whats wrong."
"I want to go home back to Whitetail Creek, I don't want know my Aunt anymore. Want my parents back."
He come up to me and hugs me tight to him. I wanted to cry but didn't.
"I know the feeling missing your parents, I lost mine to indian raid when they came to my town when I was 8. I moved through my families homes and rebel against them. Soon I was old enough to move out and look for a job. That's when I met Dave, he taught me horses and rodeo. So I stayed ever since."